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This post is more than 5 years old


April 18th, 2007 13:00

Loss of Internet after McAfee internet security upgrade - please help

Hello, I am a first-timer here wanting some advice as I am feeling quite stuck. I have a Dell Inspiron laptop running on Microsoft XP version 2002, Service Pack 1, I was recently prompted to update my McAfee Internet Security and ever since I did this I have been unable to access the internet or open my iTunes. Whenever I start up my computer I get the error message wcescomm.exe unable to locate component. The application failed to start because SPORDER.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. What do I need to do to get rid of this message and get my internet back? Will it help if I go into the control panel and remove the McAfee stuff? I only have an older version on CD and am worried about uninstalling as I won't be able to download again without an internet connection. Please advice. I am quite computer literate but when things get too technical I get confused. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

20.5K Posts

April 18th, 2007 13:00

Try installing the file and see if that helps.
Info here:

You should really install XP Service Pack 2, but only after everything is clean and working well.

April 18th, 2007 14:00

Thank you. But without an internet connection how can I download it? I am at work at the moment where I work on a Mac - can I download the file to desktop and burn it onto a CD? I am not really sure how I can save it; would you mind explaining?

121 Posts

April 22nd, 2007 01:00

backup files first on that pc. then
try xp system restore to day prior of update..?(if restore fails its either malware sabotage or drive corruption of data)
 or try in run cmd click ok then black window opens then type in it   netsh winsock reset    then restart. that should get u back online likely. if that dotn work. right click the mcafee M then qucklinks.. reset firewall defaults.
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