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October 1st, 2012 18:00

Acknowledge notifications

Hi ,

Could someone please guide mein as how can I acknowledge multiple notificaion.

or all notification macthing same event or device name.....


170 Posts

October 2nd, 2012 05:00

HI Ahmed,

In addition to the above, you can also use the below script to acknowledge notifications. The below sample script will acknowledge all notifications with the word PowerSupply in the InstanceName field. To run this script, simply create an asl file in the SAM bin directory ( /smarts/bin) call it something like : multipleAck.asl. Copy the same script text below. Use the following command to setup permissions :

chmod 777 multipleAck.asl

And use the following command to run the script :

./sm_adapter -s multipleAck.asl

Sample script :

default debug = FALSE;

manager = object("ICF-TopologyManager");

factory = object("ICIM-ObjectFactory");

timestamp = numeric(time());



.. eol

} do {

x = getInstances("ICS_Notification");

y = getInstances("ICS_NotificationFactory");

foreach notiffactory (y)


notifactObj = object(notiffactory);

foreach sys (x)


objRef = object();

objRef = object("ICS_Notification", sys);

if (glob("*PowerSupply*",objRef->InstanceName)) {

print("Notif-Name ==> " . objRef->Name);

print("Notif-Name ==> " . objRef->EventState);

objRef->acknowledge("admin","Acknowledge Notification");


print("Notification Object acknowledged");





170 Posts

October 2nd, 2012 03:00

Hi Ahmed,

You can acknowledge multiple notifications on the SAM GUI by simply using the mouse and shift key to select multiple notifications and then right clicking and select Acknowledge.

Is this the information you were looking for, or is there a requirement to do this from a script or dmctl command?



19 Posts

November 27th, 2012 02:00

Hello Paul,

Just a small query if we want to run this acknowledge script for specific devices.I tried doing below way but not working although it is printing the input device names....

./sm_adapter -s SAM --file=/tmp/devices.txt   multipleAck.asl



} do {

x = getInstances("ICS_Notification");

y = getInstances("ICS_NotificationFactory");

foreach notiffactory (y)


notifactObj = object(notiffactory);

foreach sys (x)


objRef = object();

objRef = object("ICS_Notification", sys);

if (glob("*PowerSupply*",objRef->InstanceName) && glob("*.a*",objRef->InstanceName)) {

print("Notif-Name ==> " . objRef->Name);

print("Notif-Name ==> " . objRef->EventState);

objRef->acknowledge("admin","Acknowledge Notification");


print("Notification Object acknowledged");







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