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December 7th, 2017 06:00

Dell XPS 13 - Random reboot / windows crash

so i got my brand new Dell XP 13 on Tuesday.

yesterday it randomly rebooted 4 times, today it has done it once so far.

what happens is that i'm using the laptop, browsing web, watching online videos and the laptop will just power off and then back on again, i'll get the "windows didn't load correctly" message.

i choose "restart PC" and it'll be fine until it does it again.
windows 10 is fully updated.
i'm running it on native resolution 3200x1800 with 175% scaling.

edit - it actually just did it for second time today whilst typing this post.

it's a Dell XPS 13 9360 QHD+ touch.

do i have a faulty unit? or is there something else going on here?

December 9th, 2017 04:00

yep it's exactly as you've described.

it would happen most often when i'm watching videos or web browsing, the screen would suddenly go black and the system would shut down, then I would be presented with that 'it looks like windows didn't load correctly' message.

I did a bit more research, apparently this issue only seems to affect those that purchased a system from october onwards, could be a bad batch? many people have issued a replacement only to be given a system with the same problem. some people have asked for a replacement with a different network adapter, or have updated the killer network drivers with some success, but it doesn't seem to work for everyone. seems like rolling back on the BIOS is the only real fix for now. i've just updated all network and chipset drivers on v2.3.1 BIOS so we'll see how that goes.

It's pretty ridiculous that dell haven't recognised it as an issue, hope they release a fix as soon as possible.

96 Posts

December 10th, 2017 08:00

so far so good

96 Posts

December 10th, 2017 09:00

haven't tried any USB devices as yet (would only be USB sticks anyway) and don't have any thunderbolt.

yes you have to suspend of turn off bitlocker first, i didn't have a suspend option so just turned it off.

I downgraded to v2.2.1 first (which didn't fix the problem) then further down to v2.1.0

2 Posts

December 10th, 2017 09:00

Do you have the 8th Gen i7 CPU? if yes is the laptop stable with 2.1.0?

Incase this helps,

I am facing the same issue on 2.3.1 and i found this error in the system logs right before the power off occurs.

"Session "RtcPalVideoEtwSession" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000022"

within milliseconds of this happening, a critical error registers as "Kernel-Power" and the laptop resets.

December 10th, 2017 09:00

was planning to connect to external monitor through thunderbolt to hdmi adaptor let's hope it works

yeah mine only lets me turn bitlocker off too, I'll have to do that, hope dell fixes this soon thanks so much for the help!

December 10th, 2017 09:00

updating all drivers and reinstalling windows did nothing, looks like I'm rolling back.

have you notices any bugs on v2.1.0? some people have mentioned it has caused random disconnects of usb and thunderbolt devices?

also how did you go about downloading the previous version of the BIOS? did you completely shut off bitlocker and install the previous versions one at a time?

thanks a lot for your help!

96 Posts

December 10th, 2017 12:00

Yes I do.

V2.1.0 is stable for what I am using it for.

I don't have any thunderbolt devices and the only USB device I'll use is a usb stick occasionally so I can't say if it'll be stable for anyone else.

2 Posts

December 10th, 2017 23:00

Okay thanks, will give it a shot today

4 Operator


6.4K Posts

December 11th, 2017 07:00

" I downgraded to v2.2.1 first (which didn't fix the problem) then further down to v2.1.0 "


Thanks for the update and sharing your findings for others to see and be a help to them.

96 Posts

December 12th, 2017 12:00

i see Dell have just released a new BIOS version 2.4.2


Updated the handling of physical presence checks in firmware.

Updated the handling of pre-boot authentication information by firmware.

Updated UEFI variable input validation.

Updated the handling of 3rd party Option ROM loading.

Updated SPI flash command configuration settings.


Optimize CPU loading to Improve EE noise.

December 12th, 2017 13:00

sounds promising, have you had a chance to download and test it? wondering whether to go up after just after downgrading to v2.1.0 to see if there's any improvement

2 Posts

December 12th, 2017 15:00

That's what I've been wondering as well. If someone can test this update, do let us know. I can't test until my finals are done.

5 Posts

December 14th, 2017 00:00

Has anyone tried new bios 2.4.2? Are laptops still reboots after upgrade?

I have 2.2.1 bios version and i have 3 reboots in 2 days, but next 2 days it works with no rebbots only on battery.

What causes the reboots? Is it happens only if you run on battery?

96 Posts

December 14th, 2017 00:00

you should be using  v2.1.0 not v2.2.1.

and i haven't tried v2.4.2 yet.

96 Posts

December 14th, 2017 01:00

i bought mine 2 weeks ago and it shipped with v2.3.0

i see your thread has 1 person saying 2.4.2 is fine and 1 person saying 2.4.2 is not fine.

why didn't you downgrade to v2.1.0 which doesn't have any issues with reboots?

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