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1 Rookie


28 Posts


September 20th, 2019 13:00

Precision 7730 -- brightness adjustment stops working in latest BIOS

I updated my BIOS to the latest (1.11.0) and after that I was not able to change brightness in Windows with Fn+Up and Fn+Down. I reverted back BIOS to the previous version (1.10.1) and now it's fine. My machine was purchased in France, but I don't speak French and with my service tag system allowed me to chat with French. I started an English chat but the guy told me that the common chat is not technical related.


9 Posts

December 25th, 2020 11:00

Aaaah... what a relief.

Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 26 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: Dell Inc.
Version: 1.10.1
Release Date: 07/29/2019

I have hotkeys that work!

Closing the lid actually suspends my system!

And if I open it, it resumes solidly.

If it weren't for Ubuntu software center nagging me that my BIOS is outdated, I probably wouldn't ever consider upgrading it again.

1 Message

January 11th, 2021 08:00

Just updated my 7730 BIOS to the latest revision and it also broke my brightness keys. When will Dell actually fix this issue and use the notes the other people put in this thread?

9 Posts

March 2nd, 2021 02:00

Honestly, I do not expect a fix anymore. Nothing has moved in 18 months. It's a pity because otherwise it's a fine machine.

9 Posts

May 11th, 2022 13:00

FYI while installing updates for my docking station and carefully deselecting the latest BIOS update, the updater tool ignored it and installed a new BIOS as well

So I'm at 1.20.1 now and I thought what the heck, let's run it for a day.


- brightness keys (Fn-arrowup/arrowdown) still broken
- lid close/open => suspend or other action: still broken
- fail to resume from suspend: tried it 3 times and it resumed! Yay! Right? Right?

Well, no because after suspending and resuming for 3 times it now just won't suspend anymore. It just hangs for a while and then just keeps running.

Now where did I leave that USB stick with the 2019 BIOS...

19 Posts

January 30th, 2023 08:00

I accidentally noticed today that brightness shortcut Fn+Up|Down works again. I don't know whether it was Dell BIOS fix or Linux kernel addressed this bug, neither when this happened - I didn't check the shortcut several months at least.

Current UEFI version is 1.26.0 and kernel version, Debian 12:
6.1.0-2-amd64 Debian 6.1.7-1 (2023-01-18) x86_64 GNU/Linux

9 Posts

November 30th, 2023 08:46

Confirmed! Running uefi/bios 1.30.1 on arch linux with kernel 6.1 and brightness keys Fn+Up|Down work.

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