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This post is more than 5 years old


4 Posts


December 2nd, 2008 06:00

Looking for DVD Sata driver for Latitude E5500

I'm still using the good ol' Norton Ghost '03 for individual imaging purposes. 

I work for a school district that uses primarily Dell desktops and laptops. 

When imaging, all I do is create an image on a bootable CD or DVD and image the desktop or laptop.

When the Optiplex 745 came out, I hit a snag.  It would not boot my Ghost Image because the 745's switched over to SATA DVD drives.  I searched for a universal driver but without any luck.  Then, I discovered that I could switch to legacy support in the bios and all was well, it booted to the Ghost Image like a champ.

Now onto my new dilemma, the new Latitude E5500.

The E5500 has a completely new bios and I do not see the ability to load legacy support within the SATA operations section.  I've looked all over the bios and I'm positive there's nothing there.  So now I have to go back to finding a DVD SATA driver so can create a new bootable Ghost Image. 

Anybody else here in the same situation as I am?

Any suggestions or links to a DOS DVD SATA driver would be greatly appreciated.  Also, if I'm overlooking anything in the bios or some sort of trick, please let me know.

Thanks in advance for your help guys.


2 Posts

February 6th, 2009 01:00


I've the same research.

Have you found it or someone else can help?


2 Posts

February 6th, 2009 01:00


1 Message

March 3rd, 2009 03:00


If it helps, I imaged to the E5500 from a Ghostcast v7.5 server using netbootdisk 6.4 on the laptop (

In my case I had to run an xp repair install so had to download the Intel Matrix Storage drivers ( on to a USB floppy disk and load the first option I had.  FYI, I also had to disable COM port, network card and parralel ports in BIOS as I was getting BSOD during the xp setup.  Just re-enable them after XP is repaired/installed.



1.6K Posts

March 3rd, 2009 04:00

BartPE ( will solve your problem.


3 Posts

March 19th, 2009 14:00

Can you elaborate? 

I am also experiencing the same issue with Ghost 8.3.  I created a Network boot CD via the ghost boot wizard that contains the drivers for the Netextreme 57xx NIC card which is what the E5500 comes with.  It also produced negative results.  I am new to the whole Ghost environment but I believe one could probably make a bootable CD using Netbookdisk and adding Ghost.exe to the CD but I do not know how.  Has any one else been able to do so?

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