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October 2nd, 2008 11:00

Snap volumes in DMX

While creating snaps it was asking me to create the vdev with the same size as original volumes.Is n't snap uses the very less space and uses Savvol for all the data to store? am i doing something incorrect?Please advise.

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 3rd, 2008 06:00

If you need 4 different snaps for a single "real" device, you need 4 vdevs. You guessed right ;-)

When it comes to savedev size .. We have guidelines that request a little analysis of your actual environment.

You need to know the "change rate" of your devices .. % of data that changes in a single day. You can use our symchg (deltamark) tool to find how many tracks changes on your DMX devices.
Now, having already found what's the % of data that changes in a day, do a simple math ...

SAVEpool-size=REAL-data-size * %changerate * number-of-sessions * expected-life-of-snaps

If you have 1 Tb of data and your changerate is 5% (low change rate) and want to keep 2 different snaps for at least 4 days, your SAVEpool size is

SAVEpool-size = 1024 * 0.05 * 2 * 4 = 409.6 Gb

Obviously you can always add more space, just to have room in case of errors or unpredictable changes on your devices.

Now you have the total size of your SAVE pool. Simply divide by the number of devices you can create (and this is the hardest part of the task). Try to create as less savedevs as possible. If possible, create as many savedevs as your DA boards. However prefer a single big SAVE device against many small devices on the same drive in the backend (just to avoid head contention). SAVE devices tend to be as write intensive as your application .. 2-way-mirror gives you good write performances even on save devices. If your workload isn't that write intensive, you can choose RAID5 3+1 SAVE devices.

2.2K Posts

October 2nd, 2008 12:00

VDEVs are virtual, they don't actually consume disk space. You need to create the same size and number of hypers that you will be snap'ing, and if you are using metas you create metas out of your VDEV hypers that match the source.

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 2nd, 2008 14:00

As Aran already said you create VDEVs with the same size as original volumes .. The code will translate your request in correct vdev size (about 1/600 of real size) but will always report vdev size as original size. This allows you to easily create them (you don't need to do your math before creating vdevs) and easily match them when you want to create snaps of your data.

2 Intern


305 Posts

October 2nd, 2008 16:00

Dear srichev,
I've moved this thread from the Powerlink Lite users forum into the Symmetrix one since you are now registered as a customer and have full access.
Julie Gibson
Forums Admin

130 Posts

October 3rd, 2008 05:00

Thank you Aran and Stefanno for the response.That helps.One more question addition to this.If i am planning to create 4 snaps then i need to create 4 vdevs.Is this correct?
Secondly what is the bedt way to size Savvol,while creating the snaps?

130 Posts

October 4th, 2008 05:00

Can the same Savpool calculation be used while creating an SRDF/A except number of snaps? On the snap side,Is it allowed to have snaps on the R2 volume or do i need to create a BCV for R2 and then perform the Snaps?

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 4th, 2008 10:00

SRDF/A have little if nothing in common with snaps .. You can use symchg to have a rough idea of needed link throughput .. But SRDF/A is a lot far from snaps, IMHO :D

You can't take snaps on the R2 side of SRDF/A replica. As you mentioned, you need to take a PIT copy of your R2 devices (and that's why we have BCV devices) and then take snaps of the BCV device.

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 8th, 2008 12:00

S.E. 6.2 isn't really "brand new" ;-)

However as per primus emc175656, as of 07/23/2008 you can't take snaps of SRDF/A R2 devices.

While it's perfectly legal and supported to take snaps of R2 SRDF/S devices, you can't take snaps of R2 SRDF/A devices.

If you look at table 30, S.E. manual P/N 300-000-877 rev A10, you'll quickly find that "Consistent" isn't listed as an allowed SRDF state while talking about Snaps.

Hope it's clear as mud ;-)

130 Posts

October 8th, 2008 12:00

Refer to this document.This says snapcopy can be created for R2 volume by using an option -rdf -vdev

Refer to the section:Page 4-24

130 Posts

October 9th, 2008 05:00

Thank you but this is what the customer is looking for.He wants SRDF/A between primary and secondary site.In secondary site he would like to have hourly snaps.In case of any corruption with data,failover to R2 side and they woud like to restore it back from the snaps.Advise,If it is possible with SRDF/A.

I couldn't locate the Primus or the guide mentioned.When i was looking for primus it's taking me back to this chain.

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2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 9th, 2008 06:00

Thank you but this is what the customer is looking
for.He wants SRDF/A between primary and secondary
site.In secondary site he would like to have hourly
snaps.In case of any corruption with data,failover to
R2 side and they woud like to restore it back from
the snaps.Advise,If it is possible with SRDF/A.

You need a BCV to decouple SRDF/A writes against R2 devices and SNAP devices. But you need to terminate snaps before establishing BCV again .. Why don't you use clones ?? Hourly clones instead of hourly snaps .. :D

I couldn't locate the Primus or the guide
mentioned.When i was looking for primus it's taking
me back to this chain.

Probably a temporary issue .. or a browser issue .. Unfortunatly we can't paste primuses (since they may change at any time)
I usually search primuses dropping their name in the "quick knowledgebase search" applet, choosing to limit search in Support Solutions ...
You can find manuals following this "path" ..

Home > Support > Technical Documentation and Advisories > Software ~ S ~ Documentation > Solutions Enabler > General Reference

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Stefano Del Corno

130 Posts

October 9th, 2008 06:00

Hourly BCV/Clones makes sense but lot n't it?We have snaps on the R1 side hourly basis(in case of somethig happens we can go back to an hour) but they want that functionality transferred to R2 side.

Also you answered my other question.Snaping to the BCVs needs to be terminated so it's of no use and it seems there is no way to keep hourly snaps on R2 except making additional BCV/clones.If i understand correctly since there is a lag of time between R1 and R2 we couldn't get a consistent PIT on R2 so no snaps.

Thank you for your help.

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 9th, 2008 07:00

Hourly BCV/Clones makes sense but lot n't

You have options .. however it's hard to give directions from behind my LCD display .. :D
You can use "slow" RAID5 7+1 devices as clone target (thus "wasting" less space). However note that slow clones may keep tracks locked in cache (waiting to be copied from SRC to TGT) thus slowing down SRDF/A cycles (and putting more pressure on R2 and R1 cache). Use "slow" 7+1 devices only if your application on R1 side isn't writing heavily. As a rule of thumb, if you have RAID5 R2 devices, you can use similar target devices.

If i understand
correctly since there is a lag of time between R1 and
R2 we couldn't get a consistent PIT on R2 so no

I suspect it's something very different .. The main issue here is that R2 is updated in "bursts" (when the R2 side receives a complete "cycle"). But when you receive a complete cycle, you need to apply it to R2 devices ASAP. Snaps forces the storage to move tracks from SRC to TGT before staging writes and I suspect that's the point that hurts SRDF/A ;-) .. It's almost the same issue I mentioned before with clones, with an added twist.. :D
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