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January 15th, 2013 14:00

Symmetrix FA queue depth buckets

Looking at WLA/SPA/Unisphere, etc does anybody what the range depth is for the each of the buckets? 

When you look at the help guide it says that "bucket #2" means a depth of 5-9 (for open systems), since the queue depth buckets go from 0-9 what are the ranges for the other ones.  I've not been able to find it documented anywhere, all I can say is more I/O's falling into the larger bucket numbers is bad but I'd like to know "how" bad it is as I have no real sense of scale between the different ranges.

1.3K Posts

January 15th, 2013 15:00


1.3K Posts

January 15th, 2013 15:00

2 – Each bucket represents a range of queue depths seen when an item is added to the
3 – Two counters are maintained for each bucket
queue depth count – Number of events when the queue is within this bucket’s range
accumulated queue depth – The Sum of the Queue Depths when an event enters this
So, when an IO enters the queue (comes from a host to the director) the first thing
checked is the depth of the queue at that moment. Two things happen:
A – The appropriate accumulated queue depth bucket is incremented by the queue depth
value observed.
B – The queue depth count is incremented by 1 (one more IO for this bucket)
For each of the buckets an average queue depth is calculated by dividing the
accumulated queue depth by queue depth count.

26 Posts

January 16th, 2013 06:00

Hi InsaneGeek,

I think the following gives an answer to your question:


The two sets are the “accumulated queue depth” and the “queue depth count”.    On the IO’s arrival, the queue depth is established and this (the number of IOs ahead of this one in the queue) is added to the appropriate accumulated queue depth bucket.    The equivalent bucket in the queue depth count set is incremented by one. From these two sets a third set of equivalent buckets is derived: the "average queue depth" is the "accumulated queue depth" divided by "queue depth count".



46 Posts

January 16th, 2013 07:00

That's what I was looking for thanks!

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