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December 4th, 2008 07:00

E228wfp shuts down every ten minutes



In late August I purchased an E228wfp.  Everything worked fine.  Now every 10 minutes the monitor goes black and I have to power it back up using the power button.


I'm using it on a ATI Radeon x1550 video card.  All Drivers are updated.  Video card is working fine.


I assume it's still under warranty.  What can I do to get it replaced or fixed?





December 4th, 2008 10:00

Hey Jose,

I'm having the same problem with the same monitor bought at the same time.  It appears to be heat-related.  If I turn the monitor off and let it cool down, the monitor will work normally.  But, I'm having a hard time finding out what the warranty period is on the monitor.

December 4th, 2008 11:00

I did an internet search.  The problem is fairly common.  I'm going to call Dell and get an answer on the warranty.  I'll post it here.





December 5th, 2008 23:00

After talking to tech support I was able to get a new monitor which arrived today.



5 Posts

December 7th, 2008 03:00

Jose, how you get Dell to send a replacement? I have the same problem. I still believe I'm in warranty. I take care of my computers. They don't suffer from dust, heat, power surges and those that spilled their coffee.

This monitor is less then a year old but despite trying everything typical to make it display on other computers both laptops and tower units, this monitor will display the Dell logo, then two seconds of our main MS XP-Pro screen then goes dark. It worked fine for the majority of the year, just one day, went dark. The monitor and computer systems here are on APC lines for stable voltage. Drivers are up to date and we even tried safe mode. We can press the power button off and then press it on to see our main screen and icons for two seconds. We do auto-detect.

If you push the power button to off, then push it to on, you get the normal green light and another two seconds of our main screen or the dell menu screen displayed. Then it goes dark and stays dark. Just to be safe that we were getting a correct signal and the VGA cable was correct, we took another E22 and followed the same process without issue. The replacement E22 worked fine along with three other E22's, but this one fails every test. Pehaps I can post a video of this. It may aid Dell if there is a problem with this series of E22wfp.

December 7th, 2008 07:00

You have a backlight problem. That's what I had.


You have to speak to a senior technician.  He/She is the only one who can authorize a refund.  Convince the senior technician that you know what you are talking about and tell him that it's the backlight.  Stay on the phone for as long as it takes.





5 Posts

December 11th, 2008 12:00

Jose, Do re-call what number you dialed? Compter voices with a happy tone. The support people are overseas and of no help.

I seem to be going around in circles of this E22. Dell from my experience is digging a hole that they will fall into. All I want to do, is put this E22 monitor back in it's box; tag a note saying it is defective; replace with the same model that works. I was told that this has a warrenty life of three years. Not sure if that is true.

Thanks again,


December 11th, 2008 12:00

After about an hour I realized that tech support is there to solve problems so that you won't ask for a refund.  So I hung up with tech support.  Called customer service.  Told them directly that I was already through tech support and it didn't help.  They had my tech session already in the computer.  I then said again very directly that now all I want is to exchange it.  Customer service transfered me to a senior technician.  I told the senior technician the same things.  I also said that it was specifically a bad backlight and he granted the refund.


Just use the keyword "backlight" problem.  There's nothing that they can do to fix it over the phone so per the warranty you get an exchange.





December 13th, 2008 08:00

It took me a whole afternoon and three technicians, but I got a replacement monitor, which arrived in less than 24 hours.  Once I put the monitor on a different computer and experienced the same problem, they accepted that the monitor was faulty.  If only I had done that before I called the first time. 

Now I have to think up a new screen name...


MyScreenIsNolongerBlack  (This may take some time)

6 Posts

January 4th, 2009 14:00

I just want to thank you for all of this. I too purchased the E228wfp monitor in August of 2008. Starting yesterday it suddenly blanked out and only came on for two seconds when I pushed the power  button on the monitor. Twice I called Dell. The first time they just had me disconnect and reconnect everything, and the monitor worked fine for almost a day and I turned it on yesterday and the problem started again. I contacted Dell again and this time they asked me  to disconnect and reconnect and set the monitor back to factory settings. Now is fine for the time being - only has been a few hours. One more time and I will use the backlight advice. thanks again and I'm so glad that it seems to be the monitor and not the system.

5 Posts

January 5th, 2009 07:00

At least I had one success in this adventure. Following Jose's consol, I gave up on tech support and went through customer service. It went fairly well after endless transfers to some people trying to speak English. The final result is my defective E22wfp was shipped back to Dell in the original box that the replacement E22 came via Dell and FED-EX.

The replacement E22 wasn't a new product, but a refurbished E22 monitor. It was tagged with the decal; "refurbished" So far, the current E22 replacement is running fine. Dell's support did come through at the end. In all these years my experience with NEC, Viewsonic and Cornerstone, I never had a monitor die on me.



6 Posts

January 5th, 2009 16:00

was it new or refurbished? as i sit on hold for the third time trying to reach tech support I am hoping you can tell me what number you called to get this accomplished. thanks

January 5th, 2009 17:00

My monitor was new.  My replacement is Refurbished but seems to be working fine for now.


I called the customer service number for Dell in the US, but clearly i was speaking to India or Pakistan. 


The buzz word is "bad backlight".  They can't fix that and it makes it sound like you know what you're talking about.:emotion-2:

6 Posts

January 5th, 2009 18:00

thanks again! After a GRUELING hour I just  got off the phone with tech support and finally am getting a new monitor. I mentioned backlight and also told them there's a forum on the Dell site about this and it's a known issue, and that I am not the only one with the same faulty monitor. They kept me on hold forever. I was also asked me to run a test from the boot menu to make sure it wasn't the motherboard. Why couldn't they just do that the first time..did they really think that disconnecting and reconnecting the monitor and setting everything to factory settings was going to resolve a problem they probably already know about? I also asked the agent twice if I was getting a new or refurbished monitor and he said new. Then his supervisor got on the phone and I asked the question again and she said they couldn't guarantee a new one and it might be refurbished.  I don't think it's fair we paid full price to get ours new and they are giving us refurbished ones but hopefully the replacement will work! If it doesn't I'll certainly post it here.

6 Posts

January 8th, 2009 17:00

got another question for you..did you have to return the defective monitor? I got the replacement today but the accompanying sheet of paper says no part return required. I'd have thought they would like their monitor back. thanks!

3 Posts

January 10th, 2009 13:00

I just spent eight hours of my life trying to tell the Dell "techs" about my similar issue. I despise these folks.

Finally a supervisor said they would send me a refurb, but I am demanding a new monitor. I paid full price for a new monitor and expect a new replacement monitor.

BTW - I also got my monitor in August, like the rest of you.

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