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This post is more than 5 years old


March 1st, 2012 23:00

Inspiron 6400/E1505 sound problem with Windows 8


I have just installed win 8 consumer preview on my old  inspiron 6400/E1505 with sigma tel audio STAC 92XX C-Major HD Audio.


The problem is this audio device doesn't have a driver for win 7, and the win vista driver is not compatible with win 8.


I was wonder if any body can help finding a driver that can run in win 8.


By the way, win 8 runs really well on this machine (except for the sound problem) even better than win 7!



4 Operator


13.6K Posts

March 2nd, 2012 05:00

The problem is this audio device doesn't have a driver for win 7, and the win vista driver is not compatible with win 8.

Instructions for installing the Vista driver (R171788) into 7 are in section 8 of the Audio Driver FAQ. The instructions work with the XP driver (R171789) also which has stereo mix. Let me know if the method works with 8 and I will amend the FAQ.

3 Posts

March 2nd, 2012 08:00


I tried R171788 in compatibilty mode for both vista and 7, but it didn't help.

R171789 was not able to run at all.

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

March 2nd, 2012 10:00

Hmm. If 8 is going to have audio driver compatibility issues it will be as about as popular as Vista was. Does it mot have a native HD audio driver ? Maybe it just has not yet been included, but even if it is eventually it will almost certainly lack some of the functions of the manufacturers drivers.

7 Technologist


16K Posts

March 17th, 2013 18:00

I just tested the system including media direct on Windows 8 Professional x86 and a trial product key, everything is working quite well.

I used the Intel Update Utility and then installed the Ricoh Card Reader Driver (from the Vista 32 bit) also the Quickset Driver from the 32 bit.

The Video was obtained from Windows Update (integrated Video).

The Synaptics Touchpad Driver Direct from Synaptics works aswell as the native one.

I used the Bluetooth 380 driver but the driver in Windows 8 natively works aswell.

Audio sounds just fine on the native audio driver.



The only issue is this version of Quickset doesn't work with the Metro interface, i.e. there will be no onscreen icons when a metro app is open... The Windows 8 compatible Quickset installers say incompatible system.

The Inspiron 6400 works fine otherwise.

1 Message

April 23rd, 2014 08:00

I need your help please I just install it on my (Dell Inspiron 6400) Every thing is going freat except the Touchpad..! It's not working at ALL..! you said : "The Synaptics Touchpad Driver Direct from Synaptics works aswell as the native one." would you please send the driver here

7 Technologist


16K Posts

April 23rd, 2014 11:00

Dell have a few Windows 8 Synaptics drivers which you may try see here:

I advise taking the latest version and seeing if it works, if not revert to an older version. I have not managed to test them all.

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