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February 28th, 2017 01:00

Unable to setup direct save with server networkerprod: no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools.

Hi Experts,

I am using 8.2 Networker on Windows. I am experiencing issue with incremenatal backup.

Its a totally new setup. I have created a AFTD directory on same networker server.

I created one full backup schedule and its running fine. I have created 2 directories

One for full and one for incremental on aftd that are my devices.

Full pool was already there so i just mentioned target pool for full and created one incremental pool and mentioned

newly created adhoc on group and target as one of the AFTD device.

Full backup runs fine while running adhoc backup that is incremental i am getting below error.

98519:save: Unable to setup direct save with server networkerprod: no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools.

90095:save: Cannot open save session with 'networkerprod': no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools

11390:nsrd: no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools

94693:save: The backup of save set 'F:\msdia80.dll' failed.

--- Job Indications ---

networkerprod:F:\msdia80.dll: retried 1 times.

Please help.

2.4K Posts

March 6th, 2017 05:00

Finally some useful details ... however, the most important report is missing. Please run:

     mminfo -q "family=disk" -r "volume,pool"

And I bet that you have labeled both volumes for the same FULL pool.

As I mentioned earlier - devices are not so important - it is the pool that matters.

Why? - because you simply may swap drives:

  - not so logical for disks ;-) but yes, in fact you can

  - very useful for tape drives (in a library NW will just take one that is available)

However, if you select a single device for a pool you restrict NW to exclusive use this device. The consequence is that there is now way out and NW must issue an error or request additional devices/media from the appropriate pool.

So my suggestion is once again:

- Define 2 different label templates

       - one for each pool

       - That improves identification later

     BTW - if you label the media manually, you can override the template and assign whatever label you want ...

- Define 2 pools     where you only select by levels

       FULL - for level 'full'

       INCR - for levels 'incr' & '9'

- Label each disk media to one of these pools

      Do NOT select 'device' right now. Just believe me - it will work without it!

      Do not make it to complicated.

- You also move your clients from the group 'adhoc' to another group'.

      In NW terminology an ad-hoc backup is a manual backup (save), not a group backup (savegrp).

      Just adopt to the right terminology as early as possible - it will make your life easier.

- Run both groups and verify where the data will be sent to.

February 28th, 2017 02:00

Hi Hargyan,

did you select the related group in the pool?



2.4K Posts

February 28th, 2017 03:00

Let me guess that you have mis-pooled. Unfortunately I cannot be more precise as we do not know your pool settings.

In guess that the issue is with the client file index backup: if you run an incr data backup, the index itself will be backed up with level 9. Assuming you have specified the 'full' pool for the level 'full' and your 'incr' pool to accept 'incr' backups yo have no pool which will accept level 9 backups.

The easiest way would be to also allow level 9 backups for the 'incr' pool.

1 Rookie


37 Posts

February 28th, 2017 07:00


Hi Bingo,

I created one more pool  in which i mentioned lvl9 backup for index. I could see  levle 9 index is getting successful however, incremental backup is still failing. Now i have 3 pool i for full in which full and index group selected. 1 for incremenetal in which only incremental and last one for Lvl9.

problem is only with the incremental schedule. full is getting suceessful.

One file was there it was never backedup earlier so it took the first time full backup that went to incremental pool another whose backup needs to be taken incremental got failed.

98519:save: Unable to setup direct save with server networkerprod: no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools.

90095:save: Cannot open save session with 'networkerprod': no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools

11390:nsrd: no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools

94693:save: The backup of save set 'F:\msdia80.dll' failed.

--- Job Indications ---

networkerprod:F:\msdia80.dll: retried 1 times.

1 Rookie


37 Posts

February 28th, 2017 09:00


Its a new setup.

1:- nsrserverhost is already there.

2) :- No only incremental level backup is failing. Full backup is running fine.

3)Yes it is..

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 28th, 2017 09:00


On NMC please check below settings:

1. properties of the client being backed --> global 2 of 2 tab--> storage node field should contain the name of the storage node from the target backup pool

2. If only index is failing, make sure the group is selected in the target pool properties on NMC and the properties of the client resource for the networker server on NMC,

3. Make sure your storage node is in a ready state and the devices are properly mounted


5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 28th, 2017 13:00


From the pool settings , please remove incr checkbox and also please perform the same on the pool FULL (remove the checkbox for FULL)

Set the backup level using the schedule at client / group level

Test the backup of this incr group to :

1. the full pool (daily_full)

2. to the incr pool (daily_incr)

Confirm if this is a pool issue

In the above tests please leave the selection for levels unchecked and just make sure the pool has the group name checked

Test the backup to confirm if issue is with the pool or the saveset or client

Is this a cluster or standalone client?

And are all incr backups for all clients affected ?


2.4K Posts

February 28th, 2017 14:00

Please familiarize with pools. Each represents a top-down filter. The sequence is as follows:

1. Group(s)

2. Client(s)

3. Save Set(s)

4. Level(s)

As you see, levels have the lowest priority. Consequently, if you have specified a group (which your screenshot does not show), it might be that your save stream is lead to a pool where later the level will not match.

Obviously, you only want to filter by levels. In this case, you must only set the level(s) for a pool. No groups.

Also, if possible, I recommend not to use devices. Just labeling the media to the appropriate pool is enough.

Remember: The pool Default has no device selected ... and you cannot even change it. But  backups will end here.

1 Rookie


37 Posts

February 28th, 2017 20:00

adhoc group.JPG.jpgDevices.JPG.jpgFilesystem_full_Success.JPG.jpgGroup.JPG.jpgLevel.JPG.jpgpool1.JPG.jpgpool2.JPG.jpg

1 Rookie


37 Posts

February 28th, 2017 20:00

Its still getting failed.

Please find the zip file with all the details.

1 Rookie


37 Posts

February 28th, 2017 20:00

Screenshot's sequence might be here and there.

Weekly i.e full is getting successful without any issue. Its a standalone server not in cluster.

I have removed full and incr from pool as well.Now schedule is only on group.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

March 1st, 2017 07:00


Now that you have removed the levels checkbox from both pools, are you able to backup the group "Adhoc" to the pool Networker_Full.

(You are trying to isolate if it has anything to do with the target pool)

In above test you are trying to save INCR data to Pool Networker_Full


2.4K Posts

March 1st, 2017 10:00

Your pool Daily_Incr looks weird because what you selected now is only the group.

This means that all backups started by the group Adhoc will end here. No matter which level.

I just assume that all you want is isolating full backups from all other levels, correct?

So you need to setup

  - a pool which accepts backup from the level 'full'

  - another pool which accepts all other backups

      'Default' would already do the job but of course you can define a new pool and select all other levels. No groups.

Do not select too many pool filter criteria - only what is necessary, not because they are available!

Now - be aware that ...

  - If you do not have any backup (for example if you just re-labeled both volumes and lost the FULL)

  - NW will automatically override the level and run a FULL to create a backup INCR he later can refer to.

       And of course you want these backups go to the full pool.

       But NW will clearly tell you that in the group details/logs.

263 Posts

March 1st, 2017 11:00

I do not see the zip file that you uploaded...

To troubleshoot this, can you please provide the following information?  Please run the following on the backup server:


  p type: NSR client; name: networkerprod

  p type: NSR group; name: Filesystem_Full

  p type: NSR group; name: Adhoc

  p type: NSR pool; name: Daily_Full

  p type: NSR pool; name: Daily_Incr

  p type: NSR device; name: Networker_Full

  p type: NSR device; name: Networker_Incr


  nsrmm -C | find "NetWorker_"

  mminfo -mvV -q pool=Daily_Full

  mminfo -mvV -q pool=Daily_Incr


1 Rookie


37 Posts

March 5th, 2017 23:00

Hello Experts,

Incr backup is still failing.

Please find the details. I have two pools now Full and Inc and 2 Groups only one Adhoc for incremental and One W_Filesystem_Full for full for testing. Also be informed problem is only with Incremental backups. Index is also fine. I changed the incr pool to full and backup got successful. It means problem is with my new pool that is incr pool. Please help

networkerprod F:\msdia80.dll incr 3/6/17 12:27:57 PM 00:00:58 98519:save: Unable to setup direct save with server networkerprod: no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools.  90095:save: Cannot open save session with 'networkerprod': no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools  11390:nsrd: no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools  94693:save: The backup of save set 'F:\msdia80.dll' failed.  --- Job Indications --- networkerprod:F:\msdia80.dll: retried 1 times.
networkerprod C:\BOOTSECT.BAK incr 3/6/17 12:28:35 PM 00:00:55 98519:save: Unable to setup direct save with server networkerprod: no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools.  90095:save: Cannot open save session with 'networkerprod': no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools  11390:nsrd: no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools  94693:save: The backup of save set 'C:\BOOTSECT.BAK' failed.  --- Job Indications --- networkerprod:C:\BOOTSECT.BAK: retried 1 times.
networkerprod networkerprod:bootstrap full 3/6/17 12:29:37 PM 00:00:01 98519:save: Unable to setup direct save with server networkerprod: no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools.  90018:save: Cannot open a save session with NetWorker server 'networkerprod': no matching devices for save of client `networkerprod'; check storage nodes, devices or pools  --- Job Indications --- networkerprod:bootstrap: retried 1 times.

nsradmin> p type: NSR client; name:networkerprod

                        type: NSR client;

                        name: networkerprod;

                      server: networkerprod;

                   client id: \


            scheduled backup: Enabled;

                     comment: ;

             Save operations: ;

            archive services: Disabled;

                    schedule: Default;

               browse policy: Month;

            retention policy: Year;

                  statistics: elapsed = 523553, index size (KB) = 4,

                              amount used (KB) = 4, entries = 15;

                   directive: ;

                       group: ;

                    save set: "NMCASA:/gst_on_networkerprod/lgto_gst";

  Backup renamed directories: Disabled;

          Checkpoint enabled: Disabled;

      Checkpoint granularity: Directory;

Parallel save streams per save set: Disabled;

                    priority: 500;

   File inactivity threshold: 0;

File inactivity alert threshold: 0;

               remote access: ;

                 remote user: ;

                    password: ;

         NAS management user: ;

     NAS management password: ;

        NAS file access user: ;

    NAS file access password: ;

              backup command: savepsm;

                 Pre command: ;

                Post command: ;

     application information: ;

     ndmp vendor information: ;

                        ndmp: No;

       Disable IPv6 for NDMP: No;

                  NAS device: No;

             NDMP array name: ;

  NAS device management name: ;

storage replication policy name: ;

       De-duplication backup: No;

         De-duplication node: ;

                        Pool: ;

          Data Domain backup: No;

       Data Domain interface: IP;

               Client direct: Disabled;

         Probe resource name: ;

              virtual client: No;

          Block based backup: No;

               physical host: ;

           Proxy backup type: ;

           Proxy backup host: ;

             executable path: ;

    server network interface: ;

                     aliases: networkerprod;

                  index path: ;

          owner notification: ;

                 parallelism: 12;

physical client parallelism: Disabled;

     autoselect storage node: Disabled;

               storage nodes: nsrserverhost;

       recover storage nodes: ;

   save session distribution: max sessions;

                  hard links: Disabled;

             short filenames: Disabled;

                 backup type: ;

              client OS type: Windows NT Server on Intel;

                        CPUs: 1;

           NetWorker version:;

              enabler in use: Yes;

       licensed applications: ;

               licensed PSPs: ;

                        type: NSR client;

                        name: networkerprod;

                      server: networkerprod;

                   client id: \


            scheduled backup: Enabled;

                     comment: ;

             Save operations: ;

            archive services: Disabled;

                    schedule: Default;

               browse policy: Week;

            retention policy: Week;

                  statistics: elapsed = 523553, index size (KB) = 4,

                              amount used (KB) = 4, entries = 15;

                   directive: ;

                       group: Adhoc, Index_lvl9, W_Filesystem_Full, index;

                    save set: "F:\\msdia80.dll", "C:\\BOOTSECT.BAK";

  Backup renamed directories: Enabled;

          Checkpoint enabled: Enabled;

      Checkpoint granularity: Directory;

Parallel save streams per save set: Disabled;

                    priority: 500;

   File inactivity threshold: 0;

File inactivity alert threshold: 0;

               remote access: ;

                 remote user: ;

                    password: ;

         NAS management user: ;

     NAS management password: ;

        NAS file access user: ;

    NAS file access password: ;

              backup command: ;

                 Pre command: ;

                Post command: ;

     application information: ;

     ndmp vendor information: ;

                        ndmp: No;

       Disable IPv6 for NDMP: No;

                  NAS device: No;

             NDMP array name: ;

  NAS device management name: ;

storage replication policy name: ;

       De-duplication backup: No;

         De-duplication node: ;

                        Pool: ;

          Data Domain backup: No;

       Data Domain interface: IP;

               Client direct: Disabled;

         Probe resource name: ;

              virtual client: No;

          Block based backup: No;

               physical host: ;

           Proxy backup type: ;

           Proxy backup host: ;

             executable path: ;

    server network interface: ;

                     aliases: networkerprod;

                  index path: ;

          owner notification: ;

                 parallelism: 12;

physical client parallelism: Disabled;

     autoselect storage node: Disabled;

               storage nodes: nsrserverhost;

       recover storage nodes: ;

   save session distribution: max sessions;

                  hard links: Disabled;

             short filenames: Disabled;

                 backup type: ;

              client OS type: Windows NT Server on Intel;

                        CPUs: 1;

           NetWorker version:;

              enabler in use: Yes;

       licensed applications: ;

               licensed PSPs: ;


nsradmin> p type: nsr group ; name: adhoc

                        type: NSR group;

                        name: Adhoc;

                     comment: ;

                    snapshot: False;

                   autostart: Disabled;

                 autorestart: Disabled;

               client subset: ;

                  start time: "21:00";

                  last start: "Mon Mar 06 12:26:58 2017";

                    last end: "Mon Mar 06 12:29:39 2017";

                  next start: Disabled;

                    interval: "24:00";

              restart window: "12:00";

           force incremental: No;

         savegrp parallelism: 0;

              client retries: 1;

          client retry delay: 0;

                   timestamp: none;

                      clones: No;

                  clone mode: Start on group completion;

                  clone pool: Default Clone;

           success threshold: Warning;

                     options: No index save, Manual restart;

                       level: incr;

                     printer: ;

                    schedule: ;

               schedule time: ;

               browse policy: Week;

            retention policy: Week;

          inactivity timeout: 30;

          soft runtime limit: 0;

          hard runtime limit: 0;

   File inactivity threshold: 30;

File inactivity alert threshold: 30;

                   work list: ;

                      status: idle;

             Snapshot Policy: 1-1-Day-All;

               Snapshot Pool: Default;

           probe based group: False;

              probe interval: 60;

            probe start time: "0:00";

              probe end time: "23:59";

      probe success criteria: all;

time since successful backup: 0;

time of the last successful backup: ;



nsradmin> p type:nsr group ; name:W_Filesystem_Full

                        type: NSR group;

                        name: W_Filesystem_Full;

                     comment: ;

                    snapshot: False;

                   autostart: Enabled;

                 autorestart: Disabled;

               client subset: ;

                  start time: "21:00";

                  last start: "Mon Mar 06 11:44:33 2017";

                    last end: "Mon Mar 06 11:47:27 2017";

                  next start: "Mon Mar 06 21:00:00 2017";

                    interval: "24:00";

              restart window: "12:00";

           force incremental: Yes;

         savegrp parallelism: 0;

              client retries: 1;

          client retry delay: 0;

                   timestamp: none;

                      clones: No;

                  clone mode: Start on group completion;

                  clone pool: Default Clone;

           success threshold: Warning;

                     options: Verify synthetic full,

                              Revert to full when synthetic full fails;

                       level: full;

                     printer: ;

                    schedule: ;

               schedule time: ;

               browse policy: Week;

            retention policy: Week;

          inactivity timeout: 30;

          soft runtime limit: 0;

          hard runtime limit: 0;

   File inactivity threshold: 30;

File inactivity alert threshold: 30;

                   work list: ;

                      status: idle;

             Snapshot Policy: 1-1-Day-All;

               Snapshot Pool: Default;

           probe based group: False;

              probe interval: 60;

            probe start time: "0:00";

              probe end time: "23:59";

      probe success criteria: all;

time since successful backup: 0;

time of the last successful backup: ;



nsradmin> p type: nsr pool ; name:Full

                        type: NSR pool;

                        name: Full;

                     comment: ;

                     enabled: No;

                   pool type: Backup;

              label template: Full;

            retention policy: ;

                      groups: W_Filesystem_Full, index;

                     clients: ;

                   save sets: ;

                      levels: ;

                     devices: Networker_Full;

         store index entries: Yes;

           auto media verify: No;

      Recycle to other pools: No;

    Recycle from other pools: No;

         media type required: ;

      volume type preference: ;

             max parallelism: 10;

                 mount class: default;

                   WORM pool: No;

              create DLTWORM: No;

              barcode prefix: ;

               recycle start: ;

            recycle interval: "24:00";

      max volumes to recycle: 200;


nsradmin> p type: nsr pool; name: inc

                        type: NSR pool;

                        name: Inc;

                     comment: ;

                     enabled: Yes;

                   pool type: Backup;

              label template: Inc;

            retention policy: ;

                      groups: Adhoc;

                     clients: ;

                   save sets: ;

                      levels: ;

                     devices: Networker_Incr;

         store index entries: Yes;

           auto media verify: No;

      Recycle to other pools: No;

    Recycle from other pools: No;

         media type required: ;

      volume type preference: ;

             max parallelism: 20;

                 mount class: default;

                   WORM pool: No;

              create DLTWORM: No;

              barcode prefix: ;

               recycle start: ;

            recycle interval: "24:00";

      max volumes to recycle: 200;



nsradmin> p type: nsr device ; name:Networker_Full

                        type: NSR device;

                        name: Networker_Full;

                     comment: ;

                 description: ;

   device access information: "F:\\Full";

        enable fibre channel: No;

      fibre channel hostname: ;

                message_I18N: space recovered from volume networkerprod.001;

                     message: space recovered from volume networkerprod.001;

                 volume name: networkerprod.001;

                media family: disk;

                  media type: adv_file;

                     enabled: Yes;

                   read only: No;

             target sessions: 4;

                max sessions: 32;

            max nsrmmd count: 12;

       verify label on eject: No;

              parent jukebox: ;

           cleaning required: No;

           cleaning interval: ;

           date last cleaned: ;

       auto media management: No;

                        ndmp: No;

      dedicated storage node: ;

                 remote user: ;

                    password: ;

                 hardware id: ;

                     path id: \


                         CDI: Not used;

Warn on suspect volumes (%): 80;

          TapeAlert Critical: ;

           TapeAlert Warning: ;

       TapeAlert Information: ;

                WORM capable: No;

             DLTWORM capable: No;

      WORM cartridge present: No;

        device serial number: ;

          Network Write Size: 8192;

                      Server: ;

        Cloud CA Certificate: ;

        Send/Receive Timeout: 90;

           Number of Retries: 3;

Network Failure Retry Interval: 5;

                 Compression: Compression Speed Fast;

                  Encryption: AES 256 Encryption;

                  Throttling: No;




nsradmin> p type: nsr device ; name:Networker_Incr

                        type: NSR device;

                        name: Networker_Incr;

                     comment: ;

                 description: ;

   device access information: "F:\\Incr";

        enable fibre channel: No;

      fibre channel hostname: ;

                message_I18N: "writing, done ";

                     message: "writing, done ";

                 volume name: networkerprod.003;

                media family: disk;

                  media type: adv_file;

                     enabled: Yes;

                   read only: No;

             target sessions: 4;

                max sessions: 32;

            max nsrmmd count: 12;

       verify label on eject: No;

              parent jukebox: ;

           cleaning required: No;

           cleaning interval: ;

           date last cleaned: ;

       auto media management: No;

                        ndmp: No;

      dedicated storage node: ;

                 remote user: ;

                    password: ;

                 hardware id: ;

                     path id: \


                         CDI: Not used;

Warn on suspect volumes (%): 80;

          TapeAlert Critical: ;

           TapeAlert Warning: ;

       TapeAlert Information: ;

                WORM capable: No;

             DLTWORM capable: No;

      WORM cartridge present: No;

        device serial number: ;

          Network Write Size: 8192;

                      Server: ;

        Cloud CA Certificate: ;

        Send/Receive Timeout: 90;

           Number of Retries: 3;

Network Failure Retry Interval: 5;

                 Compression: Compression Speed Fast;

                  Encryption: AES 256 Encryption;

                  Throttling: No;




>nsrmm -C | findstr Networker_

adv_file disk networkerprod.001 mounted on Networker_Full, write enabled

adv_file disk networkerprod.003 mounted on Networker_Incr, write enabled


>mminfo -mvV

state volume                  written  (%)  expires     read mounts capacity volid      next type    flags

       networkerprod.001       3760 KB 100% 2/28/2018    0 KB     1      0 KB 11816997      0 adv_file

       networkerprod.003       1413 KB 100%  3/6/2018    0 KB     0      0 KB 3786778206    0 adv_file


No Events found!
