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This post is more than 5 years old



5 Posts


October 3rd, 2008 19:00

E4200 Review

Well, no backlit keyboard (at least for a few more weeks). Looks like they pulled that option.

Otherwise, it is much faster overall than my old D420, but it still has a few bugs:


The Bad:

  • The touchpad no longer supports forward and back commands
  • The TPM module states it will allow you to log back into a "locked" windows login session, but it does not
  • The volume buttons are on the bezel now and do not recognize constant pressure (you must press them once per volume step)
  • My USB ports are very stiff, but not a big problem
  • The 6 cell battery weighs more than the laptop (!) - it's still VERY light
  • The keyboard is much stiffer - read: louder

The Good:

  • Did I say this was fast? I picked the 64GB 2nd gen SSD
  • Much better display
  • Much better auto-dimming of display
  • Most Dell programs have been improved
  • Many more features (subtle, but noticible)
  • Size, layout, general design - all much better

I'll write more later if this forum supports this type of write-up.

5 Posts

October 4th, 2008 09:00

Please do give us more details.  The forums do support longer write-ups.  Thanks.


In particular, can you test the Latitude On feature?  Did you receive it?  What is your configuration?  Can you tell what SSD is being used?  Also, if you ordered this with the 4-Cell battery, are you able to weigh the entire unit sans the power supply?  There may be a considerable difference in what is Dell's advertised weight vs. the actual weight in a usable configuration. 

5 Posts

October 4th, 2008 16:00



TPM module is now letting me get back into my Windows session with just a single finger swipe (as did my D420) - I didn't change any settings, it just fixed itself.


I've had a few glitches like this since I received the laptop. Nothing major, just a few lockups here and there (nothing more than normal for someone loading new programs and copying their data from one machine to another. BTW, I'm running XP Pro, not Vista.

I expect new drivers to be released in the future as problems are noticed. Still, it is a wonderful machine.


I'm very happy with the SSD drive. As I mentioned in my initial post, I went with the faster 64GB SSD. I haven't performed and quantitative speed tests, but it's much, much quicker than my D420.


I picked up the 6 cell. The battery life is roughly:

5.5 hours - light use (email, web surfing, etc.)

4 hours - medium use (watching movies)

2.5 hours - 100% utilization (massive data crunching)

*It's about twice the life of my old D420


It weighs very little. I can provide actual weight come Monday, but I'd assume it's as spec'd. I believe it is a full pound lighter than my D420 w/ extended battery.


The Dell On is nice - I think it only allows me to link it to Outlook, but it gives you a decent Bios-like interface so you can check email, calendar and contacts. Very quick and useful :)

Message Edited by cohibafan on 10-04-2008 10:08 AM

5 Posts

October 4th, 2008 16:00

Would appreciate the actual weight on Monday since we can't trust the manufacturer to tell us what the actual weight is, if you know what I mean!  They tend to understate such trivial matters. :)



My D430 is quite heavy for an ultraportable with the standard battery but it does last over 3 hours with WiFi on under Vista using the 'Dell Recommended' power settings.

5 Posts

October 6th, 2008 13:00

Well, my battery estimates are conservative. I usually run with BT, wireless and a bright backlight. Could you stretch the E4200 out to 7 hours using a 6 cell.. maybe.


Anyway, here are the specs on the weight (calibrated digital scale):

  • Laptop - 1lb 13.6oz
  • 6 Cell Battery - 13.3oz
  • Laptop and 6 cell - 2lb 11oz


5 Posts

October 6th, 2008 13:00

Holy Mother of All that's...Holy!  That is simply amazing!  Thank you!


Unbelievable that the laptop is so light with a SIX-Cell.  I can't imagine what it would be with a four-cell!

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