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This post is more than 5 years old



December 15th, 2009 22:00

SAMSUNG 256 gb SSD Firmware Update for Windows 7 TRIM?

Does anyone have an idea how to get the updated Firmware for the Samsung 256gb SSD?  My current firmware is VMB19D1Q - which does not support TRIM.  I have reached out to Samsung who sends me back to Dell and Dell seems not to know when Samsung is releasing the firmware.  I have a copy of an email where a Samsung person says the firmware for this drive has been released to Dell.  Any assistance - please ?  When paying this much money for these drives - I did not expect them to have flaws before I purcahsed.


58 Posts

January 29th, 2010 22:00

The best way to know for sure is to run Crystal Info - this will tell you what the drive supports, not just what the OS is setup for.

65 Posts

January 30th, 2010 04:00

   I have got one 256GB SSD from ebay, Firmware Ver : VBM15D1Q.   it became very slow now for writing , and I have no way to update the firmware.

    I'm not sure if it still in Dell Warranty

   I checked Dell Website, and found there is no place or information about the warranty transfer for SSD (  It seems only the laptop can do warranty/owner transfer ?)

   Does anyone know how to do the SSD warranty/owner transfer? how to check the SSD warranty status?







11 Posts

January 30th, 2010 08:00



I rest my case, BUCKZOR. 


End of line.

11 Posts

January 30th, 2010 18:00


just some more data for you guys....


i imaged the new drive from my old one using acronis - about 130 gigs of data.  currently, the drive does NOT exhibit the stuttering behavior that the old drive did... multiple parallel downloads are simply no longer a problem.



January 31st, 2010 12:00


I don't mean to be unsocial, milguy, but your firmware doesn't read VBM15D1Q, it reads VBM9LD1Q.


We know the SSD supports TRIM.  It's the firmware upgrade from VBM15D1Q that we want from Dell.


11 Posts

January 31st, 2010 14:00


EXACTLY MY POINT!  (I posted that screenshot due to a previous post that 9LD1Q did not support TRIM)


I will share with you that after reading multiple pages online about the 15D1Q drives and consulting with Dell on the issue (for what that is worth) --- that there will NEVER be a firmware upgrade from Dell for the 15D1Q drives.  They use a different flash than any of the other first generation drives.  TRIM did not exist when the majority of them were sold (pre-windows 7 release date) - therefore, Dell is not obliged to offer firmware upgrades for them as this is the addition of a "new" feature that was simply not around when they were initially sold. 


Is that the correct decision from Dell?  Of course not!

Is it ethical?  NO!  

Are there a bunch of PO'd 15D1Q owners?  Yep.

Luckily, my drive "failed" - and was replaced with a 9LD1Q - which, magically, supports TRIM.... and all of my ills have been cured (at least the ones relating to the M1530 with SSD)




65 Posts

February 1st, 2010 00:00

Here is my Dell 256GB VMB15D1Q SSD benchmark, after two week usage, write speed down from 150MB/s to 5MB/s. lots slower than generic USB flash and even slowest HDD. We really had  to take action for 15D1Q owner. we spent 5 times money  than HDD and brought a brick.


11 Posts

February 1st, 2010 01:00

here is a 9LD1Q after a week of fairly intensive use....


58 Posts

February 3rd, 2010 00:00

I know ranting on this forum is pointless because either DELL are not reading or don't care, but I'm just dumbfounded and the same time furious at this whole saga.

As a company, we've ordered DELLs for more nearly 20 years - but this episode has left such a bad feeling that I can really seeing this being the end of the road. There are many things I like about the design of their newer laptops, but I'm not sure I'll ever get the confidence back to order again after being treated so poorly on this one.

February 3rd, 2010 01:00

Hi Guys,

I tried many ways to get contact to a Dell supervisor but still couldn't reach anyone. Is there anyone who could reach someone at Dell with the our signed thing. (57 right now, I am sure more people are waiting for this)

I also tried to put the firmware of other brands on my SSD (in 3 different new systems, with AHCI on/off, IDE on/off, different SATA ports, different firmware tools(1.0, 2.0, 2.1), etc.) but it didn't work.

I want to have an Dell supported way for all of us! Or replace all non Trim enabled drives by Dell.


10 Posts

February 3rd, 2010 13:00

Removed duplicate Post

10 Posts

February 3rd, 2010 13:00

2nd Post removed one word for TOS

Hopefully this is my last post this will be a little long, but I hope you will be able to use one of my two solutions.....why.....I received two new replacement SDDs from Dell today.  Both drives have a date of 1/27/2010 and both have F/W VBM24D1Q.  I would like to say that I am happy, but this has been an ongoing issue for me since October 2009.  I think this firmware supports TRIM, if not I just wasted an hour typing this post - feeling like I am done! 

Recap:  Purchased two Samsung SDDs from Dell in 9/2009.  Was quite happy, I had been doing research on the SDDs and found a good price at DELL (with discount - still expensive).  A few weeks later with Windows 7 release, I inquired to DELL about TRIM support.  They pushed me to Samsung, I sent several emails to them, Samsung pushed me back to Dell.  Needless to say over the 4 months, I have spent literally dozens of hours on the phone with Dell, researching potential solutions with F/W hacks from other vendors, and did I mention speaking with about a dozen Dell techs that really have no idea and should have never been on the phone.  Most did not know what a SSD was, let alone F/W for the drive.  In the end I finally got a tech, spoke with his manager and had the manager acknowledge the amount of time (through their logs) that I have spent on the phone and that he really had no solution.  However, he decided that he would send me two new replacement drives - he made sure to tell me that they would be new and not refurbished.  It was almost comical, first they wanted to tell me that I had waited to long, but when I referenced their own logs for the time I have spent and the fact that Dell kept telling me to wait and wait and wait - his story changed.

It is a shame, I am sure there a thousands of people, (including my Corporate Job 100k+ employees) - which has Dell as our provider and our IT was pushing SSDs - from Dell.  Many of these people do not know about the speed decrease, TRIM, or garbage collection associated with SSDs, these people just think their relatively new computer is slow.  On top of this, the Service that I have received from Dell sets new standards for low.  Like I said about 12 techs, each not reading the notes on my account, and only 1 following up even though about 4 said they would.  Some pushing me to Samsung, one pulled the Alienware thread about this issue and the F/W flash hack that most of us where unable to replicate.  In the end, it seemed like they were doing me a favor!  "We know you purchased a top of the line SSD and spent good money to have one of the fastest consumer drives - however this drive will slow down after usage - DOES THIS MAKE SENSE!"  Ok, many of us realized that this is new technology with a few bugs - but seriously a very fast drive that slows down after usage?  Ok, Dell does not support F/W updates - ok, how about replacing the drives? 

One last funny story - after my drives were "authorized" I called back after I had not heard anything for two business days.  I needed to spend 20 minutes just to get the tech to understand this was not a new issue and I had spoken with techs (had al of their names) he finally gave me the case numbers for the orders.  Then guess what...I GOT A CALL FROM DELL SUPPORT (at 9pm last night), he was following up on my "problem", he than proceeded to tell me that the drives were already delivered and signed for - ON OCTOBER 2009!!!!!!!  "I am not saying that you are lying sir - but it says right here that they were signed for - (10 - 15 minutes of disagreeing with him ) - oh wait!...that was the original order - I see the cases you are talking about - yea they'll be there tomorrow (today and they were).  Now let me get this straight you are calling me at 9:15pm to follow up on my issue - AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW MY ISSUE!!!!!!  C'MON - LET'S WASTE ANOTHER 30 MINUTES OF MY TIME. 

Last note on Dell service:  I paid extra for 3 year service and expected to get what I paid for - now if you go to buy a new Dell - they are offering PREMIUM service with "telephone access to technicians based in North America" - Dell executives should truly be ashamed of themselves and their company for such a practice.  Let's make them pay extra to speak with someone in the US - this is truly a sad state.

 FINALLY like I said two solutions - now only one:

 1)  I have also been going back and forth with SAMSUNG directly, they offered to take the drives and update the F/W for me.  I was not happy with this option, but it may work for many of you.  I highly recommend calling the number before you send your drive.  Here is the email response from SAMSUNG.


Thank you for your inquiry to Samsung Semiconductor.

Please remove below information in Dell Community forum you wrote. That was for your convenience only because DELL did not corresponded you accordingly. Samsung does not have any responsibility to change DELL drive because it designed for DELL system only.


2)  I hate to say it, continue to call DELL for replacement drives.  As per their advertisement, you purchased "Dell High Performance" SSDs, high performance does not degrade after moderate usage:

·       Keep good notes of ALL calls, time, duration, what was said by the techs and even what was not said.  Especially the stupid comments trust me they will come on their own.  I find the managers get a little edgy nervous when you quote dates, times, names and tech numbers of previous techs - they have the same notes in front of them especially of the amount of time you spent on the phone.

·       Try to keep your time to a minimum with the first tech you talk to - you want at least their floor manager, go as high as they will push you.  It will take time, some of the techs wanted to question me as to why I wanted to speak with their manager.  I am not an angry phone person, so even when they annoyed me I kept cool and restated my request so a four year old could understand.  If they try to make you rehash your whole issue, just stop the conversation and start working on getting their boss.  If YOU are the angry phone type - whatever works for you - I do not recommend it, some techs are just doing their jobs, it's not their fault their bosses or Dell did not train them properly.

·       Call, call, and call some more if you really want to have your drives replaced.  Or try Option 1

I know this is crazy long and I apologize, hopefully I am done and these drives work (and have TRIM).  I want to THANK ALL OF YOU that had positive comments and potential solutions to this issue.  I would like to believe that Dell and other companies will get their hands on some of these posts and make positive changes.  Or maybe they will get in the hands of the media.  By now, I feel like I EARNED these drives with the amount of time I have spent on this issue - Dell should owe me money for the time I spent.  Through at least a decade I have been what I think is a loyal customer, I have referred MANY to Dell – and at one time was the biggest fan of next business day service – it really did work in the past.  I have been happy with a couple of recent laptop purchases and live by these machines.  But with the state of their support today…this will not continue.


Good Luck to all and I hope you are able to find solution.  Again, thank you for attention, comments and assistance.  Basically the support that Dell was unable, unwilling, or simply uncaring to provide.


Best Wishes



5 Posts

February 5th, 2010 13:00

I am still in shock, but finally got a replacement drive from Dell, newly manufactured with firmware VBM24D1Q which does indeed support TRIM.  I will be sending the drive I purchased back in August with VBM15D1Q back to them after clearing the NAND.

Getting this replacement was no small accomplishment because of the huge difficulty in working through the Dell customer support hierarchy.  In my case it was even worse because I was using a laptop purchased from the Outlet with an upgrade drive purchased via EPP.  Initiating any customer service contact basically requires a service tag to be entered, which directed me down the Dell Home division.  I talked with a bunch of reps, some more helpful than others, but ultimately none could help me.  My last contact got me to a wonderful rep who promised to look into the matter and elevate it to her supervisor, and report back within two days.  It took about a week, but she didn't forget about me and comprehended entire issue with non-upgradeable firmware, write slowdowns, etc. and ultimately authorized a replacment.  Problem was, she couldn't actually dispatch it because the original part was from the EPP division.  But she did document all this in a service request, and gave me the number to EPP.  Calling them, I had some difficulty again explaining the SSD and not the laptop was the problem, but ultimately this was sorted out.  i was then conferenced then subsequently transferred to EPP tech support who did authorize the dispatch (after nearly one hour on the phone and one disconnect, thankfully he called me back).  Two days later the drive arrives!

Persistence ultimately paid off, although had I had the foresight I would have just paid the extra money and gotten the Samsung PM800 via Corsair or OCZ initially.  Hopefully Dell ultimately will issue a firmware utility for VBM15D1Q, but if not definitely do keep their feet to the fire until they make it right. 

My understanding as of now is the VBM15D1Q drives were sort of "pre-release" and use a different flash utility than all the later drives.  Seems that only Dell got these early units, with OCZ, Corsair, Mushkin, Lenovo, etc only shipping proper release product with VBM1801Q or later firmware that can be upgraded by the various utilities now available for download.


3 Posts

February 5th, 2010 14:00

I just ordered a 1645 yesterday with the 256gb SSD.  I wonder what the chances of my system being delivered with the VBM24D1Q (the one that supports TRIM, no?) are.

65 Posts

February 7th, 2010 02:00

What is the difference for VBM9D1Q and VBM24D1Q?

it seem both support TRIM.


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