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August 7th, 2013 17:00

Perc 310 and I7-3930K C2 and Sabertooth X79?

1) I'd like to use this controller in my Saberooth X79 with I7-3930K cpu. Is this possible?

2) I have 6 SATA 3 hdd's and a single SSD. Can I use the 6 hdd's in a RAID-5 or RAID-10 array and have the SSD just hooked up with the OS on it (non-raid)?

3) What is the max. hdd and ssd sizes I can uses?

4) The controller has two I would think I can connect 2 cables, each one connecting up to 4 SATA hdd's (not SAS) for a total of 8 drives. Where can I buy these cables?

I checked the manual for the last 3 questions but I can't find an answer to them.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

August 7th, 2013 22:00

1. Maybe. Dell designed the H310 to work in specific Dell servers and workstations. Using it in another system is in no way supported, nor was it ever intended to work in another machine. That doesn't mean it won't work, simply that it is going to be a matter of trial and error and is completely up to you to try and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

2. The H310 supports RAID and non-RAID, and they can be mixed (but are NOT compatible, meaning if you configure a disk as non-RAID, you cannot convert to a RAID configuration later without data loss).  There are issues with RAID 5 on the H310, so I would recommend against that RAID level on it.

3. 3TB and 4TB drives are supported on the H310 with the latest firmware.

4. Yes, two cables, each supporting 4 drives.  They can be SAS or SATA - you just have to have the right cable(s).  You need an SFF-8087 to multiple SFF-8482 for SAS drives (will also work for SATA drives), something like this:

10 Posts

August 8th, 2013 11:00

Thanks for the wonderful straight answers to all my concerns. I was afraid that's the kind of answer I'd get which is basically, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." But the reason for the questions was because I don't want to buy it and get stuck with a product I can't use. Reselling is never easy, especially if you want to get the same $$ back.
Those cables look hard to find for a decent price. Two of those would cost me $100...more than the card itself so in the end it's just not worth it for me to spend all that cash and not know if it's even going to work.
I think what I'll try first, because it's cheaper, is the IBM M1015 which can be flashed with an LSI firmware. After some research it seems to be the safer bet as people use it in all kinds of home type workstations. The card is supported by ESXi 5.1 and is about $95. Two cables to connect 8 drives will only cost me $20 with shipping.
Again, I appreciate your straight answers. I'll post back with my results on the M1015 if anyone's interested but this being a DELL forum I doubt that'll be necessary.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

August 8th, 2013 12:00

"I don't want to buy it and get stuck with a product I can't use"

Are you buying an H310 for this project, or do you already have one that you want to use?  If you want to use it because you have it, then go for it - there are just no guarantees that an OEM product will work in a system other than the ones for which it was designed.  However, if you don't already have one and are looking to purchase one specifically for this project, then I would suggest buying a generic/retail controller - like an LSI controller similar to it (or one that specifically meets your needs), then there is no reason to wonder if an OEM part will work (although, as with any parts, sometimes there may be incompatibilities, but they are far less likely/common).  What are you looking for in a controller?  What system are you looking to use it in - custom built? another OEM?

10 Posts

August 8th, 2013 13:00

All your questions are answered in my previous posts and title. Asus Sabertooth X79 with i7-3930k cpu. I already mentioned LSI..M1015 which is basically an LSI..can be LSI 9240 or 9211 from what I read. I am looking to buy of course otherwise I'd just try it if I had it.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

August 8th, 2013 13:00

Many people ask these types of questions having already tried it without it working - or don't dare try.

There remained some ambiguous details, which is why I asked, but if you have a handle on this, then I'm not sure you need to answer.  Good luck.

10 Posts

August 11th, 2013 18:00

theflash1932: sorry, one more thing if you can answer with certainty. You said the H310 can support 3 and 4TB drives with latest firmware (from Dell I assume). But according to this link it looks like only 2 TB will be recognized.  Have you actually used a 3 or 4 TB drive with this card? Or do you have another link that confirms you're right?

10 Posts

August 11th, 2013 18:00

Do you know if only SAS drives are 6gps? From what I read in the specs it mentions 6gbps but for SAS only. So it seems like it's 3gbps for SATA drives?

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

August 12th, 2013 08:00

No, SATA also comes in 6Gbps.  SAS 2 and SATA 3 are 6Gbps.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

August 12th, 2013 08:00

That doc predates all 12G controllers (PERC 8 family:  H310, H710, etc.), and the H310 replaced the H200, which supported 3TB and 4TB drives with a minimum firmware level.  That said, there is no explicit mention in any of the docs I could find, but the main reason I say they will work is that fact that you can configure a 12G server with an H310 controller and 3TB and 4TB drives on ... the configurator throws a fit if you were to add drives with a controller that does not support them..

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