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June 30th, 2014 22:00

Dell XPS 13 Display Screen Scrambling/Flickering Problem


I bought my Dell XPS 13 laptop (L321X) in December of 2012.  Beginning in the middle of 2013, I began experiencing my display screen suddenly become scrambled. I am attaching a photo of what happens.  I did not think anything of it at first, and honestly it would happen maybe once a month.  I figured it was maybe that I had the laptop on my lap and it was getting overheated.  In any event, I didn't think much of it. 

Since the beginning of this year, I saw that it started doing it more frequently.  Within the last month, it has been happening more and more frequently, to the point that it is disrupting my use of the laptop.  I absolutely LOVE the laptop, with the exception of this one issue.  Can anyone please help me understand what seems to be the issue with the display problem?  

I have not yet tried connecting the laptop to an external monitor to see if the issue is with my video drive or screen.  It's just difficult to attach it to an external monitor in time when the problem starts, because the scrambling goes away within 20-30 seconds.  

1 Attachment

1 Message

September 3rd, 2015 01:00

I never had this issue while I had Win7. After upgrade to Win10 it happens now 7-8 times per day. I do not think it is a hardware issue. Dell has to do something with it.

September 4th, 2015 01:00

Again, the best fix and this works because I can confirm this... You need to completely wipe your hard drive... delete all partitions and do a complete clean install of windows ten. It works flawlessly. My wife's laptop is as good as new. It is some sort of software/driver issue that causes this. Again, just wipe the drive and do an actual clean installation. 

14 Posts

September 18th, 2015 10:00

I have the same model of XPS and encountered the same issue only when I upgraded to Windows 10. No flicker at all with Windows Premium.

I tried reformating and installing anew the OS and, so far, the flicker issue appeared once already for the last 5 days since the reformat. So, I reckon, the reformat and reinstall is not a full proof solution.

Has Dell come up with any official response and solution to this problem?

September 21st, 2015 01:00

I have to ask. When you reformatted did you delete all the partitions on the hard drive? Including the recovery partitions? When I said wipe the drive I mean completely delete every partition, and starting from complete scratch. That has worked for everyone who has had this problem. I was ready to throw the xps in the garbage and buy my wife a new lap top cause shes in grad school and she didn't need those issues, but Completely wiping every partition including the recovery and dell partitions and starting from absolute scratch completely fixed the issue and it has not done it since. 

2 Posts

October 14th, 2015 14:00

I completely cleaned my hard drive, and reinstalled Windows 10.  Not as bad, but still having problems.

1 Message

November 12th, 2015 20:00

I have the same one as this and is now doing it

1 Message

December 18th, 2015 18:00

LCD replacement?  Seriously?  You are an idiot.  It is the intel 3500 graphics driver that updated in the win 10 update.  Unbelievable that you wouldn't know that.

35 Posts

March 6th, 2016 23:00

Well, try to reinstall the DisplayLink Drivers as it might happen that after the upgrading Win7 to Win10 the driver are not compatible with Win10. so try to reinstall the DisplayLink drivers.

Visit this to know more:

Good Luck!!!

19 Posts

March 16th, 2016 20:00

Has anyone figured out a solution to this issue? Reformatting and reinstalling Windows 10 didn't resolve it for me.

One thing that people haven't mentioned yet and that definitely points to a software issue rather than hardware: when the issue occurs, if you hold FN+F1 you can switch to a different display method, and then switch back to the primary method which resolves the issue temporarily.

3 Posts

March 17th, 2016 08:00

I did a complete reinstall of Windows (was on 8.1, actually went back to Win 7) and the problem completely went away. It's been over 6 months now and the problem has not recurred once, whereas prior to reinstall it was happening several times every day.

23 Posts

December 19th, 2016 09:00

Hi all, i have a xps 13 (9333) with the same issue that shows up only when PC goes in standby and the resume. I believe the dock station in the problem, because whe its without dock (d3100) it never happens.

I tired updating all drivers and bios but still happens. any suggestion?

September 13th, 2017 10:00


I had the exact same probem as you all describe.

finally I foud the way to fix it somehow by myself, since no one else help me.

i changed the hertz from 60 to 40

that simple.

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