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This post is more than 5 years old


February 7th, 2008 18:00

Time for me to say Goodbye

I have already posted this on the VIP board but the CD/DVD board has been my home away from home for almost 10 years so I will at least drop a note here.
I will be leaving the forum as of Friday the 8th, 2008. I have had a wonderful time and met some truly nice people.
I want to thank two of our Regulars and my friends that have worked this board with me for the last 7 years almost everyday; John~Osprey4 and Mike~Skybird. These two gentlemen are simply fantastic and I leave you in excellent hands, could not have done this without them.
Also we have others to drop in from time to time and give us a helping hand on this board, Jim, Jack, Dale, Bev, Dave, Steve(s), Ron(s), John, Peter, Europa to name just few.
Cannot forget our Moderators, sorry still not use to “Liaison”:
Cody, Stephen, BillB, Dennis, ChrisM, ChrisB, Robert, Gina, Todd, Jesse, Jimmy, Joanne, Michael and Elsbeth .
It has been an honor and privilege to know these people.

I wish you all well and God Bless !!


God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do and the eyesight to tell the

CD/RW Link
Message Edited by Predator on 02-08-2008 04:08 PM

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 7th, 2008 19:00



I speak for any one of the literally thousands of users whom you have helped over the years to resolve problems on this board. I honestly can not envision how we will function without your wisdom and dedication. I take comfort in knowing you leave the boards in the capable hands of Skybird, osprey4, Dennis, et al. You have a standing open invitation to return and resume right where you left off at any time in the future. So long for now, my friend.

501 Posts

February 8th, 2008 15:00


Where do you think you're going ? You're not bowing out and sticking me with the "old man of the forums" title are you ? Gosh Jeff has it really been 10 years that we've been roaming these boards ? It just seems like yesterday that the hottest thread in the forums was the ole "toilet paper thread".

In all seriousness I wish you and your family the best in all you do. It's been a great ride friend, take care.


165 Posts

February 8th, 2008 19:00



   "All good things come to an end" That is not true, for

I am sure whatever you do will be good.

   You will be missed by all. Good luck to you and yours



216 Posts

February 8th, 2008 19:00


What can I say my friend; you most definately will be missed by all who have come to know you and your expertise on these boards. It will be a sad day for the Dell forums, but you've earned a well deserved rest/retirement. All those you mentioned are very capable and they were a great deal of help when I got my first puter and burner.

My prayers go with you and Deb as you leave. Fairwell and God bless.



1.5K Posts

February 8th, 2008 19:00

Farewell my friend...  My crystal ball says you'll return again in a few days after some deep thoughts.  However, it also told me last week that I'd hit a Massachusetts lottery, lol...


But whatever you decide, good health and best wishes.....

70 Posts

February 8th, 2008 22:00


I have been reading your posts long before i became a dell forum member. I admire your good sense of humour, humility and most of all your undying support to all folks that needs your attention. Dell forum readers will surely miss one of the good contributors this day. I would rather say cheers to your new selected carrier and path, good health and may you have all the wonderful blessings a person may have.

Take Care.


2K Posts

February 8th, 2008 22:00

I don't know the reason you are leaving Jeff, but it is your decision and I respect that. There must be some tide turning, or movement of the planets that caused this to happen. I stopped coming here a lot because they stripped away over 2,000 posts from my total count during an update.


In that case, I did not feel needed, so I turned all responsibilities to the regular posters. If I need help, I don't come here except as a last resort, because Google gets me an answer faster.


Also, I do not know if you were feeling underappreciated here or not, but if that's the case, I don't blame you for leaving. (I don't blame you no matter the reason)


I remember when I first started here, I said things that made a lot of people mad at me. I was new to computers and did not know forum etiquette as well. But I learned a lot. I do regret starting off on the wrong foot, because maybe I could have made friends here sooner.


Anyhoo, enough about me. You take care, Predator, and I hope you are alive and well for many, many more years. You are a major contributor to this forum.:smileyhappy:

15.3K Posts

February 9th, 2008 03:00

Thank you for such kind words, it has been a pleasure.
Elmer is right, I have another path I must follow.

I wish you well.

God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do
and the eyesight to tell the difference.

CD/RW Link

139 Posts

February 9th, 2008 05:00

Jeff, I know it's been a while but I just got back to the forum this evening. What a surprised I found in your 'Closing' message... I for one have ALWAYS been in your debt. You have helped me and Thousands of Forum members with your vast knowledge of CD/DVD's... To me, you are simply a plythera of knowledge and one that just cannot be replaced or compared to. NOT to belittle the others who are always willing to help out the struggling and lost members who seek help on this venue... I can realize your leaving MUST have been a very difficult decision for you and I also respect the fact that you choose to inform the forum of your decision....

I think I can safely say, not only for myself but MANY, the VERY BEST to YOU and your Family in any and ALL your future endevors that you are now to partake in. My, other than the obvious, regret is that 'I' was not able even to come close to give back to YOU a tiny drop of what you have freely offered to ALL others for many years. Your devotion and unselfishness MUST be stamped or burned into the next Dell computer I purchase or I will jump ship... (never thought I'd say that)... Good Luck and again BEST WISHES to you and yours... YOU will be surely missed....  Art Caldwell

Message Edited by ArtC on 02-09-2008 01:20 AM

2 Intern


129 Posts

February 9th, 2008 18:00

What can I say that hasn't been said? You've been an invaluable asset to these forums for years, sharing your incredible wealth of knowledge and infectious good cheer. You've also been a kind and caring friend.


Like many of the 'old timers' I don't get in here as much as I used to. Still, there's no question you will be sorely missed.


I pray for your peace and good health, my friend.





2.1K Posts

February 10th, 2008 10:00

Jeff: It has been an Honor and a Privilege to know you!

35 Posts

February 11th, 2008 00:00



You have been a true help and a great online friend over the years you have helped me and many others. May God Bless you in whatever endeavors you undertake!



38 Posts

February 11th, 2008 18:00

I don't frequent the place like I used to.  Sorry for being a little late.

I want to wish you the best of luck and I hate to see ya go!
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