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This post is more than 5 years old


December 19th, 2013 05:00

NW 8.1 No Indexes on Clients that are Virtual Network Names


     I recently setup clients for NW 8.1 on virtual network names for SQL clusters.   They are backing up successfully however they are not indexing the backups under the VNN like I thought they would.  The options on the group are not set to "No index save."  Am I missing something?

23 Posts

December 23rd, 2013 22:00

Are you using VDI or NMM snapshot backups? Not sure if this is still true for 8.1, but in 8.0.x with NMM 2.4 you had to specify a virtual name in the save command field with the -A switch in order to populate the correct client index:

nsrsqlsv -A [virtualhostname]

"No index save" has nothing to do with this.

14.3K Posts

December 24th, 2013 04:00

I agree with previous entry - your problem most likely comes from wrong configuration where all requirements for proper cluster backup configuration were not followed.

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