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This post is more than 5 years old


August 16th, 2008 22:00

McAfee broke my AVG!

Finally...FINALLY got up the nerve to get rid of McAfee in favor of AVG Free, Spywareblaster and (maybe) IE-SPYAD. I "researched" the best ways to un-McAfee: switched all parts of Security Center OFF, Control Panel to uninstall SC and then downloaded and ran the McAfee removal .exe tool which was not totally successful. Rebooted and now my AVG says I am "missing a .bin file" in my Update Manager and two other protocols are outdated But of course I can't update or re-dowload cuz I'm missing that .bin file. Any help greatly appreciated.

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

August 16th, 2008 22:00

"... ran the McAfee removal .exe tool which was not totally successful. Rebooted and now my AVG says I am "missing a .bin file"


From your wording, it appears that you had installed AVG while you still had your McAfee installed, had an unsuccessful install of McAfee, rebooted, and found AVG wasn't working right.    Am I correct in this order?


If so, AVG should not have been installed while McAfee was still on your system.  


For the sake of anyone wishing to switch antivirus programs, the preferred way:

1) download a removal tool for the old anti-virus, if one is available.

2) download the installer file for the new anti-virus.

3) disconnect your computer from the internet.   (either physically disconnect your ethernet cable, or turn-off your router).

4) uninstall your old anti-virus.

    in the case of McAfee, go to the security center, to disable each of the components there.

    then go to add/remove programs, to remove the McAfee Security Center, as well as any McAfee components showing up there.

    and finally run the McAfee removal tool.

5) install your new anti-virus.

6) reconnect your computer to the internet.

7) update (and configure) your new anti-virus program.


if my interpretation is correct, that you installed AVG while McAfee was still around, then here's what i'd try:

assuming you still have copies of the McAfee removal tool, as well as the AVG installation program,

I'd uninstall AVG, run the McAfee removal tool --- and hopefully it won't have any problem this time [if so, please note the exact error message], and then re-install AVG.

130 Posts

August 17th, 2008 00:00

"You are correct! Had them running side-by-side for months till I got up the nerve. But that is not the problem. I googled AVG and .bin and evidently the immediate world is having the same problem due to corrupted update from AVG. Just an eerie coincidence, I guess. What's even eerier is I activated Windows Defender in the meantime for a little more security. Well, then I try one more dowload of AVG 8.0 from another source and...all h (are you kidding me?) breaks loose! Antivirus 2008 (with the Microsoft-like logo) is screaming that I've got 2532 trojan horses and viruses and all my bank accounts have been transferred to South America! But for $49.45 they might be able to help. Here I am thinking that this is somehow Windows Defender jumping in to save me when a little voice says "Google them...GOOGLE THEM!" Well, as you probably know the whole Antivirus thing is a hoax and I needed Malawarebytes to root it out and kill it. Fun times...and all cuz I just wanted to cut the cord with McAfee. Thanks anyway. Hope to get the new AVG loaded shortly."

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

August 17th, 2008 00:00

very interesting.


yes, "antivirus 2008" is a ROGUE program, and should not be downloaded/installed.   fortunately, as you've already discovered, MalwareBytes AntiMalware (MBAM) can remove this beast.


thanks for the additional (google) info on the avg .bin problem, because I've just encountered another member here who has it as well.


in all likelihood, avg will get things fixed in another day or so.


I've found (via google) one thread that contains an alleged fix.   several people there have tried it, and it seems to be working.  however, i cannot personally vouch for it.   if you wish to proceed/try, at your own risk, that's your prerogative.   but I think waiting the day might be more prudent:

post by nylaker here:


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