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This post is more than 5 years old



October 13th, 2013 15:00

Inspiron 530S Locks Up After a Few Keystrokes in Browser - Suspect Virus

Since my wife clicked on a link from an email from someone she trusted and got a display of "Raspberries!" in her IE browser, her 530S locks up after a few (varies) keystrokes in IE.  I changed to Chrome, same result.  There are no error messages.  The computer will restart after a few minutes.  It is even hard to run virus/malware detection software as it will lock up before the scans can be started.  Nevertheless, I have run both McAfee, and its replacement Outpost Security Suite Free as well as several spyware/malware/virus/registry cleaner programs, Uniblue Powersuite(optimizing settings and cleaning up unneeded stuff, and have defraged the drives.  The computer runs Vista SP2, has 4 GB of memory (only uses 3 GB, I understand).  My wife only uses the computer for email in Windows Live Mail and her browser.  There are very few programs that load at startup.  Since it seemed that the "Raspberries!" indicates an infection (or maybe just a warning not to click on such items) and the problem occurred afterward, I am turning to this forum for help even though I see a lot of inquiries are made in the General Hardware section.  Perhaps someone recognizes "Raspberries!" or perhaps someone has some suggestions on a procedure to follow to try to identify/solve the problem.  Thanks in advance.  Chuck 

20.5K Posts

October 13th, 2013 16:00

Hi chuckssite,

I'm not sure why you refer to Outpost Security Suite Free as a McAfee "replacement". By running a registry cleaner and a UniBlue product, you may have compounded the problem.

Nevertheless, my suggestion is to post the required DDS logs on the Malware Removal Forum at SpywareHammer and have the staff trained in malware removal walk you through the diagnostic logs and a cleanup. They do not use remote access but will advise you step-by-step on what you can do. Please do not attempt to run any additional scans, install software, or use any other tools until an analyst can advise you on the next step. Please use the same username there as you have here. Help is free, but you will need to register there and follow the posting instructions. The instructions will inform you of where to download DDS and how to run a scan to post the output information. Don't forget to check your email and click on the link they send you in order to confirm your registration.

41 Posts

October 13th, 2013 18:00

Thanks for your prompt answer.  I'll try your suggestion.  This is to answer your question.  Perhaps I confused you in how I stated the fact that I had been using McAfee for years and decided to go to another malware program.  I decided to put the Outpost Security Suite Free on my two desktop computers and Outpost Security Suite Pro on my laptop which gets the most use.  So, what I was trying to say is that I ran scans by both programs, but McAfee had been removed before the Outpost scan was made.  Most of the other scans were run at separate times.  I don't understand why running programs that are supposed to find problems is a problem in itself.  

I am not literate in computer-speak and do not remember what a DDS log is or how to get it.  Does the SpywareHammer explain that?  It appears that you say that it does.  Is that a better solution than going to Agnitum, maker of Outpost Security Suite?


20.5K Posts

October 13th, 2013 19:00

There is a chance not all of McAfee was removed. That can result in lockups.

 I don't understand why running programs that are supposed to find problems is a problem in itself.  

With more than one anti-virus program on the same computer, there is a chance for conflicts if a virus gets on the machine.  Each of the anti-virus programs wants to "control" the situation and in some cases, the task of removing the virus does not get done at all.
You will also experience slowdown as each is trying to run in realtime, and you run the risk of data loss from a system crash that the instability can cause. That is different from running one anti-virus along with something like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

do not remember what a DDS log is or how to get it.  Does the SpywareHammer explain that?  It appears that you say that it does.
Yes, the instructions are HERE, but you will need to be registered to post your logs.

 Is that a better solution than going to Agnitum, maker of Outpost Security Suite?
That is up to you. However, it does not appear that Agnitum has trained security analysts who handle malware removal one-on-one. SpywareHammer does and will have you work with one person. It won't be a "try this-try that" forum with many people guessing at what to do. A staff member at SpywareHammer will walk you through a procedure. If you have questions ask your helper. You will be in good hands there.

41 Posts

October 24th, 2013 22:00

Just a question about your suggestion to go to SpywareHammer.  I registered there on Oct. 13 and got an email that said, "Before you can login and start using the forum, your request will be reviewed and approved. When this happens, you will receive another email from this address."  It has been nearly two weeks and I haven't heard from them with the approval.  I haven't actually made a "request" except to get registered.  Is it normal to take this long or am I supposed to do something else?  What kind of a "review" do they do to approve me to ask them for help?  I was thinking of trying to repair Vista, but haven't done anything based on your reply, but I am in limbo at this point.

20.5K Posts

October 25th, 2013 05:00

Approval is usually done within 24 hours. Most of the time if they know you have posted at Dell, those registrations are approved within minutes.

Edit: I just did a member search, and it appears that you were registered and approved on 10-13-2013.

20.5K Posts

October 25th, 2013 15:00

41 Posts

October 25th, 2013 23:00

I was able to get on the site, but I think I was listed as "guest."  But that was when I registered and read the various articles for beginners.  I never received the email saying that I was accepted.  I will try to log in and submit the info over the weekend when I have some time.  Thanks for following through for me.  

41 Posts

October 29th, 2013 13:00

I posted today to SpywareHammer.  Another subject for this string;  It says to click the green button if the topic has been solved.  I don't see a green button.  I know that I have done so for past posts, but where is the green button located?

20.5K Posts

October 29th, 2013 17:00

 It says to click the green button if the topic has been solved.  I don't see a green button.  I know that I have done so for past posts, but where is the green button located?
  Dell recently made some software changes to its forums. If you don't see a green button, your topic was logged as a discussion rather than a question. Therefore, you have no green button. Ignore.

41 Posts

October 30th, 2013 20:00

Thanks.  I posted another question regarding this same computer yesterday, and saw the green button on the reply.  Thought I was losing my mind along with the green button.  By the way, that problem may be that the CMOS battery was bad or not seated properly although I replaced it a year or so ago because the BIOS was reverting to Jan. 2007 every time we had a power failure in our home.  Could that, by any chance, be causing the problems that I attribute to malware or virus?  I don't think the timing is parallel for the two problems.  The suspected virus is only a couple of months old; the battery and BIOS problem is a year or two old.  My present plan is to work with SpywareHammer to solve this problem and then check the battery later.   Chuck

20.5K Posts

October 30th, 2013 21:00

By the way, that problem may be that the CMOS battery was bad or not seated properly although I replaced it a year or so ago because the BIOS was reverting to Jan. 2007 every time we had a power failure in our home.Could that, by any chance, be causing the problems that I attribute to malware or virus?

You can ask your helper at SH. Mention that when you post your DDS logs. I see that one of the SH Administrators replied to your topic. You are in good hands with him! :emotion-21:,14883.0.html

41 Posts

February 3rd, 2014 17:00

I am going to close this out.  Thanks for your help.  I ran a multitude of tests using suggestions from a patient person at SH.  On one of the tests I was unable to get the required output, and had other things to work on, so SH closed my file.  Sometime in Dec. the computer started acting up, and it became evident that the video card was failing.  After I purchased and installed  a VisionTek 900270 Radeon HD 4350 512MB 64-bit DDR2 PCI Express 2.0 x16 Low Profile Ready Video Card the video problem went away.  But also the problem attributed to malware was also gone.  So, perhaps the failing video card caused the shutdowns reported in this thread.  I don't know.  Many things were tried, but the shutdowns persisted until this repair was made.  I wasn't sure that all was ok, so I decided to try to repair Vista.  The repair failed.  But at least the computer is working properly now.  I'm not sure why the Vista repair failed, but I think I read somewhere that Microsoft does not allow such repairs if the original configuration of the computer has changed so that it does not "look" like the original.  This computer has a new optical drive, a new power supply, a new CMOS battery that may not be working, and this new video card.  Perhaps those changes kept the Vista repair from working.  The computer would not boot into Windows until I reversed the repair.  Then it all worked properly.  So, I'm going to let things be.  Except I'll try to replace the CMOS battery - this may be a problem since it appears the battery release lever in the socket is damaged.  I remember that when I replaced the battery the first time.  I think the battery release lever was damaged at manufacture because I had trouble with it previously, so the battery may not be seated properly.  If that is the case, we may just have to live with the need to reset the time and date every time there is a power failure.  Anyway, we no longer have the problem attributed to malware whatever the solution might have been, but i much appreciate the help given.  

20.5K Posts

February 3rd, 2014 17:00

Thank you for the update. I'll keep my fingers crossed that things continue to go well for you.

NOTE: The issue has been resolved, so this thread is now closed. Everyone else who is having a similar issue, please begin a New Post at the top of the forum.

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