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January 12th, 2010 10:00

How do I find out what Servers ECC is supported on?

We are going to buy a new Server to put ECC 6.1 on.  I was thinking I could go to th E-Lab Navigator and put in EMC Control Center under Server  >  Software and it would tell me the platforms that it would run on.  But ECC doesn't seem to appear in E-Lab Navigator.  Am I missing something?


How do I find out what Servers are supported, memories, storage, CPU, etc.?

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

January 12th, 2010 10:00

Did you have a chance to look at document called "ControlCenter 6.1 Planning and Installation Guide Volume1" ?

14 Posts

January 12th, 2010 10:00

The ControlCenter Support Matrix lists the operating systems that ControlCenter is supported to run on.

As for the resource configuration required for a ControlCenter server, refer to the ControlCenter Performance & Scalability Guidelines document.  The number of servers required depends on the size of your storage environment.  In general, a server must have a minimum rating of 61 and at least two physical multi-core CPUs.

Both of these documents are available for download from Powerlink.

My suggestion is that you work with your EMC account team (specifically, the Technology Consultant) and have them assist with determining the optimal server configuration for your environment.

14 Posts

January 12th, 2010 10:00

ControlCenter 6.1 has beenn rebranded under the Ionix family name.  So, all documentation for ControlCenter 6.1 is available at the following path on Powerlink:

Support > Technical Documentation and Advisories > Software ~ E-I ~ Documentation > Ionix Family > Ionix for Storage Resource Management > Ionix ControlCenter > 6.1.x & Service Packs

From that page, download and install the 'Ionix ControlCenter 6.1 Documentation Library Updater'.  This utility will provide you with all the current ControlCenter documentation.

63 Posts

January 12th, 2010 10:00

I did.  It says to refer to the Control Center 6.1 Support Matrix on PowerLink.  Apparently they have their own Manual for this.  I'm currently looking for that.  I can find the ECC 6.0 Support Matrix, but not the 6.1 Support Matrix.

63 Posts

January 12th, 2010 12:00

So, I found the ECC manuals under "Ionix" (That was confusing!) and I read the ECC Support Matrix, which says, pretty much that only W2K and W2K3 versions (32- and 64-bit).  W2K8 is ONLY supported for some Agents.  Not Infrastructure.  Then if you want to know how much RAM and disk space you need, you have to go to the ECC Performance and Scalability Guidelines manual (75 pages) and go through a bunch of tables there.  It's a lot of work!

Thanks for your help!

    Stuart Abramson

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