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July 5th, 2012 03:00

What is the difference between ESRS IP client and ESRS GW?


I open this discussion to clear some points.

If I understand correctly ESRS GW and ESRS IP Client are two different SWs.

What is the difference between ESRS IP client and ESRS GW?

I have installed ESRS GW. It is monitored DMX box.

Is it needed to install ESRS IP over ESRS GW machine to monitor clarion CX box?

119 Posts

July 5th, 2012 05:00

I admit the naming convention is a little confusing.  When the ESRS product was first introduced in January 2006, it was called EMC Secure Remote Support Gateway or ESRS Gateway.  We sometimes refer to it as ESRS 1.  It was a general purpose solution that supported most of the EMC products available.  The second generation of the product (ESRS 2) was introduced in July 2010 and the name was changed to EMC Secure Remote Support IP Solution or ESRS IP Solution.  The idea was to refer to ESRS 1 as ESRS Gateway and ESRS 2 as ESRS IP Solution.  In actuality, most people refer to the current product as ESRS Gateway and that's probably from habit and to differentiate between it and the later products that were introduced with "IP Client" in their names. 

The ESRS IP Client for CLARiiON was introduced in July, 2010 and was designed to only manage CLARiiON devices.  The ESRS IP Client for VNX was introduced later and manages legacy CLARiiON and VNX.  We have since released ESRS Device Client for Symmetrix and VNXe Device Client.  The device clients are designed to manage a single product.

Since you already have the ESRS Gateway, it would not be necessary to install the IP Client for CLARiiON/VNX.

13 Posts

July 5th, 2012 06:00

Hi James,

Thank you for fast response and detailed explanation! It is clearer now! But I have another question about each device clients. Here is the current example:

I have an environment with few CX3/4 boxes, Celerra, DD two DMX3 and old DMX1000. At the moment I have installed EMC Secure Remote Support – IP Solution Gateway Client (PN 953-002-303). It was ordered and installed. All my boxes except DMX1000 are added and listed in tab “Managed devices” in ESRS configuration tool. 

So if I understand correctly this ESRS client is only for DMX, isn’t it? In this case why I am able to add and other devices?

Is it needed to install additional ESRS client for CX boxes? If it is needed may I install it on the same windows machine as my current ESRS?

Thank you in advance!



53 Posts

July 5th, 2012 09:00

Just to clarify, the ESRS Device Client is for VMAX arrays.  It is integrated in to systems with 587x code only.  However the full version of ESRS IP Solution does work for DMX arrays.  For reference, the ESRS Technical Description document provides listings of all systems supported.

25 Posts

July 13th, 2012 12:00

from Above


So if I understand correctly this ESRS client is only for DMX, isn’t it? In this case why I am able to add and other devices?

Is it needed to install additional ESRS client for CX boxes? If it is needed may I install it on the same windows machine as my current ESRS?



DMX does NOT use a device client on the SP  it is ONLY supported on ESRS Gateway. You need to engaged your CE to configure the DMX to use the ESRS Gateway  and to get it deployed.

The CX boxes can be managed via  ESRS Gateway(s). If you wish to use the Clariion/ VNX tool to anage your storage do NOT attempt to install them on the Gateways server this is an unsupported configurations and will " wipe out " the ESRS Gateway  and the Celerra and DD will become unmanaged ( unable to connecthome or EMC to connecto for support) Clarrion / VNX Management Station with ESRS Device Client is limited to managing VNX Block, File, Unified , VG2& VG8 , and Legacy Clariion. Id does NOT suppport Legacy Celerra or any other EMC products

21 Posts

July 17th, 2012 01:00

Hi Kiril,

ESRS IP Client for VNX is more than just connectivity it contains additional functionality that are specific to the VNX-Block and CLARiiON products, but it only supports these products. The ESRS Gateway is ONLY for connectivity and cannot have the additional functionality added, but it does support all the products in your environment.

With your suggested product mix I would recommend:

The ESRS Gateway (v2) to support all of your products for connectivity. I would additionally recommend you install the ESRS IP Client for VNX on a separate server/vm to provide you with the additional functionality that only this product can offer. The ESRS Gateway must be installed by an EMC CE and technically the ESRS IP Client for VNX can be installed by customers and partners, but in this configuration I would recommend that the EMC CE set this up for you.


2 Intern


20.4K Posts

July 17th, 2012 04:00

what is this extra functionality that you get with ESRS IP Client for VNX ? I have ESRS Gateway v2 in my environment at the moment.

25 Posts

July 17th, 2012 05:00

Something to keep in mind as well if the Gateway is Version 2.16.xx.xx it has a feature ( SRS Gateway Proxy ) which can be leveraged by Device Clients to permit use of the customers firewall for  Gateway configuration for the communication to EMC so they can take advantaqge of any special features  available on the ESRS device Client. This is done by pointing the ESRS Device Client to hte Gateway on port 8118 in the proxy settings. Thhe Gateway and ESRS Device Clients can / should be configured to use the dsame Policy Manager. Note the Device Client and it managed devices ( in the case of VNX/Clariion Managemnt station are NOT deployed on the ESRS Gateway ). One of the advantages of the VNX/ Clariion Management station is that device deployment is fully automatic where device deployment on a Gateway requires EMC approval for final deployment

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

July 17th, 2012 05:00


sounds like you are automating some of the things that otherwise would require support person to connect via ESRS and do it themselves (like initiate spcollects ..etc). So for me as a customer is it worth investing into yet another Windows 2008 license and VMware license to stand up another VM ...i am not convinced. If you are going to say that this will expedite the process of managing the hardware i am going to laugh because we've had ESRS for over 3 years now and i still get calls from Clariion/VNX support trying to schedule Webex for drive replacement.

21 Posts

July 17th, 2012 05:00

Hi dynamox,

ESRS IP Client for VNX contains:

UDoctor which is made up of Array Health Analyzer (AHA), Triage Real Time (TRT) and Triage on Management Station (TOMS). Details on PowerLink: Home > Support > Software Downloads and Licensing > Downloads C > CLARiiON CX3-80

UDoctor pre-filters errors and only opens up a Service Request for errors that EMC needs to know about. The tool also runs log capture tools like SPCollect automatically when certain errors occur so the lab can diagnose issues much quicker.

Automated Periodic Array Configuration Capture and Upload Tool (ACU) - KnowledgeBase: emc211316

ACU has been around since 2009 and support all CLARiiON's and the VNX-Block and it collects config information from the product which can then be used by support to determine part number and serial numbers in the machine. For example if a drive fails on occasion is hard fails to the point that even with a connect in from the lab that can't determine the drive type which often requires the customer to confirm physically. If ACU data is available, EMC could determine the drive part number from the last config home.

The third and obvious capability is connectivity, but unlike the ESRS Gateway product it also supports email home and modem home for customers still using these older technologies as well as ESRS of course.


21 Posts

July 17th, 2012 20:00

Hi dynamox,

I can't answer specifically why you are being asked for a WebEx session when you have ESRS, but I would start with your local ASR or CE to find out why that is happening, because I don't believe that is normal.

Statically we looked at the numbers locally and for a 2 months period we saw 21% faster resolution and 50% less chance of a Sev 1 for customers will the full remote support package compared to those they didn't. I think corporate marketing quote some different numbers but they are based on ESRS or not.

Not being a customer I have no idea of the cost to deploy as you suggest, but what roughly does a VM and Win 2008 license cost out of interest?

You are correct it is automation and does technically lead to faster resolution because we are not reliant on humans. In your Webex example you may not have got the call at all if UDoctor determined it did not warrant human intervention, you may not have had a call for WebEx is they already knew the drive part number, you may not have had to wait an extra 30min while they ran the SPCollects which may have already been waiting for them.

What is the cost of your time at 2am to answer a WebEx call that coulld have been automated?


2 Intern


20.4K Posts

July 17th, 2012 20:00

Win2k8 VM - $90 /year

I already invested in ESRS Gateway configuration with HA config and Policy Manager, with my premium support contract on top of that .. so i already expect EMC support to do all that and not call me.  It does not happen very often, but the fact that it does it tells me there is either a training or competency issues when sites notes specifically say that devices are available in ESRS and credentials to login to them.

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

July 17th, 2012 21:00


i am not even opposed to purchasing another VM if i see the value proposition. If you were to tell me that by deploying this service EMC will lower my yearly maintenance support contract (because this saves EMC man power) i would be all for it.

It's a no-brainer for new installs (for sites that only manage CX/VNX) platforms.

21 Posts

July 17th, 2012 21:00

Hi dynamox,

Many thanks for your feedback. I can't comment on the specifics of your WebEx calls,  but I'm sure your local EMC team would be only too happy to follow up for you.

For an existing customer with an existing setup I can see how you might weigh the effort/cost against the perceived value in this functionality, but I would like to think that a new customer that was going to deploy in your example 3 x VM’s, would set up one more for this feature. i.e. the net difference in cost and effort would be minimal.

We are working on getting corporate qualification to have this software installed on the Policy Manager so in your situation there would be no net change to your hardware/licensing and so there would be a gain (small as you may see it), but for $0. We have already tested and documented this configuration locally and so know it works well. I would be happy to discuss this with you local EMC team if you’re interested in following this up?


21 Posts

July 18th, 2012 07:00

Hi dynamox,

I can't promise you a discount on your maintenance, but I can promise to add your concerns to my project list of customer feedback. Many thanks again for your comments and if you ever have any issues with WebEx, I would be happy to look into it for you if you let me know.


13 Posts

July 23rd, 2012 02:00


It became more useful and interesting post then I expect. Many thanks to all of you!

I am wondering is it needed ConnectEMC to be installed on ESRS GW? Because when I tried to configure template on CX3/CX4 boxes it searching for ConnectEMC? I will be grateful if Trefor and Dynamox share their experience!

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