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This post is more than 5 years old


6 Posts


October 21st, 2006 20:00

Bluetooth radio not working on 510m

I wanted to enable Bluetooth on my 510m to link to my new PDA but failed to get bluetooth working
Maybe I switched it off in the past - forgot where - no blue light flashing
I am supposed to have an in-built Dell Truemobile 300 Bluetooth card
Am using Windwows XP home SP2
In Bios bluetooth is enabled
Wireless (Fn-F2) is ON (Wifi works fine)
I reinstalled the Dell Bluetooth R82522.exe drivers (no errors)
When right clicking on bluetooth button in the task bar, I tried to enable the radio but got error message "Bluetooth device not found. Please verify that your bluetooth device is properly connected and turned on"
In Device manager there are TWO bluetooth radios: Dell Truemobile bluetooth AND Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator
In Network devices my Bluetooth Personal Area Network has a yellow exclamation mark (code 31)
In USB devices I do NOT see the Dell Truemobile device
In Services I have both Bluetooth Service Widcomm Inc AND Bluetooth support services Microsoft running
Can anyone help?

6 Posts

October 31st, 2006 20:00

dear all,
Just to inform you all that this was likely a hardware failure. Maybe important for someone to know how I found this out.
Dell Tech support recommended to delete all (Dell!) Bluetooth drivers, and install the bluetooth drivers. This did not help. The bluetooth radio could still not be enabled.
I then checked the cable connection of the bluetooth card: for this you have to remove the harddisk first!
After nothing wrong was seen at the cable, Dell Tech Support concluded that it must be a hardware failure.
They are sending me a new bluetooth card.
No Events found!
