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This post is more than 5 years old



January 2nd, 2016 15:00

Inspiron 3537 won’t wake-up from sleep with lid closed

Dell 3537, BIOS A08, WIN10 (like many other similar models) won’t wake-up from sleep with lid closed!

I tried everything possible…

It is OK if I go to sleep with the lid open, not OK if I go to sleep with lid closed.

I don’t have this problem with a newer Dell 7537; unfortunately 3537 is out of warranty.

Dell support suggests spending more money in support for something they should fix from start!

This is a BIOS problem, last version A08 from 2014 is not fixing this issue...


Dell please fix this annoying problem, I will not buy Dell anymore, unless they decide to fix this bug!

5.2K Posts

January 2nd, 2016 20:00

This is not possible with many laptops from all OEMs. It is NOT an error and no BIOS update will make it happen. Many have tried to do this, without success. Some OEMs had some laptops that could be set for this. Changing the option in the Windows power section to put the laptop to sleep when the cover is closed to "Do Nothing" does not work for Dell laptops. This is a Microsoft option in Windows that most OEMs do not support. The easy answer is to use a small piece of something to prop the top open enough to keep the laptop on. The hard way is to go inside the cover and defeat the magnetically activated circuity.

I tried to get this to happen years ago, and could find no one that had been successful.

10 Posts

January 11th, 2016 19:00


I have to contradict you , this feature actually works with most laptops , including Dell.

Has nothing to do with Microsoft.

I had a older Dell E1705 and I have a newer Dell 7537 where this  is working as expected ( you can wake-up from USB going to sleep with lid closed).

This can be 100% fixed  with a "not buggy" BIOS , but Dell has no intention, is a shame...

Your solution to keep lid open , is no solution.

But I did found a small trick , that will completely removed the lid action!

As everything is OK going to Sleep  with lid open, disabling the lid action is doing the trick for what I need.

I found out how to disable lid action in another site , copied here:

Here are the steps:

  1. Open Device Manager (search it in the Start menu).
  2. In "System devices" find "ACPI lid".
  3. Open "ACPI lid" properties, and go to the "Driver" tab.
  4. Select "Update driver".
  5. Choose "Browse my computer for driver software" and "Let me pick.."
  6. Uncheck "Show compatible hardware".
  7. In "Manufacturer" select "(Standard system devices)", or in Windows 8, choose Microsoft as the manufacturer - different place, but the hack still works (at least in the 64bit Release Preview)
  8. For model, select "Volume manager".
  9. Restart the system and it works!

Keep in mid , this will replace the "ACPI lid"  in  "System devices" with "Volume manager" that has no effect and you will need to manually switch displays if you need to use the laptop display (can do this with  Windows Key + P).

The lid driver can be switched  back to his normal mode , just by scanning for hardware changes in Device Manger.  

Dell should read and take some action regarding  customers complains here, before being too late!


10 Posts

January 12th, 2016 11:00


Sorry for confusion.

This scheme to disable the Lid driver works only for some of models, is not working for Inspiron  3537.

Can be used only to avoid display driver switching when lid is closed.

In the faulty model wake-up still doesn't work. The Lid close switch  is still turning off USB power, even if the option to wake-up from USB is set in BIOS. I did not tried yet to have the external keyboard through a USB hub with external power supply, this maybe another work around.

Dell fix the BIOS or issue a recall for the models having this problem.

10 Posts

January 22nd, 2016 20:00

Just to know …

A USB hub with external power supply fixed this problem.


I don’t understand why Dell is destroying his reputation with such poor support.

In this case for sure they are aware that lid close will turn power off in all the USB ports (for this and other models) and the solution can be an easy fix.

Instead they are trying to charge you $120 just to check your laptop, for something wrong in their side!

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