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This post is more than 5 years old



May 13th, 2018 08:00

Latitude 7480 Remote Desktop problems


I have a problem with a Dell 7480. It is a new company laptop so something may have got pushed down update wise as well to cause this issue over the past few days. The issue is I use Remote Desktop to connect up to an external address on the internet to access labs for study. This was working fine on the machine last week while I was away in Germany. Once I came home to Ireland the issues started. I would connect up to the remote desktop session as usual and login to the desktop of the server. Once I would get the screen it would then disappear ; RD session just vanishes/disconnects. I am now away again in Germany and the exact same thing is happening still. The remote vendor says nobody only myself is having the issues as I was thinking they may have something changed to cause this. Would anyone have any ideas what this could be ?





4 Operator


14K Posts

May 13th, 2018 20:00

If the servers you are connecting to show a login screen before you even enter credentials, rather than prompting you to enter credentials before the remote desktop session even displays, then they are using a very old security protocol that hasn’t been the default since Windows XP / Server 2003. It’s possible that a recent Windows update on your system, or Group Policy push onto it, has disabled using that old security protocol.

4 Operator


4K Posts

April 27th, 2020 03:00

Using Remote Desktop the remote screen turns black right after login and you have no control. The issue appears to be caused by Screen Caching and accessing a system with different display resolution or RDP window sizes.

The Solution(s)

• While logged in and stuck on the black screen of death
1. Press CTRL+ALT+END, or CTRL+ALT+FN+END on laptops. This calls Task Manager and in most cases you’ll immediately see the Desktop.

2. If only Task Manager but no Desktop appears try running Explorer from Task Manager: File > New Task > Explorer.exe

• Try connecting at a different resolution.
• Access the remote computers Computer Management or Services MMC and cycle the Remote virtual Desktop Services service.
• Update display drivers, both on the connecting machine and on the machine you are connecting too.

1. Some users are experiencing this with Nvidia GPUs. The Geforce Experience program has a "Share" feature aka "shadow play"; when enabled some people experience the problem. Try to disable it, restart and see if it helps.
2. Check the display settings at the remote host and see if there is a phantom monitor present. Might need to change which monitor is the primary one

• Start a new RDP client on your desktop but BEFORE you click CONNECT, click the SHOW OPTIONS link, click the DISPLAY tab and set the DISPLAY CONFIGURATION to a low resolution like 640×480.
• Try turning off Fast Startup
• This feature only works when you do a SHUTDOWN and then Boot. It doesn't effect a RESTART.
• Go to Control panel, Power Options and select Choose What the Power Buttons Do on the left.
• Then select Change Settings That are Currently Unavailable near the top center of screen...
• Lower down on the window, uncheck Fast Startup.


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