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This post is more than 5 years old



31 Posts


August 4th, 2004 04:00

doom 3 benchmarks on 9100 with 64mb mobility 9700

Here are some benchmarks with my notebook in doom3. I have a Dell Inspiron 9100 with 2.8 ghz P4, I gb of ram, and the 64mb flavor of the mobility 9700:

43.5 fps 800x600 MED noAA/noAF
34 fps 800x600 MED noAA/8xAF
25.7 fps 800x600 MED 2xAA/8xAF
40 fps 800x600 HIGH noAA/noAF
28.5 fps 1024x768 MED noAA/noAF

For each of the above I ran demo1 3 times and took average of last 2 runs. This is with the cat 4.9 betas. I have the 9700 overclocked to 513/304. I imagine the 9100s and XPSs that have a 3.4 ghz p4 and a 128mb mobility 9700 will score significantly better. Anyone in here with this setup and doom3?

Doom 3 looks great on 9100 and runs smooth as silk. I'm quite pleased with the performance of the mobility 9700 but I'm looking forward to upgrading to the mobility 9800 (w/256mb).

10 Posts

August 4th, 2004 07:00

I would love post test results but I cant get DOOM 3 to run on my XPS laptop with Mobility 9700 128meg. Crashes everytime !!! I installed omega drivers and still crashing even worse if thats possible...

4 Posts

August 4th, 2004 10:00

Two guys at the office with me have bought an Inspiron 9100 with 128 Mb mobility 9700 card. On both of our machines, Doom 3 crashes as well. I've updated everything on my machine, including the BIOS, sound drivers, video drivers, etc. Nothing works on either of our machines. Doom plays for about 30 seconds to 2 minutes and crashes. The 9700 mobility radeon driver on the dell support site is out of date, since ATI released updates to its drivers constantly, and the driver date upon install is December of 2003. ATI's website won't let me install anything since they state I have to receive the driver update through Dell. If anyone at Dell is reading this, if Doom 3 doesn't run, LOTS of people will be pretty upset, including me.

243 Posts

August 4th, 2004 11:00

it runs ok on my 5150 with the 5200 64mb , i had to overclock some though

13 Posts

August 4th, 2004 12:00

I am experiencing troubles stepping out of the base into Mars, where I have some dark polygons getting splooshed on my screen. I can make out a few objects here and there by looking at the floor. But, it's not fun when you are experiencing a certain lack of oxygen !!! I believe I need new drivers to fix the issue. Please let me know if you or anyone you know has experienced similar issues with bad polygons in the outer Mars area.

For you guys out there having issues with crashing, try the new ATI Catalyst 4,9 Beta drivers.


My framerate wasn't great on average. Although it is still enjoyable most of the time.

Using demo1, (after running it about twice on each setting)

I received 23.9 fps on Medium Quality / 640 x 480 / NoAA (the defaults provided by the game)

21.4 on Medium Quality / 800 x 600 / NoAA

19.1 on Med / 800 x 600 / 2xAA

19.8 on Med / 640 x 480 / 2xAA


The following links may prove useful to apply a few tweaks if you get it up and running:

31 Posts

August 4th, 2004 13:00


I do not see the problem you see while outside but I do not have same setup.

I see no increase in framerate on the 9700 (at 800x600 noAA/noAF) when I changed the cache to 256mb but I have 1 gb of ram. I will try AA and AF and look at the impact.

I truly think the fix for mobility cards is more related to cat 4.9 beta drivers. I did not try Doom 3 on other drivers so I can not confirm this.


10 Posts

August 4th, 2004 19:00

UPDATE for XPS laptop and Mobility9700  : I re-installed the omega drivers and now its working great and ready for me to start testing. So far no crashes and average about 40 FPS at 1024x768 at medium settings. Tip - when installing omega drivers set everything to STANDARD and all should be good.

August 4th, 2004 19:00

I also have an Inspiron 9100 (3.2 Ghz, 1GB RAM, RADEON 9700 128MB). Doom 3 crashes all the time, mainly on the cut scenes for some reason. I sometimes get a log file saying "The driver for the display device got stuck in an infinite loop. This usually indicates a problem with the device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Please check with your display device vendor for any driver updates." I have been in contact with Dell Support, I guess we will see what they do. I am glad I am not the only one seeing this problem. Dell had better get their act together especially when it comes to dealing with people who don't get their daily dose of DOOM!

1 Message

August 4th, 2004 19:00

I have a Dell Inspiron XPS notebook with:

3.4 GHz Proc, 512 MB RAM, 60 GB 7200RPM Hard drive, ATI Mobility 9700. AND DOOM 3.

I also have my virtual memory set to 3062 MB wth a max of 4096 MB max.

In Doom 3 i experience the aforementioned crashing... Anywhere from 10 seconds to about 2 minutes of play the XPS will lock up. And hard. i have to hold the power for 8 seconds. It has been upsetting. I have read the forums and read about the ATI Catalyst 4.9 Beta Drivers - of which i have downloaded.. on a 56K line! and i can't install them! What gives? if anyone could help me i'd appreciate it.

I have turned every option off or down or to no. i have it on the lowest possible video quality and ratio. it still crashes. i have tried tweaking them like crazy, but nothing.

Does anyone have advice or tweaking help? thanks alot.

4 Posts

August 4th, 2004 20:00

You have almost the same set up as I do.....

This fixed it for me:


August 4th, 2004 20:00

I saw that thread a little earlier and am going to try it out tonight. Hope it works! What Doom 3 video settings do you been using?

10 Posts

August 4th, 2004 21:00

The Catalyst drivers from ATI will not work on XPS laptop only the Dell branded drivers work or the drivers from will work. After installing omega drivers Doom ran like a champ and currently running as I type this...

1 Message

August 4th, 2004 21:00

I have the omega driver and DOOM 3 is running fine on my iXPS, 1G RAM, 7200 rpm hard drive, 128 Mg video.  Game resolution 1280 x 1024.  Although I will change the resolution later to the next size smaller.

31 Posts

August 4th, 2004 23:00

1280x1024? What fps are you getting? Is this at low, medium, or high settings? Do you have a 3.4 in your XPS?

To do a timedemo press crtl+alt+~ and at console type: timedemo demo1.


21 Posts

August 6th, 2004 12:00


only 1280x1024? Playing with 1600x1200, 8xAA and 16xAF everything on ultra high with app 80FPS! Now I'm selling used frames, 1$ for one frame, need some? There must be something wrong with your system I think...


timedemo 1 41,9 FPS 1024x768, Settings High, changed AF with .ini to 0, shadows disabled

I have a 9100 with 3,0 GHz 1GB Ram, 9700 with 128 MB

4 Posts

August 6th, 2004 12:00

Any tweaks done to the config file? Maybe it's the 1GB of RAM that's doing it for ya....




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