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This post is more than 5 years old


August 18th, 2011 10:00

DELL STUDIO 1555 - monitor changes to multicolored with vertical lines

My dell studio 15 laptop recently shocked me with its vibrant colors...Don't know what happened....when i switched on the power  everything went on the right path until the desktop reached...Logged in using the facial recognition...At that time the window seemed normal and started like any other day..But when desktop was showed, the display began to blur.. and finally the screen became multicolored, filled with all kinds of colors and vertical colored blocks of lines ....After sometime, may be 20 mins, the screen becomes normal..I have tried all the trial and error possible solutions..but couldn't find any real solution..I thought the screen would show me the vibjyor only once....But the same happened in the next day when i started it...I have even tried rebooting the system, when this occurs...No use at all....At that time also, the screen appears to be in the same pattern and color changes only and I couldn't read anything on the screen...








Pls help me to identify the problem and a provide me a possible better solution...

3.8K Posts

August 18th, 2011 11:00

Hi Ashams,

Welcome to the Community. Try connecting an external monitor to your system and check if its same. If the display is the same on the external monitor, then its a video card or if your have an integrated video card its a motherboard failure. If it looks fine on the external monitor then it could be a loose flex cable or the LCD itself. Use the below link to reseat your LCD cable and check.

Hope this helps.

Thank you


2 Posts

January 9th, 2013 18:00

Hi I have reseated the screen and have the same problem ??! Does this mean I need to get a new screen. Ps this happened out of the blue the only reason I could see why is heat as was hot. I will try upload picture
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