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November 20th, 2009 06:00

Change Celerra IP Address Information

I'm looking for a procedure that outlines the proper steps to change the IP Address Information of an EMC Celerra NS350 NAS. I’m very familiar with the Clariion SAN’s, but not the Celerra product line. From what I’ve read I can’t simply open a web browser and use /setup like you can on the Clarrion’s.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

November 20th, 2009 07:00

How to modify the SP IP Addresses for Proxy ARP implementations with NAS 5.5.30.x (applies only to NS20FC & NS40FC models)

Caution: Changing SP IP Addresses in a Proxy ARP implementation requires rebooting the backend storage array SPs to change their network configuration. Only one SP will be rebooted at a time to make the process as non-disruptive as possible. While the SPs are rebooting, the backend storage array and Celerra system performance will be degraded. The estimated time for the upgrade is 15 minutes.

  1. Download the latest version of clariion_mgmt script:
    Note:  If the system is running NAS 5.5.31, you do not have to download the file. Just use the /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt executable.

  2. Unzip and copy the script to portable media (floppy diskette or CD-ROM). The script must be run on the Control Station.

  3. Insert the portable media into the Control Station.

  4. From Celerra Manager, select Celerras > > Tools > SSH Shell.

  5. From the SSH session, log in to the primary Control Station as nasadmin. Change to the root user by running the following command:
    su root

  6. Mount the media on the Control Station (/sbin/mount /mnt/floppy or /sbin/mount /mnt/cdrom).

  7. Change the working directory to the mount location (cd /mnt/floppy or cd /mnt/cdrom).
  8. Copy the 'new' clariion_mgmt script to the following directories, overwriting the existing version: /nasmcd/sbin and /nas/sbin
    Note:  You must use only the Powerlink version of the clariion_mgmt script when converting a 5.5.30 system from NAT to Proxy ARP
  9. Confirm the current implementation of the system:

    # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -info
    Public IP address for SPA:
    Public IP address for SPB:
    Start on boot           : yes
    Current implementation  : Proxy-ARP
    Status                  : Started

  10. # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -stop
    Checking if running as root...yes
    Checking if model is supported...yes
    Checking for integrated system...yes
    Checking if interface eth3 is configured...yes
    Checking if SP ( is up...yes
    Checking if SP ( is up...yes
    Changing SPA IP from to (subnetmask, gateway
    Waiting for SPA to go down...done
    Waiting for SPA to come back up...............done
    Removing host specific route for SPA
    Removing rules that allow outbound traffic from SPA
    Removing ARP entry for SPA
    Updating /etc/hosts entry for SPA
    Changing SPB IP from to (subnetmask, gateway
    Waiting for SPB to go down...done
    Waiting for SPB to come back up...............done
    Removing host specific route for SPB
    Removing rules that allow outbound traffic from SPB
    Removing ARP entry for SPB
    Updating /etc/hosts entry for SPB
    Updating NAS database with new CLARiiON IP addresses
    Updating NAS cache of CLARiiON password

    Enter the Global CLARiiON account information
    Username: nasadmin
    Password: ********             Retype your response to validate
    Password: ********
    Setting security information for CK200073500354
    id      = 1
    serial_number       = CK200073500354
    name    = CK200073500354
    acl     = 0

  11. Verify that Proxy ARP is no longer configured:

    # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -info
    Error 12: Not configured

  12. Reconfigure the system for Proxy ARP using the new SP IP addresses:

    # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -start -spa_ip -spb_ip -use_proxy_arp
    Checking if running as root...yes
    Checking if model is supported...yes
    Checking for integrated system...yes
    Checking if interface eth3 is configured...yes
    Checking if interface eth3:1 is
    Checking if interface eth3:2 is
    Checking if SP ( is up...yes
    Checking if SP ( is up...yes
    Checking if a gateway is setup for eth3...yes
    Adding host specific route for SPA
    Adding rules to allow outbound traffic from SPA
    Adding ARP entry for SPA
    Updating /etc/hosts entry for SPA
    Changing SPA IP from to (subnetmask, gateway
    Waiting for SPA to go down...done
    Waiting for SPA to come back up.................done
    Adding host specific route for SPB
    Adding rules to allow outbound traffic from SPB
    Adding ARP entry for SPB
    Updating /etc/hosts entry for SPB
    Changing SPB IP from to (subnetmask, gateway
    Waiting for SPB to go down...done
    Waiting for SPB to come back up.................done
    Updating NAS database with new CLARiiON IP addresses
    Updating NAS cache of CLARiiON password

    Enter the Global CLARiiON account information
    Username: nasadmin
    Password: ********             Retype your response to validate
    Password: ********
    Setting security information for CK200073500354
    id      = 1
    serial_number       = CK200073500354
    name    = CK200073500354
    acl     = 0
    Discovering storage (may take several minutes)
    Error 5017: storage health check failed
    CK200073500354 write cache disabled
    /nas/bin/nas_storage -check CK200073500354 failed! You will have to run this manually!

  13. Re-check for the new configured SP IP Addresses

    # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -info
    Public IP address for SPA:
    Public IP address for SPB:
    Start on boot           : yes
    Current implementation  : Proxy-ARP
    Status                  : Started

Important additional information

After changing the IP addresses, the following errors may occur when the script runs the nas_storage -check -all command:

  • Error 3502: Storage API code=3057: SYMAPI_C_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS
    The ip address provided is not valid

    Solution & Additional Steps Required:

    1) Run the /nas/bin/nas_storage -modify id=x -network -spa -spb command to update the SYMAPI DB with the new IP addresses of the SPs, then rerun the nas_storage -check -all command.

    2) Then update the local CLARiiON security cache files on the Celerra Control Station by running nas_storage -modify id=x -security

  • Error 5017: storage health check failed
    CK20007350xxx  write cache disabled

    Solution: After rebooting the SPs, the SPS will be recharged. The write cache remains disabled until the SPS is fully charged and operational. Please wait at least 30 minutes before running nas_storage -check -all again.

!!!!    In any case, after the nas_storage -check -all  command is successful, update the CLARiiON security cache login information the Celerra uses to authenticate with by running the nas_storage -modify id=x -security command and enter the Clariion Domain security username and password  !!!!

How to modify the SP IP Addresses for Proxy ARP implementations with NAS 5.5.31.x (applies to all NS20/NS40,NS20FC/NS40FC systems)

Beginning with NAS code 5.5.31, all new installs of NS20, NS40 and the FC models, will be converted to Proxy ARP during the CSA configuration process. For NAS code 5.5.31 it is not necessary to download the clariion_mgmt script as described above. In this code version please use the -modify option to change the IP address. There is also no need to run clariion_mgmt -stop before changing the IP address.

# /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -modify -spa_ip -spb_ip
Checking if running as root...yes
Checking if model is supported...yes
Checking for integrated system...yes
Checking if interface eth3 is configured...yes
Checking if interface eth3:1 is
Checking if interface eth3:2 is
Checking if SP ( is up...yes
Checking if SP ( is up...yes
Checking if a gateway is setup for eth3...yes
Step 1/7: Setting up Proxy ARP for SPA on Control Station
Adding host specific route for SPA
Adding rules to allow outbound traffic from SPA
Adding ARP entry for SPA
Updating /etc/hosts entry for SPA
Step 2/7: Changing SPA IP address.
Changing SPA IP from to (subnetmask, gateway
Step 3/7: Waiting for SPA to reboot.
Waiting for SPA to go down...done
Step 4/7: Waiting for SPA to boot up.
Waiting for SPA to come back up...done
Step 5/7: Waiting for CLARiiON software to start on SPA.
Waiting for CLARiiON software to start on SPA..................done
Step 6/7: Removing old Proxy ARP setup for SPA on Control Station
Removing host specific route for SPA
Removing rules that allow outbound traffic from SPA
Removing ARP entry for SPA
Step 7/7: Updating NAS database with SPA IP address
Updating SYMAPI database with new CLARiiON IP addresses...done


In any case of error, read the "Important additional information" section above.

How to modify the SP IP Addresses for NAT implementations (for NAS code 5.5.30 on the NS20/NS40 platforms, though NAT could still be running on systems upgraded from NAS code 5.5.30)

  1. Download the latest version of the script from:

    Note:  If running NAS 5.5.31 code or later, you do not need to download the file separately.  Use /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt.

  2. Unzip and copy the script to portable media (floppy diskette or CD-ROM). The script must be run on the Control Station.

  3. Insert the portable media into the Control Station.

  4. From Celerra Manager, select Celerras > > Tools > SSH Shell.

  5. From the SSH session, log in to the primary Control Station as nasadmin. Change to the root user by entering the following command:

    su root

  6. Mount the media on the control station (/sbin/mount /mnt/floppy or /sbin/mount /mnt/cdrom).

  7. Change working directory to the mount location (cd /mnt/floppy or cd /mnt/cdrom).

  8. Confirm the current implementation of the system:

    # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt –info

    Public IP address for SPA:
    Public IP adress for SPB:
    Start on boot           : yes
    Current implementation  : NAT
    Status                  : Started

  9. Stop the NAT Configuration:

    # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -stop
    Checking if running as root...yes
    Checking if model is supported...yes
    Checking for integrated system...yes
    Checking if interface eth3 is configured...yes
    Checking if interface eth3:1 is configured...yes
    Checking if interface eth3:2 is configured...yes
    Checking if SP ( is up...yes
    Checking if SP ( is up...yes
    Removing network alias eth3:1...done
    Removing network alias eth3:2...done

  10. Re-check if NAT is not configured:

    #/nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -info
    Error 12: Not configured

  11. Restart NAT with new SP IP addresses:

    # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -start -spa_ip -spb_ip
    Checkking if running as root...yes
    Checking if model is supported...yes
    Checkng for integrated system...yes
    Checking if interface eth3 is configured...yes
    Checking if interface eth3:1 is
    Checking if interface eth3:2 is
    Checking if SP ( is up...yes
    Checking if SP ( is up...yes
    Removing network alias eth3:1...done
    Removing network alias eth3:2...done
    Creating network alias eth3:1...done
    Creating network alias eth3:2...done

  12. Recheck for the new configured SP IP addresses:

    # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -info
    Public IP address for SPA:
    Public IP address for SPB:
    Start on boot           : yes
    Current implementation  : NAT
    Status                  : Started

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

November 20th, 2009 06:00


you will need to run this command, replace 128.221.x with your ip addresses. Make sure Control station is configured for that network first and then run the command.

/nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -start -spa_ip 128.221.ххх.ххх -spb_ip 128.221.ххх.ххх -use_proxy_arp

November 20th, 2009 07:00

Awesome, that is exactly what I need -- thank you dynamox.

November 20th, 2009 07:00

So, based off what you told me this is what I invision needs done.

  1. Using the Celerra Managaer, select Celerras > >Tools > SSH Shell
  2. Log in to the primary Control Station as nasadmin
  3. Change to the root user: # su root
  4. Confirm the current configuration of the system: # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -info
  5. Stop Clariion Mgmt: # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -stop
  6. Verify that Proxy ARP is no longer configured: # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -info
  7. Reconfigure the system: # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -start -spa_ip -spb_ip -use_proxy_arp
  8. Re-check the current configuration of the system:  # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -info

Should I be concerned about the host file?

Would it hurt to do a re-discover from the Celerra?

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