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This post is more than 5 years old


February 22nd, 2010 17:00

Delivery problems

I have had to put this here as their is no forum that I can see for it and nobody can give me an accurate answer. Hopefully it will not be deleted as it's the truth and has an impact of future Dell sales!!

One of my work colleagues as well as myself ordered a Dell computer on the same day 2 weeks ago. At the start of last week we were told that the computers would be delivered last Friday. They didn't arrive (my colleague had stayed home from work that day). There wasn't any phone call to tell us they wouldn't be delivered. On Friday afternoon my colleague spent about 1 hour trying to get through to ask about delivery. After an hour of waiting the phone line went dead. When she finally got through on Monday morning (by the sounds of things to an offshore call centre), she was told it was with Shankar Logistics who said they would look into it. No delivery on Monday and again no phone call or email to let us know when the delivery would occur. Rather than call an offshore call centre operator again (who had no idea of delivery status) she tried to call the Dell Head Office in Sydney - of course the phone number provided on your website rang out with no answer. It is now midday on Tuesday and still no delivery.

So when will they arrive? Who knows and by the look of it once Dell has made the sale, they couldn't care. While your sales side of things is world class, your delivery systems are terrible and that's what people remember!!!

After, this it is unlikely we would recommend Dell to our family, friends or work colleagues. I dare say this email will end up being deleted as it reflects on part of your organisational faults. I wonder how many other people have the same issues with delivery??

468 Posts

February 22nd, 2010 17:00

You will find hundreds of posts like yours on the forums.. the only thing you can do is call sales support and ask them where your computer is.. even if they hang up on you a dozen times..

4 Posts

February 22nd, 2010 18:00

Do Dell upper management actually get feedback on poor service ? More to the point do they act on it or is it all smoke and mirrors once the sale is made??

If they don't act they'll lose a lot of potential customers so it's in their own interests to listen and improve!

February 23rd, 2010 03:00


I am experiencing similar prolems.

This is my experience so far.......My notebook was supposed to be delivered on the 17th Feb. I tok the day off work and waited in all day, no delivery. 

Despite of  numerous calls to the Customer Support desk & emails I am still without my item.  Call centre staff promise to call back but never do. They pass you from one person to another and it is necessary to give the details of the order/customer number repeatedly. The call centre staff give false names so when you try to speak to the same person this is impossible. I  do not have a complaint log number yet as despite 4 emails and the promise that someone will respond in 24 hours.

Poor service? what service. Do Dell care? I doubt it

I am progressing my complaint via my solicitor now

Angry & frustrated


6 Posts

February 23rd, 2010 04:00

I'm in the UK & I am still waiting for my Dell .

On December 13th I ordered through the Dell UK web site a Studio 17 for myself & a desktop PC for my wife. The desktop arrived just after Christmas - all well & good.

The laptop had it's delivery revised to February 4th. On January 23rd I received a call from a sales rep from Dell to say they had no idea when they would be able to deliver the machine I had ordered as they couldn't get the screen (17" 1080P). We talked through the options & I agreed to place an order for the Studio XPS16 1645 (i7, 16" RGB LED 1080P, ATI 4670) - originally I was told 7-10 working days, after agreeing I was then told 19th February.

On 19th February my status was still showing "work in progress" & "not shipped" so of course no system arrived. On February 20th I sent an email to the sales rep asking for an update please. Yesterday when I looked at the order status page I saw my expected delivery date has now been revised to March 30th.

Oh and Dell has had my money since the beginning of January.

Last night I emailed the sales rep & customer support to say I want to cancel as I now have no confidence that I will receive this laptop in an acceptable time frame.

This morning I received an email apologising for the delay & saying they will escalate with production and get back to me today (I'm not holding my breath).

7 Posts

February 23rd, 2010 06:00

Yeah, it's strange you can't find anything regarding delivery on these forums as I'm sure it's not just a select few who've experienced this.  I ordered an XPS desktop on 12/5 that was supposed to be delivered on 12/24. I never received an e-mail telling me this was going to be delayed. I realize it was during the holiday season, so when the new EDD came out as 1/2 and the desktop arrived as promised, I shrugged it off.

On 2/3 I ordered an XPS Studio 16 laptop and all was well and good with an EDD of 2/23. 3 weeks does seem a bit long compared to Dell delivery times of say, 5 years ago, but since I had customized my system to include the i7 Quad Core processor, I thought that might be the hold up as it was the same processor in the desktop. One week ago I actually received an e-mail telling me the EDD was updated to 3/2, but that they are confident it will definitely arrive by this date. Of course the e-mail does not explain why and tells you to check the order status for further info, but the info on order status hasn't changed since it went into "in production" status.

For a better understanding, I called customer service to find out what was causing the delay; perhaps it was part availabilty? Of course they offer zero assistance and just give you the info you can find yourself on the order status page at their website. Then when pressed further, I got  the "that is a very popular laptop" excuse and how they can't keep up with production. Seriously, can't keep up? I know plenty of people who are out of work and would jump at the chance to help out.

I have no problem waiting for something that is worth the wait, but I cannot stand lack of information, stalling and outright dishonesty that seems to have become standard practice at Dell. I seriously believe the CS reps have no clue and are in the dark along with the rest of us and are instructed to give us those lame and bogus excuses. If they can't keep up and had to change the EDD from this week to next week, how can they be confident now that it will definitely arrive by the EDD? What has changed? There is obviously a status they can see that we cannot and it is frustrating that they cannot be more forthcoming. The order status page is a joke and nothing more than a sham in order to trick people into believing their system is on track when in all actuality they haven't even begun to build it yet.

Dell, great products, horrible service. What a shame!


468 Posts

February 25th, 2010 14:00

Dell corporate does not actually read the forums and there is no way I know of to actually talk to dell corporate outside of an independent agency.. Basically if you fall into the 'problem' catagory your stuck dealing with whoever you can get a hold of.

1 Message

February 25th, 2010 22:00

Like You I also have delivery problems in Australia.

I had a phone call on 18/2 to advise delivery PM on 22/2. Also no phone calls. After some 5 hours on Dells " Customer Care" line on 23/2. I finally got to talk to someone who advised he would look into it and have the delivery contractor ring me. Needless to say that this did not happen. On 24/2 after about 2 hours on the " Customer Care" line I got to share my frustration with somone who put me on another none answered service to be interrupted after about another 35 minutes by a call from a Dell representive who told me my delivery was held up. After carefully pointing out to her that after 49 hours had past since the delivery was due I was acutely aware of the fact that it was delayed and asked when it would be delivered. Her answer was that she did not know and could not tell me when it would occur. But did say maybe next week.

The order was placed on 8/2 the system arrived in Australia on 16/2. today is 26/2 and I an still a mushroom regarding delivery.

His is my first experience with Dell, and could only ask or them to communicate with customers what is happening and give some information on why the delay occured. Surley information must reduce the anger and frustration levels.

Ken M

2 Posts

February 26th, 2010 00:00

Normal 0 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

I have been waiting on the computer I ordered for a month now. I  get an Email every Friday telling me that it has been delayed. I have been having problems with Dell for the past year, and have decided they will no longer get my personal or company business. Their customer service is really bad, and they have no regard for anyone.


February 26th, 2010 03:00


26th February and STILL WAITING for my Dell notebook scheduled on the 17th Feb (Dell have had my funds since the 11th).:emotion-39:

Dell customer service dept called &  verbally promised it today - Suprise suprise again no email confirmation of my conversation with them as requested.

Not holding out much hope......

Have already logged a complaint with my local Trading Standards.

As Dell have not yet had the decency to respond to my written/email complaints which were sent over 1 week ago or even acknowledge receipt of them I will be instructing my solicitors on Monday to escalate my complaint formally.

6 Posts

February 26th, 2010 12:00

I'm in the UK & I am still waiting for my Dell .

On December 13th I ordered through the Dell UK web site a Studio 17 for myself & a desktop PC for my wife. The desktop arrived just after Christmas - all well & good.

The laptop had it's delivery revised to February 4th. On January 23rd I received a call from a sales rep from Dell to say they had no idea when they would be able to deliver the machine I had ordered as they couldn't get the screen (17" 1080P). We talked through the options & I agreed to place an order for the Studio XPS16 1645 (i7, 16" RGB LED 1080P, ATI 4670) - originally I was told 7-10 working days, after agreeing I was then told 19th February.

On 19th February my status was still showing "work in progress" & "not shipped" so of course no system arrived. On February 20th I sent an email to the sales rep asking for an update please. Yesterday when I looked at the order status page I saw my expected delivery date has now been revised to March 30th.

Oh and Dell has had my money since the beginning of January.

Last night I emailed the sales rep & customer support to say I want to cancel as I now have no confidence that I will receive this laptop in an acceptable time frame.

This morning I received an email apologising for the delay & saying they will escalate with production and get back to me today (I'm not holding my breath).


Well in a strange quirk of fate following on from Tuesday's status things appear to have moved on somewhat.

I didn't hear back from customer support that day or the next day either, so on Wednesday evening I sent a mail to various people at Dell outlining my feelings about the situation & their lack of responses.

Yesterday morning while driving to work I had an email & a phone call from the customer support contact telling me that he had spoken to production/factory & the screen for my machine was on back order & expected at the factory on March 3rd. I asked to be kept informed of the situation & left it at that.

This morning I checked the status online (not expecting any change) to find that apparently my system has shipped!

I also received an email from customer support (not the same guy, but everyone is allowed time off) telling me this as well & promising to keep me informed as to shipping progress.

Later this morning I had a call on my mobile from a different customer support person (I think this person was actually in the UK & appeared to be more at the corporate level) following up on my thoughts / comments about the situation & sounding on the face of it like he was interested in hearing my story, and after hearing it saying they would follow up with the mangement of the people involved. He also promised to keep me informed.

So I await contact after the weekend to potentially arrange delivery - watch this space.

4 Posts

March 2nd, 2010 21:00

Surprisingly my computer finally arrived, only 4 working days late which by the look of the posts above mine, is actually near a record !!!

However, it was only by pure chance though that someone was at home to receive it as there was no communication from Dell about delivery!!

Had nobody been there to sign for it, I suspect that the delivery man would have taken it back to base and either tried again the next day (without calling/emailing) or it would have been sent back to Dell as undeliverable.

My work colleague also received her computer which was ordered on the same day (no phone call or email from Dell). Again only by pure luck that someone was there to take delivery.

At least mine worked out of the box and I must say it's a great computer for the price (I took the 21.5 inch HD LCD monitor option). Unfortunately her's started up then immediately powered down. She rang Dell customer support and got through pretty quickly to a technician (good start) then was told to........wait for the case and check the connections, etc. while he was on the phone to her.

Now luckily she had the brains to actually turn it off before she opened the case!! Anyway she checked everything and it seemed to all be OK so the Dell guy told her she would get a replacement computer and that "someone would pick it up in the near future" but that she "was not allowed to give the old one to the delivery driver". Why, we will never know. She was told "it will be about a week or so" - heard that one before.

P.S. And this is a frightening one - I posted a similar post to this a week ago but it was wiped from existance by Dell and I got a warning message email. Now this was not for any swearing or foul language I used, it was about only one word I used that starts and ends with the letter L.

It was to do with the fact that my colleague could have been electrocuted when she opened the computer case as the technician didn't tell her to turn off the power first. I made a comment advising that Dell should be careful of their technicians otherwise it might end up in a L problem for them

I did notice that immediately after I put in the post with the L word , that the L word had been automatically deleted and a series of asterix added instead. Big Brother Dell indeed when I was only trying to help them out ...............sheesh!!!

I have now saved the wording of this post and if Dell decide to delete it again, then I will take it further.



1 Message

March 3rd, 2010 05:00


Well it didn't take dell long to remove my post from earlier today.  Apparently I had breached the terms of use somehow. I wasn't told how.  Also my account was disabled..Way to go Dell!   On the positive side i did get a response, but instead of trying to contact me to investigate my obvious displeasure and try to remedy the situation some what they made it worse by deleting my post and disabling my account. Clearly no regard for their customers.

Lakatoi, if you have email forwarding on your posts you will have recieved a copy of my post, as I replied to you.

I have lodged my complaint to the Australian Department of consumer protection so will see how that goes in trying to get my laptop delivered or a full refund.  I certainly can't get through to them even to complain other than through this forum which they also object to, so maybe the formal complaint might work.  Has anyone followed this route and had any success getting their money back or getting their order actually delivered like they are contractually obligated to do once they have received full payment?  Something they seem to have neglected in my case.

So contravening the terms of use policy on this forum is a minor infringement compared to the deed of taking good money from people and not delivering the product they are legally obliged to deliver.

I fear my dealings with dell will not be over for sometime to come and suspect my 1500 bucks is lost, probably to pay for a new coffee machine, because they certainly aren't interested in answering their phones!!

All the best to those dealing with delivery issues and a warning to those looking to order online - buyer beware!



March 15th, 2010 10:00

The worst ever service I have experience in muy life so far from such a renound company...

I have booked the Laptop on 26/02/2010 and while booking the sales representative told me that the order will be deleivered withing 7 working days. since then no one conatcted me, I myself tried to contact them and everytime it was said that order is under production and will be deliver by 15/03/2010, the same was told by customer care and while checking the status online.

But today when there was no news from DELL side, I again contacted the customer care, and they said the product what I ordered is not avaibale and I may need to place another order. When I contact my sales represenative she said, she has no such news., and she will get back to me with status as soon as possible. Later no one contacted me, the I esclated the problem to the Manager of the representative but still no one contacted me.:emotion-6:

Can anyone help me by letting any ESCALATION POINT where I can take my issue, please.

Now I am feeling like cheated as I have made the complete payment and now dont have any new when can i recieve my product.

I am really not happy with the service. :emotion-6:

4 Posts

March 16th, 2010 00:00

My work colleague was finally advised last Friday morning that the replacement computer (for the one that was delivered and didn't work), would be delivered on the following Tuesday. She was asked whether morning or afternoon would suit her to which she replied the morning (though she was rapidly reaching the conclusion that it would never be delivered!!).

For those following this incredibly hopeless delivery system in the posts above this, there's no need to guess what happened. Yep, it was delivered the Friday of the phone call and not on the following Tuesday!!!!

I have a theory and it just might be correct. It's based on my guess as to how Dell operates :

1. Dell's sales and delivery systems are worldwide.

2. To save costs they use regional sales centres who use regional delivery companies.

3. These regional delivery companies then use smaller companies to actually deliver the computers.

With the number of links in this system from initial order to final delivery to the customer, it's no wonder their system is totally disconnected!!

I've concluded that Dell don't read any of the topics on this site otherwise they would have replied here to people's complaints (even if there was no substance to their apology).

Anyway this will be my final post here, life's too short.

So good luck to you all and thank you for your responses to this topic. And, if by some weird trick of cosmic fate, this topic assists future buyers in actually getting something they ordered anywhere near the promised delivery date, all our efforts will have been worth it :)

Adios amigos!




1 Message

September 23rd, 2010 21:00


DELL Ultrasharp U2311H 23" W HD Monitor

I ordered a monitor online 13th September, 2010 everything seemed to go through fine, then 3 days later when I check the order is marked cancelled, no email from Dell mind you.

Rang and Dell said the Amex Credit Card Transaction was declined, checked with Amex who said no charge was even attempted, I have a Plat Card and spend a lot on Amex so I do get good advice. I then officially lodged a complaint with Amex about Dell.

Rang Dell back to tell them they had never even attempted a charge, they could not answer, just rubbish about 'system problems'.

As luck had it I spoke to a really good Customer Service Guy: who said he would re-do the order over the phone, I tried to give my AMEX but he say's dell cannot process AMEX 'instantly' it takes at least a day, asked me for VISA or MASTERCARD. I guess this is the usual "vendors don't like Amex".

Reluctantly gave him my VISA (Amex reward points are so much better) processed the order, HE SAID THEY HAD STOCK IN PENANG, so I confirmed based on a 5-day delivery. Received the Dell order confirmation email which confirmed delivery 20th September, Checked Online Order Status, said delivery 20th September. Waited in all day – NOTHING!.

I checked back with ONLINE Status delivery date had changed to 13th OCTOBER, 2010!

Emailed Dell, no reply, then rang Customer Service (21st Sept, 2010 & only listened to their answer message for 10 minutes, best yet!) spoke with she said, it was in their hub awaiting local delivery, I asked does this take over 3-weeks, she said sometimes the local delivery firm like to 'batch' deliveries for a State together. I said if that meant waiting over 3-weeks I wanted to CANCEL the monitor, she said she will check and ring me back, yeah really, I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that!

She did NOT Ring back, I rang 1-800-88-0540 again on 24th Sept, 2010 at 10:04am and as luck would have it spoke again to , I asked her why she did not ring me back, no real answer just a well trained, insincere sorry.

She now says the courier company is missing a part? Exactly what parts she was unable to answer, I hope DELL listen to the telephone conversation and see how ridiculous her answer is.

I’ve ordered a monitor; the physical parts are the monitor and a power cord, what on earth can be missing?

A 3 week delay because the power cord is out of stock?

I ordered on the sole basis of it being available and delivered within 5-days. As this time has now passed, As far as I’n concerned Dell are in breach of contract and I have instructed to cancel the order and issue a refund.
She said this will take 2 – 3 weeks!
I am contacting Maybank VISA to instigate a charge reversal and other actions.

I should not be responsible for a month’s interest on RM 709.00

Buying from DELL is just loads and loads of time consuming aggravation, I will not be buying from DELL ever again, even IF they have the best / most value for money products. I will also be putting a ban on all Dell purchases for the 3 Companies I have controlling interest in. I am furious a Monitor for my Son has been such aggravation.

No Events found!
