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This post is more than 5 years old


April 9th, 2016 06:00

Missing storage in C drive all of a sudden

Have a Dell N5040. Comes with 500 G in storage. A few days ago, checked C drive storage capacity and it says 96.8. So suddenly I am missing a little more the 400 G. Any ideas why and how to fix.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

April 9th, 2016 11:00

A "500 GByte" drive is about 465 binary gigabytes to Windows -- that's because the drive makers quote in decimal (1G = 10^9 bytes) while the OS calculates in binary (1G = 2 ^30 bytes).  What does the 96.8 mean?  Percent?  And is it 400G you're missing, or 400 megs?

4 Posts

April 9th, 2016 14:00

Missing 400 gig

4 Posts

April 9th, 2016 14:00


96.8 is gig,

Not percent

2K Posts

April 10th, 2016 00:00


Did you create a different partition during OS installation or anytime after within windows? If yes, did that partition contain any data?

Check if the missing 400 GB shows up in disk management - - see this link for more info.

If the missing GB shows up as unallocated disk space - then create a new partition as per - - and it should show up in windows explorer.

If the partition shows up with some data but does not show any drive letter - then right click on the partition and assign a drive letter and it should show up in windows. 

Keep us updated.

4 Posts

April 10th, 2016 05:00

Getting closer to problem of 400 GB missing from my C drive suddenly. Found another petition. Called Alchemy. Has 483 GB capacity, no files in it. Tried shrinking it by 200GB. It shrunk and that 200 in now in "unallocated space". I need to move that space to C where I show only 97 KG. Disk manager does not allow me to enlarge C. Thoughts most appreciated.

2K Posts

April 13th, 2016 13:00


The entire hard drive is one physical drive however, for our convenience, we can separate them into several logical drives. The C: is the root and primary partition. You would not be able to directly add unallocated space to it. You would need to extend the 200 GB volume with the unallocated space. When it becomes the 400GB drive, then you would need to delete that volume and it would become one unallocated space and then you could extend that to the C: and have it as one drive only.

Optimal Solution: Keep the C: as it is. Create a new simple volume on the unallocated space. So, there will be 3 drives in total and you could use them to organize and store data accordingly.

Let us know if you have any other queries.

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