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This post is more than 5 years old


December 23rd, 2013 07:00

Venue 11 pro bay trail- windows button crashes the system

I'm loving my venue 11 pro so far, but when I tap the windows button/icon below the screen it doesn't go to the start screen. Instead, it instantly crashes the system without restarting. I have to completely boot it up again and its really annoying. Anyone else have this problem?

December 23rd, 2013 10:00

Called customer service, and they hadn't had any problems like this before, and no fix was found, so they're sending me a new one.

828 Posts

December 23rd, 2013 10:00

That is very odd - something I've never seen before either.   Did it do this out of the box or after something else happened?   What happens if you swipe in from the side and hit the "soft" windows button?   Same thing or no?

December 23rd, 2013 12:00

Everything on the tablet works perfectly normal-hardware and software, except the above problem. I can access the start screen by tapping the bottom left corner start menu button, or by swiping in from the right and tapping that one. The third option as far as I know is tapping the physical windows logo below the screen. When I do this though, the tablet crashes. The screen goes blank and it's powered off. It's not like a blue screen or anything. Just instantly the tablet is off and needs to be booted up again.

And yeah it's been like that since I took it out of the box yesterday. I've only seen it work like twice, the rest of the time it just crashes. So, I've been avoiding accidentally touching the logo and just accessing the start screen the other two ways.

828 Posts

December 23rd, 2013 13:00

That definitely sounds like some sort of short or something.  If you can friend me and then send me a PM with your service tag and DPS number, I'll capture that unit to our F/A lab to figure out what is going on.


2 Posts

February 18th, 2014 21:00

I'm having the same problem, although in the beginning, the start button worked fine.  Now it just makes the vibrate sound and nothing happens.  I can still turn it on with the on/off button on top, or swiping from the right, etc. 

It seems like I must have bumped the wrong setting somewhere and now it's been de-activated.


2 Posts

February 20th, 2014 13:00

Update:  Turns out I did hit the wrong setting.  I made some adjustments under the accessibility menu and that caused my problems.  When I went back to the default settings, everything is working fine.

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