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This post is more than 5 years old


June 4th, 2008 13:00

PHOTO 926 and Dell in general...

I cannot emphasize how unhappy I have been since buying this printer. It really makes me feel cheated.  The ink consumption is so incredible fast (and at low quality prints!) it would have been cheaper to research properly and buy a more expensive printer with normal(!) consumption.  I spend almost every week dealing with ordering and I don't print more than I have with other printers! And if I want to buy retail, only at STAPLES, which is far for me.  The printer is CHEAP< not inexpensive. Beware.

I am not one who submits comments to forums, but this time I would like all those who dwell-in-Dell to be warned.

Lastly, after being a Dell loyal customer for 10 years I herby certify that I will NOT buy Dell anymore. My last purchase was a true nightmare; the service that came with it mediocre; the time consumed dealing with incompetence egregious.

For someone who has been in the business world for some time, I can perceive how the short-term mentality of a coproration, trying to cut costs with no end, is sending this corporation down the tubes. I am VERY unhappy; and that Dell allowed this to happen after all my complaints, makes it even worse. I just hope people realize this, seriously.  It takes time for a Corporation to go down (or being acquired by HP!) but it will go there if Dell insists in CHEAPENING its products and services.


1.5K Posts

June 4th, 2008 14:00


You have had this printer for almost a year and a half, did the ink consumption suddenly go up? Also if you have them could you send me a private message with the case numbers you are referring to where you received less then satisfactory service.


What was it you were trying to get help with that support could not do?

5 Posts

August 19th, 2008 16:00

And here I go again: Whoever is out there, PLEASE don't buy Dell. As other brands have improved greatly their quality (e.g., HP)  Dell has gone in the other direction. Why buy something online that has been cheapened as the Dell products when you can go to Best Buy or Circuit City personally?

This printer Photo 926 is the cheapest-most-expensive-printer I have ever had. (and I've had six so far) Dell should PAY ME for the frustration, aggravation, cost and low quality it has given me! No more Dell in my household ever again.:manmad:

3 Posts

October 6th, 2008 01:00

Too late. I bought one and two days old it is cutting my paper when I try to print.  What am I doing wrong?

5 Posts

October 6th, 2008 06:00

I regret you got stuck with a DELLl printer.
DELL printers are cheaply made (one thing is INEXPENSIVE, another CHEAP).  There are many printers in the markets reasonable priced and of much better quality.  But the  worse is to see the ink being consumed so rapidly and then not having enough choices to go out there and buying cartridges anywhere you want, reatil. A real drag and inconvenience.
Dell shot itself on the foot with their printer business strategy.
Never again will I buy Dell.

3 Posts

October 6th, 2008 14:00

Thank you for your reply.  I bought the Dell Photo 926 the next day after buying a Dell computer.  Thought it best to put Dell with Dell.  My old scanner and printer were obsolete.  You are absolutely right about the ink.  Almost all the color ink is gone in just a few days and the cutting is driving me crazy.  I hope to take the Photo 926 back to the store.  Any suggestions as to what to buy next?  I need to be able to scan and print, hopefully all in one.  Thanks again.

5 Posts

October 6th, 2008 14:00

I don't think even the Dell people are aware of how costly their ink consumption is. And if they know, then they are PIRATES who do not deserve our business.  My experiences with Dell in the last two years (after ten years of loyalty) have been so bad, that I will not buy any Dell products ever again. They are really sleeping on their laurels.

I am not an expert in printers, but you can get a good one for a very reasonable price at any store (including Target). I have heard HP are good.

Good luck. 

3 Posts

October 6th, 2008 14:00

Thank you so much! I tried to get my husband to buy an HP computer.  We have had one for a long time.  I will definitely look for an HP printer.
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