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This post is more than 5 years old


February 18th, 2007 01:00

Help With Setting Up WiFi with my nintendo DS lite and my dell truemobile 1184 wireless router!

Hello! Ok here's the deal. I am trying to hook up my nintendo DS lite to my Dell TrueMobile 1184 so i can use the WiFi to play games with other people. But unfortunately i have had no luck. it doesnt find it when i search for an access point and putting the stuff in manually doesnt help either. I am standing one inch away so its not a distance problem. The broadcasting is enabled! and the router accepts all speeds (because the Nintendo DS only gives of 2 mbps) so i dont know whats wrong with it! The mac filtering is off and Nintendo says that the nintendo DS is compatible with that router so it should work! Does anyone know of something i could do to fix this? like updating firmware, changing settings, etc...? im desperate PLEASE HELP! because i dont want to have to buy something extra like a wifi adapter or another router just to fix a problem! Thanks!

1.7K Posts

February 23rd, 2007 19:00

Do you have any other type of security enabled? If so, disable all security see if you can connect.
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