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November 23rd, 2012 14:00

New Dell XPS 15 SSD cache acceleration feature is not enabled by default - crashes if enabled

Hi Dell Community,

I need to share what happened to me as a Dell customer so that other people don't go through the same experience:

I've got a new Dell XPS 15 four days ago. I need to say that this has been the most ANNOYING and FRUSTRATING experience I've ever had with a new computer so far. The reason is: I've been having a lot of issues with its internal mSSD drive. The model I ordered has a regular 1TB hard disk and a 128 SSD.

I was quite surprised to discover that the Intel Rapid Storage Technology (that allow faster data access by using the SSD as cache) is not enabled by default. I tried to enable it but no success. An "unknown error" message box showed up when I attempted to do so. That was really strange, considering that the only thing that I've done so far in my computer was installing MS Office and Google Chrome.

I contacted the tech support three days ago and I was told to reset my computer to factory default and try again. After a long wait for system restoration I enabled the acceleration mode in the Intel Rapid Storage software. Everything proceeded according to expected, but when I rebooted my computer it failed to detect any bootable device. I can't even access the system restoration by pressing F8 during initialization now. I asked for the tech support to help me with this new issue and we couldn't solve the problem, even after 5 hours trying.

This is indeed a very frustrating experience - especially when we consider that this shouldn't be happening in a premium $1,999 model. Also, shouldn't this KEY feature (caching with SSD) be enabled out of the box?

I must say that I am a very patient customer. For instance, I'm waiting for a 3rd contact from the tech support to solve this issue. By the time I'm writing this review, they are 30 minutes late from our previously scheduled time.
I'm still willing to solve this issue, but after 4 days of frustration from this computer I find it hard to recommend this machine to anyone else. Before all these issues happened I was considering tell my family and friends about the sleek design from the new XPS series. But unfortunately Dell has presented me a somewhat amateur software/hardware setup that causes an error to show up as soon as I get the computer and enable SSD cache acceleration by Intel Rapid Storage Technology.

I can't use my computer 4 days after getting it. Such problem doesn't seem to bother Dell! They are aware of my problem and keep postponing any position towards my situation!

The only thing I can think of now is: ask for a refund and return this computer to Dell. I'll be better with any other more competent brand. I feel like other companies could be able to send me a computer that really works out of the box with no annoyances and no need to spend so much time with tech support.

24 Posts

November 30th, 2012 10:00

I just want to confirm the issue that is described above by Renatonm. I too have a brand new XPS 15 with the regular 1TB hard disk and a 128 SSD. Experienced the same problems and the "unknown error" message trying to enable acceleration. When I contacted Dell support, we spent 3 hours trying a number things including updating the Rapid Storage Technology Driver. All that did was make the "Accererate" tab disappear entirely. Dell suggested that I reinstall the OS on the SSD drive - my response was no they needed to fix the problem as this was a brand new high-end XPS in a pristine state - allI did was update the BIOS to version A12 and apply some Microsoft updates.

At that point, Delll support said tha a number of customers were experiencing the problem and that there would be a new driver released December 17th. They sais they will be in touch - I am skeptical.

At this point my computer still functions - just slowly. i suspect that RST was not enabled by default for areason. very frustrating and disappointing.

Is this a common problem wih this configuration - any other suggestions to fix this?

6 Posts

December 1st, 2012 21:00

That's exactly what happened with my laptop. The only thing I did before trying to enable Intel Rapid Storage was to update the BIOS. And then I got the exact same error.

In my case I spent almost 3 entire days until I got the problem solved. I had to perform a factory reset (which is not enough, since the reset image only applies to C: drive) and then Dell tech support took control of my computer by remote assistance and performed the rest. They basically had to update the drivers for both Intel Rapid Storage and Rapid Start, deassign and reassign the cache partition on Intel Rapid Storage software,  force disk manager to create a hibernation partition on the 55GB left on SATA and then I got everything working. But this is not the kind of procedure I would expect to perform on a brand new computer.

I'm pretty sure Dell is aware of this problem but they basically seem not to care about selling an non-optimized system (hoping people simply don't notice this issue).

This is a very disrespectful attitude Dell takes towards their customers. I'm glad I had my problem solved, but I found it quite disrespectful of them to make their customers go through thousands of annoyances with a new computer. In my opinion this is just wrong!

There should be no such a thing as a common problem in a pristine state laptop, and that is exactly what Dell is selling people...

Oh! I forgot to mention a very important part: They only cared about providing me a faster support after mentioning that I was willing to return my laptop and ask for a refund. My problem was solved 20 minutes after that.  

24 Posts

December 2nd, 2012 12:00

Thanks for the update Renatonm. I'm glad that you finally got your machine working. Would you be willing to share a case number (or any other reference or information) that I can provide Delll support with so they can fix my laptop? At this point they are just telling me to wait until an updated version of the Rapid Storage Technology Driver comes out later in December.

6 Posts

December 2nd, 2012 13:00

As for the cache size, 64 GB is far more than enough for me. This is the maximum allowed by the Rapid Storage Software by Intel...

6 Posts

December 2nd, 2012 13:00

Hi P Gould.

You do understand how absurd is Dell requesting you to wait for them to fix a broken product they sold you, right?

Anyways, here is my Service Request Number: <ADMIN NOTE: service request number removed per privacy policy> . Hope it helps!

105 Posts

December 2nd, 2012 13:00

Do you want to use a 128 GB SSD as a cache? You can install Windows in a 128 GB SSD. I had understand that SSD cache was only usable in a 32 or maximum 64 GB cache.

24 Posts

December 2nd, 2012 18:00


Yes I could install windows on a 128GB SSD. I have done it a couple of times on older laptops. I have an older xps 15 (L502x) with a 180gb ssd and the original 750gb hdd installed now in what was originally the optical drive bay - works amazing.

However with the new L521x I don't feel I should have to totally rebuild the machine to take advantage of what is supposed to work from the factory. That is the issue and the fact that Dell support won't, can't fix it is the frustrating part.

24 Posts

December 2nd, 2012 18:00

Hi Renatonm

Looks like Dell won't even let us share service request numbers. Yes I do understand how absurd it it is.

64GB of cache is fien for me as well.

24 Posts

December 8th, 2012 13:00

Thought I would give a what I hope is a final update. After another 3 hours with tech support I was told it was likely a hardware issue and was offered the option of either a repair to the existing machine or a new replacement. I opted for the new replacement which arrived 3 days later. Fist thing I did once Windows was set up was to check whether the cache was enabled - lo and behold it enabled from the start. See the following screenshot. I am now working through all the windows and driver updates - but I will hold off on any updates to the RST or fast start drivers.  :emotion-1:


6 Posts

December 8th, 2012 14:00


Thanks for the update. I was wondering how did you end up solving your case...

Now I'm worried about the fact that my laptop might be broken as well. I had the exact same issues you had, but no one from the tech support mentioned hardware failure. Should I ask for a replacement?

24 Posts

December 9th, 2012 09:00


I would be asking myself the same question. In my case however, we never got close to solving the problem. Everything the tech tried seemed to move us further away. The tech seemed to be generally following the process you described above but we got to a point where no matter what we did (and I was executing command line processes in the pre-boot process) we could not get the machine to boot with the SATA mode in the BIOS set to Intel RST.

My own opinion on this technology is that it is "fragile" and there are a lot of reasons it can fail. A lot of components at the hardware, chip set, system BIOS, and O/S must work together successfully. It is also new (at least in the way it configured on these notebooks with the SSD used as a cache for the HDD) and not well understood by technical support (especially in combo with windows 8).

So maybe my machine actually had a hardware problem. I will never know for sure. Or maybe we didn't do the right things. I was just getting fed up.

My thoughts on your case - if it is working on your machine and you have no other problems - I'd stick with what you have (there is always the risk the replacement  wil be a lemon). I'm assuming you went for a decent warranty. You would also likely have a tough time talking Dell into a replacement. Aside from this issue I really like the XPS (though it is a bit on the heavy side).

BTW - how much cache did you config the SSD to use. As mine came from the factory it appears to be set to use only 22GB. The system is fast and I don't really want to play with it. Gives me more space on the SSD to use for other stuff and when you think about it 22GB is a lot of space for stuff you are using a lot.

1 Message

February 15th, 2013 19:00

I am also a victim of Dell, i got this XPS 15 brand new, only mine was the $1799 version, with 750GB and 30GB SSD, with NOTHING installed, i restarted the system and it had problem getting past POST, after getting this fixed TWICE, the computer had a problem with Intel rapid Start Technology, this took about another 1 and a half weeks to fix. Then the computer worked perfectly, for 2 days, that is, and i had a HARDDRIVE failure, i mean seriously dell? this time, i had to ship the computer back to dell, waited for about 1 week, finally i got it back. the computer now works fine, but the performance has gone down dramatically, i used to be able to start up in sub 30s, now im around 2 minutes, i feel like im using $400 computer. i looked around the computer, and realized that dell managed to swap out my SSD, my previous SAMSUNG 32 is now replaced my the LITEON LMT-32l2M, now im not a computer geek, but i can only assume Dell has managed to replace me a SSD that has a lower performance level than the previous one, which is outrageous! also the acceleration was not enabled, can someone tell me if the acceleration was supposed to be enabled? and will that solve my slow start up problem? thank you

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