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This post is more than 5 years old


July 23rd, 2005 11:00

VGA or DVI connection - which is best?

I recently purchased a Dell 4700 with 1704FPT UltraSharp Plat Panel Monitor. It can be connected with either a VGA or DVI cable. Which one is best to use?

4.8K Posts

July 23rd, 2005 12:00


Either connection will give you excellent image quality and video response.  You will not be able to see a difference using either connector.  In theory, the DVI connection transfers data from your computer to the screen faster than the analog connection because the signal does not have to be converted to digital format for display on your digital LCD. 


12 Posts

July 25th, 2005 19:00

Actually, DVI will be noticably clearer with text than VGA. This is because DVI translates each pixel to the screen digitally and has a specific value for each pixel, whereas VGA (D-SUB) does not. I can tell a big difference in text between the DVI and DSUB on my 2005FPW.

47 Posts

July 27th, 2005 01:00

DVIs advantage is that it is an all digital transmission meathod. DVI may look slightly better but it may be hard to see with typical sources.
DVI is capable of processing large amounts of data at high speed, which is one reason for its success. High-bandwidth content like HDTV, and high-resolution display devices are becoming more popular and have outgrown current technology.
DVI is always "better" than analog-to-digital (D-Sub 15), because there's no need for converting and stuff.


Message Edited by schon_gut on 07-26-2005 09:18 PM

July 27th, 2005 13:00

IMO, DVI offers a significant improvement in image quality, especially at higher resolutions. Many people say they don't notice a difference, but consider all of the people who look at HD TV and say they don't notice a difference over standard. If you have both, there's no reason not to use DVI. Even if you don't notice a difference, it's not going to look any worse, and the improvements may be subtle, less eyestrain perhaps, due to the increase in clarity and sharpness?
just my $.02
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