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This post is more than 5 years old



September 25th, 2017 10:00

Where do I find the Service ID on a Dell C6100?

To obtain tech support from Dell you need your hardware's service ID, however despite exhaustive searching on the blades and the chassis I've not yet found it on a Dell C6100, can anyone advise where I should be looking?



8.5K Posts

September 25th, 2017 14:00


There should be a sticker on the front left of the top cover with the service tag. 

November 2nd, 2017 12:00

I've found a sticker however when I try and enter what's on it into the service tag box on the Dell site it won't let me enter all of it.  The format is:

XX-NNXXXX-NNNNN-NNX-NNNN (where X is a letter and N is a digit).

Is this it, and if so what part of it needs to be entered on the support site?

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