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1 Rookie


34 Posts


May 4th, 2023 10:00

Creating a multi lines Directive with Powershell

Networker Server 19.3

I am trying to create a Directive with multiple lines from a Powershell script

For example, I'd like it to contain the following lines:

<< "c:\temp" >>
skip: *

<< / >>
+compressasm: .

I had partial success, I created a txt file (directive.txt) with the following content:

create type: NSR directive; name:SkipTemp;directive: << "\"c:\\temp"\" >> "skip: *"

I then called it from powershell like this:

cmd.exe /c "nsradmin -i .\src\directive.txt"

It worked, the directive was created, however everything in the directive is on a single line, I need to script a directive with 10 lines and not sure how to achieve it.

Any advice will be appreciated!


May 4th, 2023 12:00

Your directive.txt does not show here that it contains even multiple entries, it only states one? On a Linux NW server I'd add a directive via an input file similarly. My input file contains enters at the end of each line.

As you can see I leave out various quotes that you use.

However I don't ever work from Windows. Only Linux backup servers.

user@server:~> cat test_directive.nsri
create type: NSR directive;
name: test;
comment: "test directive";
directive: \
"<< \"E:\\\" >>
+skip: *.*
<< \"F:\\\" >>
+skip: *.*
<< \"G:\\\" >>
+skip: *.*
<< \"H:\\\" >>
+skip: *.*
<< \"I:\\\" >>
+skip: *.*";
user@server:~> nsradmin -i test_directive.nsri
created resource id
user@server:~> nsradmin
NetWorker administration program.
Use the "help" command for help, "visual" for full-screen mode.
nsradmin> . type:nsr directive;name:test
Current query set
nsradmin> pr
type: NSR directive;
name: test;
comment: test directive;
directive: \
"<< \"E:\\\" >>
+skip: *.*
<< \"F:\\\" >>
+skip: *.*
<< \"G:\\\" >>
+skip: *.*
<< \"H:\\\" >>
+skip: *.*
<< \"I:\\\" >>
+skip: *.*";
restricted data zone: ;
nsradmin> q


1 Rookie


34 Posts

May 4th, 2023 12:00

I found the answer, the directive.txt need to contain the following (with an empty new line at the very end):

create type: NSR directive; name:SkipTemp2;directive:"
<< \"c:\\temp\" >>
skip: *

<< / >>
+compressasm: .

1 Rookie


34 Posts

May 4th, 2023 14:00

That worked like a charm, thank you !!

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