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May 4th, 2007 12:00

Stop Error during "Make Compatible"

I think my Roxio Creator LE (Dell Edition, build 2.4.32a) software has become corrupt... or there is a conflict with other programs.
After upgrading to Windows Media Player 11, I began to get an error upon exiting DLA function, which I was using for data backup.  I could live with this, because the process worked fine, and I only had to click OK to get past the errors.
But things have deteriorated.  The only major system change I've made was an upgrade from Norton Internet Security 2006 to 2007.  I had to disable some startup programs due to issues with this upgrade, but nothing relating the Roxio program.  Now, I can use DLA to backup data, but I get a blue screen (Stop Error) in the midst of the "Make Compatible" process, and have to reboot.
When I look at the disk, the data seems to be there.  But I don't like this new wrinkle.
I don't have a disk for the Roxio software.  I have installed a DLA update from the Dell site.  But I'm still getting the error.  This simple software was fine for my purposes.  I really didn't want to spend another $80 to buy Nero or the full Roxio package.
Any ideas???

27 Posts

May 7th, 2007 01:00

Hi again Jeff
I'm hoping Jim will post back on Roxio.  I think what they call "Direct-to-Disc" is the Packet Writing component.  So, I'm guessing the "Data Disc" option is preferable way to go.  I have some CD-R discs, so I will have to try it out and see if I get any errors...
Would a DVD-R be just as reliable as a CD-R?  Because I need that extra space.  Sorry to have to ask... but what is the Mastering Program?
Thanks again for all your help...

15.3K Posts

May 7th, 2007 12:00

Hi Patti,

Just an FYI, I will be leaving tomorrow for Munich, Germany and returning the following Tuesday, so I will not be around for awhile.
Yes, Direct to Disc would be the Packet writing program, the Mastering program would be Roxio. Yes, Data Disc is what you want. I did not see what optical drive you actually have but you mentioned using DVD-RW discs, so it must be a DVD burner, therefore, DVD-R and DVD+R disc will work just fine for your back ups. There is no harm on using the DVD-RW discs just depends on how you back up data really. Some people back up every day, if that is the case; an external hard drive is the better option.
Some may back up once a week on DVD-RW, then every two weeks burn it to a DVD+/-R for permanent record. Each person has their own idea on what works for them, so hard to say what is the best pattern or style; just depends on the individual.

Best Regards!

God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do and the eyesight to tell the

CD/RW Link

Message Edited by Predator on 05-07-2007 12:58 PM

27 Posts

May 7th, 2007 15:00

Hi Jeff
I have dual drives -- according to my Device Manager -- they are a Sony DVD-ROM DDU1615 and HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H21N.  My original configuration, which I got via a utility on this site, showed this:
DVD+/-RW, 16X, IDE, Philips, Chassis 2005, and
DVD 16X, Hitachi LG Data Storage, Chassis 2005
Not sure why the difference...
Here's what I did this morning.  I used a DVD-RW (the only discs I had on hand, other than some CD-Rs), but did not format it, and used the "Data Disc" program to backup my files.  Worked fine, no errors.  And when I put the disc in my DVD-ROM drive, it was able to read the data fine.  So, this seems to have worked.
Will buy some DVD-R discs as soon as I can get to the store.  Since I am still having issues with the Packet Writing component of my Roxio software, I will switch over the the "Data Disc" program... since it's more reliable anyway.
Question -- when you write that you back up once a week on a DVD-RW, do you use Packet Writing or Mastering Program?  I assume the latter...  Can I reuse DVD-RW discs with the Data Disc program?  If so, how many times do you feel safe reusing a disc before you dump it?
Germany... how exciting!  Have a good trip...

15.3K Posts

May 7th, 2007 21:00

Hi Patti,

I use the Mastering program of Nero at work to erase the DVD-RW or DVD+RW.
Here is the basic steps from the help file:

Using Nero Burning ROM 7 you can not only create CDs and DVDs, but also erase rewritable discs (CD-RWs, DVD+RWs and DVD-RWs). However, you can only do this if you have a recorder which can also write to these types of disc.

1)From the 'Recorder' menu, choose 'Erase Rewritable Disc'.
2)Click on the drop-down list and select the desired recorder or check the 'Use multiple recorders' box if all of the installed recorders are to be selected.
3)Choose the erase method you want by clicking on the button next to the pull-down list and selecting the erase method and speed.
There are two erase methods available: 'quick-erase' and 'full-erase'.

Quick-erase: The data is not erased fully from the disc. Only the references to the contents of the disc are deleted. The disc appears to be empty, although it is not really empty. This means that it is possible for someone else to restore the contents. Do not use this method for discs which contain confidential data. Erasing a disc using this method lasts between 1 and 2 minutes.

Full-erase: All the data is deleted from the disc and cannot be restored. The time needed to erase a disc using this method varies depending on the type of disc.
4)Click on the 'Erase' button. The erase process starts immediately and a dialog box is displayed with information about the status of the process. When the erase process is completed, the dialog box closes and you can write new data to the rewritable disc using Nero Burning ROM 7 or InCD 4. (InCD 4 is the Packet writer so stay with the Mastering program)

So far, I have used the current DVD-RW for about three months, in theory I should be able to reuse it the rest of the year. I may dump it in another month or so. I have had one disc only last 4 burns. Another one I dare say is a year old and I have run her through the ringer, although I would not store anything permanent on it now.
Honestly, since the Data Disc worked, I would not even consider the Packet Writing program again, but your choice my friend.

Best Regards!

God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do and the eyesight to tell the

CD/RW Link

Message Edited by Predator on 05-07-2007 06:18 PM

27 Posts

May 7th, 2007 22:00

This process (Nero) sounds very familiar.  I believe this is how I used to back my data on my old Compaq.  Remember, I had Nero on it.  I remember the "erase re-writable" part...  And when I burned that disc this morning, I got an error message I remember getting with Nero... that some files (3 to be exact) had file/path names that were too long.  Wonder why I never got that error with the Packet Writing program?  Oh well, will have to explore and fix these file names.
Removed Norton, then used their removal tool, and reinstalled today.  Seemed to go OK.... so far.  I haven't tried using the Direct to Disc program, to see if it crashes on "Make Compatible".  But, as you say, why should I?  Data Disc should work fine for me...
Thanks again for all your help.  Have a safe trip...

2.1K Posts

May 12th, 2007 10:00

Sorry that I didn't get back sooner, got a little busy this week…

Record Now is actually a Sonic program. Since Sonic bought Roxio they sell it under the Roxio name. If that isn't confusing the Suites they sell include a mix of both product lines! I only used Record Now for a brief period a few years ago so you may have to dig around a little to find what you need…

The Data Disc option is the one you want to use. You need to set the File System and the Sessions options for successful burning.

The File Name warning is a result of the File System of optical media. My guess is that it has defaulted to Joliet. It did not show up with Direct to Disc because it uses the UDF File System which is the least restrictive.

If you click the little Wrench icon you will see the choices. I prefer UDF, No Bridge but I believe Record Now offers a 'relaxed' Joliet which allows longer file names. (Actually it is the Path Name that is the hang up but they don't use that title) See what you can find in there.

I think Sessions is set in the same area but it is cryptic… They refer to it as Mode and you will have to check the Help files to determine the name for the one that allows you to add more data to the disc latter.

By all means, use the RW media you have to practice and experiment with until you understand the settings and methods of burning. Keep notes on the settings you try so you can repeat the success and avoid the failures.

Optical media is not the same as magnetic media and seem complex in comparison. It is not complex but it is different. We tend to forget how confusing and complex it was when we started out…

27 Posts

May 12th, 2007 11:00

Hi Jim
Actually, it's a little "toolbox" (not a wrench)!  OK, here's what I've got (I've marked what is checked now with "***":
File System:
-ISO+Joliet (106 character file names) ***
-ISO+Joliet+UDF (106 character file names)
-ISO Level 2 (212 character file names)
-Mode 1 ***
-Mode 2XA
-Track at once, open ***
-Track at once, closed
-Disc at once, closed
Advanced Options:
-Volume descriptor information (NOT filled in)
Mastering Options:
-Original date & time ***
-Mastered date & time
-Automatically load appendable discs (***checked)
-Enable disc spanning for data discs (NOT checked)
I fixed the three files with long names.  They were bookmarks, which can be very wordy.  But if there is a way around this issue, it would help me out.
I have done three backups since changing to the Data Disc option.  I actually prefer this method, as I can select all the directories I want to back up and then just walk away and let it do it's thing. 
I didn't have it set to automatically verify.  But I do now.  So the next time around, I hope that part of the process goes OK too.
For the File System -- if I chose ISO+Joliet+UDF, will I still be limited to 106 characters?  What is ISO level 2?
I think my choices under "Type" and "Mastering Options" are OK. 
I checked the Help section to read about Modes.  It's not very clear.  I believe for my purposes, Mode 1 is right.  Mode 2 XA seems to be for Kodak photo finishers, CD Extra or Enhanced CD, and Video CDs.  Actually, in the Help section, they also refer to a Mode 2, which I didn't see listed.  Hmmm...
What do you think about those last two options (Automatically load apendable... and Disc spanning)?  I think I'm OK there.
One last question.  "Disable System Autorun" is checked.  But every time I put a (previously written) data disc in the drive, the system starts to scan the disc (Autorun??).  This seems wrong...
I liked Jeff's method, alternating between DVD-RW and DVD-R.  I found the "erase disc" function in the Roxio program.  How do you feel about reusing DVD-RWs, using the Data Disc option?
Thank you for all your feedback...

Message Edited by pmikkelsen on 05-12-2007 08:09 AM

2.1K Posts

May 13th, 2007 10:00

The RecordNow software is a simplified product that does not off a full range of options to the user. There has been a tendency to dumb down burning software as users only want to burn, and not learn…

Mode 1 is what you want to use.

You may want to try the ISO Level 2 and see what results…

You do not want to ever use Disc Spanning! This sort of voodoo often results in a nice set of burned discs that are not recoverable!!!

All RW media is life limited. I have had them fail after 3 uses while others exceeded 100 uses. The average was 50 uses but all fail and usually do not give any warning…

Quality brand DVD R media is available for 30¢ to 35¢. A postage stamp costs 39¢, is your data worth the price of a stamp or two?

27 Posts

May 14th, 2007 02:00

Thanks Jim
A stamp may be 39 cents to you... but that's US dollars.  Up here, that's a couple bucks... ;-)  just kidding.  Of course, my data is worth the cost.  I'll get some discs this week.  Also, will stay away from disc spanning.  Luckily, I don't have nearly enough data to fill one DVD yet...
While we are on the subject of burning, I have one more question.  What is the best way to make a music CD?  I ask because a few times, I've made CDs (I think I used Disc Copy), and found that they play fine in my home player, if I start and track one and play through.  But if I try to select a track in the middle, the player can't find it.  Did I do something wrong... or is it just my ancient CD player?
Thanks again for all your help...

27 Posts

May 18th, 2007 03:00

Hey Jim
Can you recommend a brand of DVD-R?  Are they all pretty much the same, or are some better than others?  Also... what do you think about those double layer disks?  Are they as reliable as the standard DVD-R?  I think my drive supports them.  According to my system information, it's a HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H21N.
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