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January 20th, 2021 16:00

U4919DW, PBP mode, resolution


I am looking at the U4919DW monitor, and I have a question about it.

I currently have a U3415W right now, and I use two PCs with it.  I am not thrilled with the PBP modes; both Aspect Ratio and Full present 3440x1440 to the attached PCs, but distort the image in different ways - neither of which is pleasant to work in.

What I'd like to know is whether the U4919DW, when in PBP mode, does it operate as the 3415 does and still tells both attached PCs that it's 5120x1440, or is there a mode in which it presents a 2560x1440 display to each side, so the attached PCs can format & scale appropriately?

4 Operator


14K Posts

January 20th, 2021 18:00

@voxorg  When the U4919DW is in PBP mode, it presents itself as a 2560x1440 display to each source.  I don't really see how it could work any other way.  If it continued to present itself as a 5120x1440 display with a 32:9 aspect ratio, there's no way that would scale gracefully to a 16:9 physical space on the PBP tile area of the display.  Presenting itself to sources as a 2560x1440 display also makes that display usable with a broader range of systems that might be able to run 2560x1440 but would not be able to run 5120x1440.  And for reference, Dell's 42-43" 4K displays have a quad PBP mode where it presents itself as a 1920x1080 display to each of 4 separate source devices.

The U3415W is a different animal since it's a 21:9 aspect ratio display, not 32:9.  Cutting that display in half would result in dual 1720x1440 tiles, which doesn't seem optimal at all for a productivity setup since that's not even as wide as regular 1080p.  And the U3415W's manual on specifically indicates that you have the option of PBP Aspect Ratio, where the image is displayed in correct proportion but letterboxed, or "PBP Full", where the diagram indicates that the image fills the display area but is stretched vertically.  By comparison, the corresponding section of the U4919DW manual only shows a single PBP mode with the diagram indicating that the entire display area is filled without any stretching.

2 Posts

January 20th, 2021 18:00

Thanks for the info.  My only reference for a Dell large monitor like this is my current one, and my view of the PBP modes for it is that they don't - to use your words - scale gracefully.

4 Operator


14K Posts

January 20th, 2021 19:00

@voxorg  Happy to help.  I've never tried PBP on a "regular" ultrawide, but the U4919DW's even wider aspect ratio (super-ultrawide?) definitely makes that a more practical solution. Enjoy!

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