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1 Message


September 30th, 2019 10:00

Isilon openfiles error while closing an open file in CLI SMB

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to close an openfile in the isilon CLI, opened an excel spreadsheet on my own home drive and ran command below 


isi_for_array isi smb openfiles list -v | grep -A5 "1-7-19"


output after I ran openfile command:

testcluster-z5678-41: Path: C:\ifs\data\testcluster-z5678\Org\Home\H03\test-user1\1-7-19.xls
testcluster-z5678-41: User: test-user1
testcluster-z5678-41: #Locks: 3
testcluster-z5678-41: Permissions: read, write
testcluster-z5678-41: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
testcluster-z5678-41: ID: 153588346


proceeding this command ran command below 

isi smb openfiles close 153588346 --force


output after I ran the openfile close command 

Could not close file '', id=153588346: NERR_FileIdNotFound


Now the file is open on my home drive but why is the server giving an output saying that the output does not exist?  


Would really appreciate your help on this 




1 Rookie


573 Posts

October 9th, 2019 12:00

run command from testcluster-z5678-41 (41st node).


# isi smb openfiles close 153588346 --force


No Events found!
