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This post is more than 5 years old


October 12th, 2016 23:00

How can phone support be this bad?

I have lost track of the number of Dell computers I have purchased over the last 20 years for myself, family, business etc. The few times I have had to resort to phone support, I have been generally pleased.

Sure the automated phone menu blows, and you have to start with someone who is offshore (and knows nothing about computers), but with some patience, you can usually get to someone who actually knows computers.

I admit is has been a few years since I needed to call in for help, but after tonight all I can say is wow… things have fallen off a cliff. Considering how tough the personal computer business is right now, you would think customer support would be paramount in the minds of Dell executives.

One of the nice things about computer problems is, no matter what your issue is, someone else has probably had it, and the solution can be found online. I read thru the support forums today, found my issue, and tried every solution posted. I had no success, so I called into Dell tech support.

The first person I dealt with was pleasant enough, but simply was not savvy enough to help. I was transferred to “second level” support who quite frankly was just as clueless about computers. I was then given a case number and told I was being transferred to “senior support” only to be greeted by a dead phone line.

I called back, and another trip thru the auto phone system, another explanation for my call, another first level support member who proceeds to ask me a series of questions that have nothing to do with my problem. I asked to be transferred to a more knowledgeable tech, and “click” … the phone goes dead.

The third call started out the same way, auto phone menu, first level support, “can I have your service tag…”, another explanation of the problem only to be asked the same novice questions.

Now my patience is running pretty thin at this point, and I have to keep reminding myself that while this may be the third time I have called, and the fifth or sixth person I have repeated the same story too, these folks are just trying to do their job. I asked to be transferred to someone who has more advanced knowledge, and then…. Yup, the phone goes dead.

The fourth call and now I am testy, and as soon as I get a live person I asked to be transferred to the advanced support. No, I am not telling you name, my service tag, or what the problem is. I just need help. I get transferred successfully to what department I don’t know because not only is the next person just as clueless but wants to try and explain to me how what I am trying to do is impossible (downgrade OS). I kindly point out that what I am trying to is very common, and all over the forums. “I don’t know what to tell you, let me transfer you…”

Ninth or tenth person at this point, and approaching the third-hour mark. I explain everything to the latest support person who then tells me that he is in the “premium support” center and I have to pay $200+ for him to assist me.

I gave up at this point and started writing this post.

I want to be very clear that I am not beating up Dell, or the people who have to field what must be a tidal wave of calls. However, what I just experienced should never happen at all, much less to a company like Dell Computer. Hopefully, someone will read this and go back and listen to the recording of my calls. I promise they are worse than what I wrote here.

Far too many companies out there with little regard for their customers, and that is not a successful business model. Michael Dell took this company back private because (among other reasons) he thought it was undervalued. Well, Mr. Dell, I know where you can make some improvements.

I am going to wonder over to the tech side of the forums to see if I can get my problem resolved. I really don’t want to take this computer back, and I am sure Michael Dell doesn’t either.

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