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This post is more than 5 years old



September 26th, 2007 09:00

Vostro 1700 - black screen on startup

When I received my Vostro 1700, I had to connect it to the mains before I could see the Dell boot screen. The battery was fully charged. Sometimes, I was able to boot normaly on battery power and when the screen remained black, I had to connect to the mains in order to get a working screen. A week later I got a black screen even when connected to the mains. I know the backlight is ok because when using the Fn+Up or Fn+DOWN keys, I kan see the screen going darker and brighter from the light leakage. So now I havne to use Ctrl-Alt-Delete during the boot sequence until I get the Dell boot screen. I've run the diagnostics but nothing was found. Is there any sollution to this problem?

15 Posts

September 27th, 2007 07:00

Sounds like a power capacitor is shot on the main board.  If the computer has integrated video, then the board will need to be repaired or replaced.  If it has a video daughter board, that can be swapped out.  Also, the delicate cables to the lcd can become damaged.  The reason you can still see anything is because the backlight is still working, and is a circuit independent of anything else.
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