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March 21st, 2012 08:00

Dell XPS 13 TrackPad Issues after Driver Update

After updating my XPS 13 Ultrabook's Cypress drivers to the newest drivers released yesterday on the Dell Support Downloads page, all gestures (Though still enabled) have stopped working. The trackpad itself still seems to work fine after the driver update, but no gestures work any longer. They all worked right before the update.

I've tried the normal set of enable/disable, reboot, update. But has anyone else had this problem or know how to resolve?


61 Posts

November 3rd, 2012 07:00

U were wrong. Now you can go without.

14 Posts

November 3rd, 2012 07:00

The trackpad works fine for me now with the driver GermanGS recommends above. Sure, I'd be interested to try your driver if I knew more about it, but the internet is chockablock with viruses, so asking people to download a file just based on your word is not going to work, no matter how much time and effort you put into it.

3 Posts

November 3rd, 2012 07:00

You've got to understand that how you presented your driver and gave virtually no information on it other than "it's the best ever" it comes across as really suspect. If people are using it and you want to help others point us to these forums and give us some other information. The Internet is full of jerks trying to get people to install malware on their machines  for the purpose of getting our banking information and bleeding us dry and everyone is rightfully going to protect themselves. The fact that you then said "fine!  I'm taking my toys and leaving" makes you even more suspect to me.  I say take your toys and go. We will be fine. Don't blame us for being suspicious and trying to protect ourselves.

6 Posts

December 19th, 2012 14:00

How can you trust that this link is safe and malware free??

2 Posts

December 22nd, 2012 12:00

Hi All:

I just purchased an xps 13 and took it out of the box last night. Within the first few minutes I knew that this trackpad was more than just a little difficult. The capacitive layer is not consistent -- I can never tell if I am going to be able to scroll or not. The gestures come and go based on the drivers installed. The cursor jumps around, causing windows and form elements to lose focus in the middle of a task. I updated to the latest version of the drivers, etc, but no love. A user should not have to work this hard to get basic functionality out of their laptop.

After spending three hours and a chat with customer support, I closed the lid and put the xps back in the box. I am returning it as soon as possible. This laptop is so seriously flawed I cannot believe Dell actually tries to sell it.

I loathe the Apple culture, but I'm afraid that Dell has left me no choice -- it's MBA time.

10 Posts

December 22nd, 2012 13:00

Indeed, return it as soon as you can! Don't let them convince you to keep it like they did me and I have been in computer hell since...

2 Posts

December 27th, 2012 06:00

All credit to Dell. After waiting on hold for an hour -- not a bad hold time during Christmas -- I got a Dell rep who paid for shipping and expedited the return. I'm impressed with the customer service. I recall having a similar issue with Lenovo once, and that turned into a nightmare that lasted over three weeks and involved numerous "reset" calls to various customer service agents, none of whom would provide identification or any confirmation of the actions they supposedly took. After my experience with Lenovo, I'll never purchase another one of their products and I STRENUOUSLY warn any and all who will listen to avoid Lenovo like the plague. After this experience with Dell, I'd be happy to take another look at the XPS line when the touchpad issues are resolved.

10 Posts

December 27th, 2012 14:00

That's good to hear...I doubt you would be as happy if you had missed the return deadline like I did...

Dell is trying to technician said: "just be patient, Apple had issues too when they came out with the MacBook Air..."

Umm, not so much! I don't need comparisons to make me feel better nor did I buy a $1,000 computer in order to be Dell's guinea pig...

I did find that the trackpad is better under Win8 and latest driver...although still erratic and unstable it is working most of the time with all functions...still annoying around certain forms and frames in windows.

January 10th, 2013 15:00

Try this new driver.

6 Posts

January 11th, 2013 09:00

I did update to the newest the driver...  still losing the cursor throughout sessions...

January 11th, 2013 09:00

I am not exactly sure what you are saying by losing the cursor.  My guess is that you are saying that your cursor is getting moved without you moving it.  If that is the case, I had that symptom and turned off "Tap to click". 


With the latest driver from a couple days ago, you do this by double clicking the touchpad icon that is in the notification area by the clock; click Sensitivity; click Tapping; uncheck "Tap to click"; click "Save"


I have several of these laptops that my employees use.  Everyone has been very happy with them as long as "Tap to click" is off.

10 Posts

January 11th, 2013 12:00

I think losing the cursor means the cursor does not respond to movements on the trackpad when moving between fields or windows - the cursor gets "lost." This is something I have encountered all throughout all my XPS13 drivers and experiences - difference with WIN 8 is that pressing the ESC once "releases" the cursor so the trackpad continues to control it...I know, weird but it works...Dell doesn't like that I found a way around this bug and keeps urging me to reinstall, install and all that crap to make it work- I am tired of having to back up all my stuff and doing the work that Dell should of done to test this laptop before selling it....

6 Posts

January 11th, 2013 13:00

When i say 'lose the cursor' it means that if i stop typing it feels as if the screen flashes and there is no more cursor.  i have to point and click to reposition the cursor where i had stopped... it even happens while typing at times... it has been like this since i got the xps in March.... :-(

I thought is was my internet connection at first, i even upgraded it to faster speed, without improvement....  I updated the driver, but it is still happening.....  from what i'm reading here, i'm not the only one with similar issues..

January 11th, 2013 14:00

Since I installed the latest driver everything has been working fine. There's a mouse setting that makes the cursor disappear when your start typing. Is this what you're experiencing? The screen flashing could indicate the another application is running and taking control of the cursor. Try running as another user (create a new user) or in safe mode. Does the same thing happen if you use a mouse? Open the task manager and see if something starts running when this happens.

1 Message

January 16th, 2013 04:00


My workmates and I have the same problem, since we've got the XPS13. In the meanwhile we are very upset. Everytime I use the TrackPad, and want to type (emails, in forums and boards, a.s.o...) I loose the (let's call it) "focus", the window isn't active anymore and I need to click in the text box again, to continue writing. This is really annoying and makes it almoust impossible to work.... 

It is not caused by an other software or whatever.. because then not everyone would have this problem....

Is there a solution already???



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