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May 23rd, 2020 17:00

Half of C6300/C6320 Fans Don't Work

Hi folks -- having a heck of a time trying to understand what is going on with the fans in this C6300 chassis I'm trying to turn up. 

SYMPTOM: The fans for the left two sleds are going full blast (assuming) and the fans on the right two slots are either not working or are barely turning.  (I disconnected the left side and these right side to try to discern and the right side do seem like they are turning but barely. I could be wrong and they are just dead or turned off.


  • There is nothing plugged into "fan speed control" header on power distribution board.
  • Using only 1 sled out of 4, moved sled to the right side but fans remain only engaged on left.
  • Swapped known working fan from left side to right side to eliminate chance of a defective fan.
  • It appears there have been some known bugs around fans and sled mismatching (C6320 in chassis configured for C6320P and vice-versa?) so a firmware update may rectify some problems:


NEXT STEPS (please provide feedback, guidance, tips and suggestions... thanks!)


43 Posts

May 29th, 2020 12:00


Thanks for your reply, Stefan — I was nearly certain firmware update wouldn't work if I couldn't even probe to get the existing version so didn't think it was a good idea to try.  I get very anxious doing firmware updates for fear of bricking something.

But interesting news! I swapped for a different chassis today and fans seem like they are WORKING great now. Still need to mess with the system to see if they are adjusting speed properly.

There are SO many settings and data points available in iDRAC that I was not seeing before. As I'm new to Dell enterprise hardware I had no idea what I should be seeing. But a BIG clue to anyone else facing these types of symptoms -- I was not seeing power supply info, fan speeds and the message "RAC0709: Unable to retrieve the fan information" as I mentioned in original post were conditions suggesting that the sled was not properly communicating with the chassis.

Once I powered up this chassis with only a single power supply inserted, I immediately got flashing power button and indicator lights that I hadn't seen on the previous chassis.

So something was definitely wrong with that previous chassis.  Among the theories I have been mulling over that may have been the issue with the original chassis I had....

  1. missing cable connection somewhere (this seems most straightforward)
  2. bad fan controller/power distribution board (I think they are integrated together?)
  3. Other chassis was configured for C6320P and I was using C6320 sleds. In my research I found some information that said this could cause fan problems (perhaps in early firmware). Also note: RAC0709 error is listed in some Dell docs as "Unknown Server Inserted Into Chassis" instead of "Unable to retrieve fan information" as displayed under fan information when my sleds were in the other chassis.
  4. Corrupted firmware
  5. Incompatible firmware (I've heard that if some firmware gets too far ahead of other firmware sometimes it is necessary to regress firmware versions in some devices in order to update the lagging one)
  6. Fan settings hard coded or corrupted by a previous user (although that doesn't explain why probing the board via IPMI failed)

So here are what I think are clues that the sled(s) are not communicating with the chassis (my theory as to the issue I was facing)….

  1. No Fan Speeds in iDRAC + "RAC0709: Unable to retrieve the fan information" error
  2. No Power Supply Info (removing power in one PSU and/or removing secondary PSU should bring up error state and flashing lights on chassis)
  3. No Inlet Temp Sensors alongside CPU Temp readings in iDRAC
  4. Unable to Probe FCB Firmware via IPMI

All that stuff and more now appears in my iDRAC interface.  Having not been a Dell or PowerEdge C user before I didn't know how much was missing.

I still plan to update firmware and will update this thread with any info that might be helpful.   I can now probe for versions using IPMI….  so I think I have 1.25 version

ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P ***** raw 0x30 0x12
01 7e 1b 01 25 00 00 00 00 01 ff 00 01 24 2e ff
ff 0f c2 00 00 01 04 01 04 31 c5 11 ff 0f



790 Posts

May 25th, 2020 07:00

Hi CA_Tallguy,


you did a very good job there. All those steps you've done are quite good. Maybe you're more a professional than I am.


You provided NEXT STEPS sound very good and you should go this way in order to see, what's going on. The FCB update is the most common one.

After you did this, please let me know if it solved this weird issue.

If the system is still under warranty, please provide me the ServiceTag in a private message.


Have a good one!


43 Posts

May 25th, 2020 10:00

Thanks Stefan.  I am not confident that the chassis is communicating with the sleds otherwise the IPMI commands should be returning data, correct? Can you confirm those are the correct IPMI commands (I took the information from the C6320p manual and assume they are the same for C6320... the C6320 manual does not cover the FCB).

I have alternate sleds to try in the chassis now and I also updated the firmware on one last night.  So I'll try the IPMI again.   If someone can confirm they are correct commands and any tips on when to run them since the error I got was about not able to run in the "present state" etc.

4 Operator


2.9K Posts

May 25th, 2020 11:00

I don't use and haven't supported IPMI, but I would expect some return data, even if it were just hex values. For example, if I were to issue commands using racadm (which does pretty much the same thing), you would see some returned data in the window.


One thing that may be at issue here is that fan capability has changed. What firmware revisions are we working with for the chassis and iDRAC? Linked below is a post from a 14G user that may have run into something similar. You might look and compare.


43 Posts

May 25th, 2020 11:00

Thanks... can you repost the link? doesn't seem like it came through.

I am not sure about firmware in the chassis.  The IPMI commands I posted were supposed to tell me version for the FCB. I'm new to IPMI and RACADM but will try more today to get any answer back from the chassis at all.  For all I know there could be some wire missing or detached so one way or another my first goal is to confirm some sort of communication and then secondarily I will try to update the firmware. (I'm also very close to just swapping this chassis for another and letting someone else deal with this particular problem.)

43 Posts

May 26th, 2020 22:00

Does anyone know if the fan controls need to be issued from the 4th sled? I have seen this mentioned in some discussions about the FCB on previous models such as here….

This would present a bit of a catch 22 as the fans hardly move any air on that side of the chassis so the CPU's will quickly overheat. 



790 Posts

May 27th, 2020 03:00

For me, IPMI is also some rocket science


But I guess you can do it with each sled, you just decide for one I would say.

Does the behavior change if you change the values to, let's say 50% (hex(int(50)) 0x32) for each fan?


ipmitool -I lan -H -P -U root raw 0x32 0x32 0x32 0x32


43 Posts

May 27th, 2020 09:00

Yes the IPMI is also feeling like a bit of rocket science for me too, Stefan LOL.  

I don't think that your format is correct.   The "raw" command is not just the fans and has to be in a format: 

ipmitool –I lanplus -H ipaddress -U username -P password raw netfn cmd data

In this format, the netfn element is the network function, which identifies the functional message class and clusters IPMI commands into different sets. The cmd element represents a unique one-byte command value within a given network function. Finally, the data element provides additional parameters for a request or response, if any.  (source: )

NOTE: I am color coding everything as: netfn cmd data and response

In my listed commands below and in original post, I appear to be issuing commands 0x12 and 0xc8 to "netfn" = 0x30 ( and to repeat above documentation, "network function ... identifies the functional message class and clusters IPMI commands into different sets" ).  IPMI is doing a nice job of repeating back and parsing out how it interpreted original command and then what the response code is for the operation…. (0x80 = "Unknown" and 0xd5 = "Command not supported in present state").

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P ***** raw 0x30 0x12
Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x30 lun=0x0 cmd=0x12 rsp=0x80 Unknown (0x80)

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P ***** raw 0x30 0xc8 0x01 0x0A 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00
Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x30 lun=0x0 cmd=0xc8 rsp=0xd5 Command not supported in present state (0xd5)

I have not been able to see fan speeds when they are in operation anywhere at all, not just missing in IPMI. Above commands and as shown in my original post on this thread do not seem to do anything useful. I will try again today to elicit some useful info, even if not on the fans.

I am not sure if 0x30 is the correct "netfn" for this system.  Any idea where I can verify this?  The commands I am issuing are not giving me anything useful or expected, as shown.   Or is there a way to probe for the system to tell me what the valid/active "netfn" codes are for my configuration?

I suspect it could be different for PowerEdge C platform vs regular PowerEdge as the fan control/power distribution board is shared between the 4 different compute sleds/motherboards whereas on a normal PowerEdge server, there is only one chassis and fan/cooling setup supporting a single "compute sled" or motherboard.

On the C6320P manual, they do have a section on checking "sticky bits" and that is where I am getting the 0x30 netfn……

I assume that the "netfn" is the same for the C6320 (no p) and C6320p sleds as both are using the C6300 chassis.  The S C6320p is just one processor not two.

The really confusing part of this setup is knowing if these IPMI commands issues to the various sleds are making it back to the actual chassis that holds four sleds.   As per my previous post 05-26-2020 10:33 PM — I have seen indications in places that on previous generations the commands had to be issued from the fourth sled ONLY and that if issued from sleds 1 to 3 they may not work.  There is nothing mentioned about this that I can see in the C6320P manual.  And as I've said there is NOTHING about any of this in the C6320 manual.  So I feel like I"m playing with minimally documented feature.

If anyone has more info on all this I would be very grateful.  Especially if anyone can verify that I should be issuing commands to 0x30 and if I have to use ONLY the fourth sled.  As I've said, if I have to use 4th sled that is going to be tricky because the cooling is not coming up as it should.  I likely will have to rig up some temporary cooling for the CPU's as the whole point of this thread is to get the fans to work properly over on that side.

43 Posts

May 27th, 2020 13:00

Sure seems like an awful lot of data is missing.... nothing for fans, PSU's, drives (all in the main chassis) but also memory, CPU, PCI on the sled (this sled has PCIe LSI raid card).   

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P ****** sdr list
SEL | Not Readable | ns
Temp | 70 degrees C | ok
Temp | 62 degrees C | ok
OS Watchdog | 0x00 | ok
VCORE PG | 0x00 | ok
VCORE PG | 0x00 | ok
3.3V PG | 0x00 | ok
5V PG | 0x00 | ok
Dedicated NIC | 0x00 | ok
Presence | 0x00 | ok
Presence | 0x00 | ok
PLL PG | 0x00 | ok
PLL PG | 0x00 | ok
1.1V PG | 0x00 | ok
M23 VDDQ PG | 0x00 | ok
M23 VTT PG | 0x00 | ok
FETDRV PG | 0x00 | ok
VSA PG | 0x00 | ok
VSA PG | 0x00 | ok
M01 VDDQ PG | 0x00 | ok
M01 VDDQ PG | 0x00 | ok
M23 VTT PG | 0x00 | ok
M01 VTT PG | 0x00 | ok
VTT PG | 0x00 | ok
VTT PG | 0x00 | ok
M23 VDDQ PG | 0x00 | ok
Status | 0x00 | ok
CPU Throttle | Not Readable | ns
Status | 0x00 | ok
CPU Throttle | Not Readable | ns
1.5V PG | 0x00 | ok
M01 VTT PG | 0x00 | ok
PCIe Slot1 | Not Readable | ns
PCIe Slot2 | Not Readable | ns
PCIe Slot3 | Not Readable | ns
PCIe Slot4 | Not Readable | ns
PCIe Slot5 | Not Readable | ns
PCIe Slot6 | Not Readable | ns
PCIe Slot7 | Not Readable | ns
A | 0x00 | ok
B | 0x00 | ok
CMOS Battery | 0x00 | ok
Pwr Consumption | 64 Watts | ok
Power Optimized | Not Readable | ns
ECC Corr Err | Not Readable | ns
ECC Uncorr Err | Not Readable | ns
I/O Channel Chk | Not Readable | ns
PCI Parity Err | Not Readable | ns
PCI System Err | Not Readable | ns
SBE Log Disabled | Not Readable | ns
Logging Disabled | Not Readable | ns
Unknown | Not Readable | ns
CPU Protocol Err | Not Readable | ns
CPU Bus PERR | Not Readable | ns
CPU Init Err | Not Readable | ns
CPU Machine Chk | Not Readable | ns
Memory Spared | Not Readable | ns
Memory Mirrored | Not Readable | ns
Memory RAID | Not Readable | ns
Memory Added | Not Readable | ns
Memory Removed | Not Readable | ns
Memory Cfg Err | Not Readable | ns
Mem Redun Gain | Not Readable | ns
PCIE Fatal Err | Not Readable | ns
Chipset Err | Not Readable | ns
Err Reg Pointer | Not Readable | ns
Mem ECC Warning | Not Readable | ns
Mem CRC Err | Not Readable | ns
USB Over-current | Not Readable | ns
POST Err | Not Readable | ns
Hdwr version err | Not Readable | ns
Mem Overtemp | Not Readable | ns
Mem Fatal SB CRC | Not Readable | ns
Mem Fatal NB CRC | Not Readable | ns
OS Watchdog Time | Not Readable | ns
Non Fatal PCI Er | Not Readable | ns
Fatal IO Error | Not Readable | ns
MSR Info Log | Not Readable | ns
TXT Status | Not Readable | ns
PFault Fail Safe | Not Readable | ns
FAN_1 | disabled | ns
FAN_2 | disabled | ns
FAN_3 | disabled | ns
FAN_4 | disabled | ns
FAN_5 | disabled | ns
FAN_6 | disabled | ns
FAN_7 | disabled | ns
FAN_8 | disabled | ns
FAN_9 | disabled | ns
FAN_A | disabled | ns
FAN_B | disabled | ns
FAN_C | disabled | ns
FAN_D | disabled | ns
Inlet Temp | disabled | ns
Exhaust Temp | disabled | ns
Input Current | disabled | ns
Input Voltage | disabled | ns
SC FW Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 8 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 9 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 10 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 11 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 12 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 13 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 14 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 15 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 1 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 2 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 3 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 4 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 5 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 6 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 7 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 8 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU Mismatch | Not Readable | ns
PSU Redundancy | Not Readable | ns
FW Update Status | Not Readable | ns
FAN_E | disabled | ns
FAN_F | disabled | ns
PSU 9 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 10 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 11 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 12 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 13 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 14 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 15 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 16 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 17 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 18 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 19 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 20 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 1 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 2 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 3 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 4 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 5 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 6 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 7 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 16 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 17 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 18 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 19 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 20 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 21 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 22 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 23 Status | Not Readable | ns
HDD 24 Status | Not Readable | ns
CPU Usage | 0 percent | ok
IO Usage | 0 percent | ok
MEM Usage | 0 percent | ok
SYS Usage | 0 percent | ok
Mezz Presence | 0x00 | ok
PSU 21 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 22 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 23 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 24 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 25 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 26 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 27 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 28 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 29 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 30 Status | Not Readable | ns
PSU 31 Status | Not Readable | ns
FCB Button | Not Readable | ns



790 Posts

May 28th, 2020 02:00



I wonder why it shows Not Readable.

I found an interesting article online (not a Del article), where someone did change the fan speed successfully but it was not a C PowerEdge it was a R330. But maybe you can try, if not already done, the steps he provided there:


Just to add, I guess you don't need it, but here is a white paper about the IPMI on PowerEdge servers:


What I also found is this process to update the FCB and Fan tables.


To verify the current Fan Controller Board firmware, run the following ipmi command on the system:
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x12

The output should looks something like this (the highlighted is the current FCB firmware version):

C6300 Fan Controller Board Update 2.12
Newest racadm 8.5- RHEL
Newest racadm 8.5- Windows (32-bit)
Newest racadm 8.5- Windows (64-bit)

  1. Download the file.
  2. Extract the files and rename the files from

            FC0210.bin to
            FT0602.bin to

  1. Run these racadm commands to get them to install remotely from your system:



C:\WINDOWS\system32>racadm -r <ip.address.of.idrac> -u root -p calvin update -f c:/path/to/
                          For the local update, run
                                   # racadm update –f /path/to/

  1. ***WAIT ABOUT 10 MINUTES***  The update has also been reported to take up to 120 minutes to show the new firmware.


  1. Run the Fan table update:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>racadm -r <ip.address.of.idrac> -u root -p calvin update -f c:/path/to/

  1. A chassis power cycle is recommended (but not necessary) after the update to verify the changes take effect. 

To verify the new Fan Controller Board firmware, run the following ipmi command on the system:
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x12
The output should looks something like this (the highlighted will show the current FCB firmware version):


43 Posts

May 28th, 2020 08:00

Thanks Stefan - The IPMI command ipmitool raw 0x30 0x12  you discuss is what I have been trying but I get response "Unknown (0x80)" for example (see original post and others for exact commands I used and responses).

That article showing process on R330 is interesting and it is helpful to see how someone is messing around with the fans even on another platform.  The difference in that case is that the fans are visible and reporting speeds through iDRAC, and the system is responsive to his IPMI commands.  In my case, they are not even showing speeds in iDRAC and checking firmware in IPMI does not work for me.

Maybe my problem is as simple as a missing or loose cable connection?  Or maybe the FCB is bad?  The fans do turn on and off with the system power so that doesn't seem likely. I can't see anything that seems out of place except that there is nothing connected to "fan speed control" header (but maybe that is just for programming?) 

But since FCB is shared by four different sleds this is expected to be more tricky than if the FCB was on a dedicated motherboard. I am not seeing power supply info either so that makes me think the problem may be how I am communicating with the base chassis.  I wonder if 0x30 is the correct code for what I need to do or if it could be some other identifier for my system.

So for troubleshooting, I think that is the best place to start… to somehow verify that I can talk to the base chassis, even another component.  I have moved sled around to different slots in case only one can talk to the base chassis and that hasn't seemed to help.  I've been probing IPMI and RACADM trying to get some data from base chassis but have not been able to determine if I am seeing any. Any thoughts on some other system that I should be able to probe, like the power supplies, to verify that I am able to talk to the chassis?

I have not attempted any update because I just assume it won't work if it isn't responding to the IPMI commands to check firmware versions.  I'd much prefer to see a response to those commands before attempting update anyway. 



790 Posts

May 29th, 2020 01:00

Oh well, I would go for the update anyways. 

As the latest update brings the SEL for thermal and power events in iDRAC it may also add the function to see the fan speeds.


C6320 - PowerEdge C6300 ENCLOSURE FCB FW Update

Fixes & Enhancements

-None for this release.

-Add SEL in iDRAC for FCB thermal/power events.
-Set ADM1275 continuously sampling PSU current/voltage so FCB does not need to get PSU info periodically via I2C bus.
Also, I would update the iDRAC to as this brought a lot of fixes and enhancements.

IDRAC with Lifecycle Controller V.,

Fixes & Enhancements

- Fixed an issue of blank screen display while launching iDRAC virtual console with HTML5 plugin through CMC
- Fixed an issue with ValueName regex not matching the schema definition for some of the properties in the
BIOS Attribute Registry and the Boot Sources Registry returned by Redfish API
- Fixed an issue with the Message ID for RAC1195 Summary not displaying the complete IPv6 address information
when changing the Virtual Console, Virtual Media, or the RFS settings using the iDRAC web interface
- Fixed an issue with iDRAC firmware update from the OS failing with an error about virtual device being unreachable
because of BitLocker or other security software
- Fixed an issue with repository update job displaying as failed in the job queue eventhough all firmware updates
that are included in the repository are successful
- Fixed an issue with firmware update failing when only IPv6 address is provided in Lifecycle Controller GUI
- Fixed an issue with Firmware update using the action Simple Update with OS deployment pack through Remote Share in Redfish interface
- Fixed an issue with Lifecycle Controller operations applied through System Services Manager exceeding on-screen timeout limit
- Fixed an issue with Firmware update using FTP with SOCKS4 proxy type not working in iDRAC GUI

- Added support for 750W MM PSU for PowerEdge platforms
- Added support for 2000W MM PSU for PowerEdge C4130
- Added support for Quadport Intel(R) 10GbE 4P X710-t Adapter
- Added support for firmware update for Intel P4500, P4600 and Express Flash NVMe PCIe SSD drives
- Added support for firmware update for iDSDM
- Added support for firmware update via HTTP/S
- Added support for SCP operations via HTTP/S
- Added support for Redfish 2016 R2 and R3 APIs including PCIe device inventory, OS Host Interface access and Privilege registry
- Added support for Redfish 2017 R1, R2, and R3 APIs including boot source configuration, virtual media management and maintenance window scheduling
- Added support for query parameters
- Added Restful API support for vMedia operations
- Added IPv6 support to USB NIC OS pass through
- Added support for SNMP and Syslog alerting to user tracking LCL messages
- Added support for boot order enable/disable control to SCP and RACADM
- Added support for GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus in RACADM
- Added support for force change password for user with default credentials

Worth a shot, don't you think?


43 Posts

May 30th, 2020 12:00

Couple notes/thoughts/questions on firmware upgrade which is currently underway on my system....

  1. Firmware update files are listed on under C6300 and NOT C6320 or C6320P - look under all three places and also do some google searching to see if you can find any other versions.  Update 3.18 is only listed under C6320P and C6300 but as of this writing there are NO FCB UPDATES listed under C6320
  2. One of the updates says there is a special update method if you are updating from a VERY early firmware version. I can't find that at the moment but check installation instructions and the readme with downloads.
  3. The latest update as of this posting appears to be 3.18
  4. Unsure if Lifecycle Controller and other routine system updates will update this firmware or if the only way to do it is manually.
  5. C6320P manual has some info on updating firmware but NO INFO is in the C6320 manual
  6. C6320P manual: "The fan control board (FCB) firmware update can be initiated from any sled installed in the C6300 chassis." (on systems previous to C6320 I have read some instructions suggesting that only certain sleds might be able to update FCB on those systems)
  7. C6320P manual: "The FCB firmware can be updated only from a sled that uses a supported Linux operating system." (NOTE: this may be due to the method of updating using "network share method" instructed in the manual.  "Supported Linux OS" may or may not be required if using another method that transfers the firmware to the system. I will follow up with another post if I find this to be required.)
  8. C6320P manual says "Ensure that all the installed servers are shut down" for the update. That wasn't entirely clear in other instructions. In one set of instructions i believe I read that FCB would appear as inaccessible to other sleds during the update (which suggested to me when updating while sleds powered UP?!?)  Firmware version can be queried and update can be initiated with RACADM even when powered down.
  9. RACADM also does not tell you when file transfer is complete.... it only tells you "the copying operation has begun" but no explicit message saying it is complete.  I have no idea if the transfer continues or file(s) need to be accessible after the "initiated" message comes on and the firmware update is in process. 
  10. Instructions do not address what all the supplemental files are in the firmware download and if those need to be accessible for the update, or if the update will only use the etc file from the bundle.
  11. Unaware if there is any way to monitor status/completion except to check the FCB firmware version as that is one of the last steps of most versions of instructions. 
  12. It has been more than 60 minutes since I have received "RAC1066: Firmware update for initiated successfully" message but will give it more time.  Various versions of instructions seem to emphasize this is a LONG process so be patient.  Wish there was info on when it is safe to assume it failed... don't want to brick my FCB.


Check the fan control board (FCB) firmware version by executing this IPMI command

ipmitool –U server_user_name –P server_user_pass_word –H server_IP –I lanplus raw 0x30 0x12

. For example, to check the FCB firmware version v3.09, execute this command:

ipmitool –U root –P calvin –H –I lanplus raw 0x30 0x12

Response: 01 69 1b 03 09 06 26 00 00 04 ff 00 01 2a 2f ff ff 0f c2 00 00 01 04 01 04 31 c5 11 ff 0f


  • The FCB version will be listed in the 4th and 5th bytes (from the left) of the output. In this output, 03 09 (4th and 5th bytes from the left) indicates the FCB version.
  • The fan table version is listed in the 6th byte of the output. In this output, 06 (6th byte from the left) indicates the fan table version.
  • The node slot is listed in the 10th byte of the output. In this output, 04 (10th byte from the left) indicates the node slot.

43 Posts

June 1st, 2020 13:00

Quick update....  still trying to get the firmware updated now that I have a chassis that is communicating with the sleds.   I started a new thread about the FCB firmware update....

One note.... with the new chassis, I have had two sleds inserted on the side opposite to the power supplies.  (I am not sure if that side is slots 1/2 or 3/4).     When I added a sled to the bottom slot in the row next to power supplies, the fans suddenly (finally) went down below 16K RPM to 13/14000 RPM.   Further, checking FCB firmware version, I now see a "fan table" version number!! Hooray!  

Fan Table version shown below in RED and I think sled number is in GREEN

Now if I can just get the damn firmware to update!!

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P ***** raw 0x30 0x12
01 51 1b 01 25 06 24 00 00 04 ff 00 01 24 2e ff
ff 0f c2 00 00 01 04 01 04 31 c5 11 ff 0f
$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P ***** raw 0x30 0x12
01 53 1b 01 25 06 24 00 00 02 ff 00 01 24 2e ff
ff 0f c2 00 00 01 04 01 04 31 c5 11 ff 0f



No Events found!
