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April 4th, 2015 07:00

Annoying sound when playing video or audio

I seen a lot of people having the same issue, any solution yet. I use my laptop to Djing. Thing I can do because of that sound. I own a Inspiron N7110 17R with Windows 7 home premium SP1 64 Bit. Can anybody help

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

April 4th, 2015 08:00

same issue, any solution yet.

Hello. There are a lot of different issues that cause noises to occur. If your noise first started around Feb 11, see the top section of the Choppy/Skipping Audio FAQ for the solutions to that particular issue.

2 Posts

April 4th, 2015 14:00

Thank I got rid of all those dell software and the noise is gone, I been playing music and videos for hours and no glitchy annoying sounds

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