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3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts


November 28th, 2015 13:00

Updates 11/28/15 - Palemoon

Pale Moon: Release notes

25.8.1 (2015-11-28)

A small update to address two important issues:

  • Fix for a crash that could occur at random since the update to 25.8.0.
  • Fix for CSP (Content Security Policy) to be more lenient towards the incorrect passing of full URLs with all sorts of parameters in the CSP header, leading to misinterpretation of the header and incorrectly blocking the loading of content.


Update via the internal Updater:   Help / About Pale Moon ; or full downloads:

32-bit version

x64-bit version

Atom Processor [ Win XP compatible] version

2 Intern


2.2K Posts

January 9th, 2016 15:00

Thought I would use an old thread to ask about Pale Moon instead of starting a new one.

When I tried Chrome a few months ago it was pretty straight forward. Got my IE Favorites exported to it with no problems. Is Pale Moon pretty much the same...not sure of all of the nuances and features of these browsers so don't want to mess things up where I can't find when I tried Windows 8.1

I have registered in the Pale Moon forum, but have not received the confirmation email yet. From what I can see there it will be great resource. Outlook is saying it will go basic soon, not sure if that has anything to do with browsers.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

January 9th, 2016 15:00

To a large extent, PaleMoon resembles Firefox --- indeed, it was "forked from Firefox".    The main difference is that PaleMoon is only updated when it's really necessary --- unlike FF, which for several years has committed itself to a "rapid release cycle", releasing a new major version every 6 weeks!   FF has been moving things around, and tinkering a lot... it often seems like "change just for the sake of change", rather than for added features/convenience.

It's been a while since I installed from scratch, but I believe it the installation process will allow you to import your existing bookmarks (and perhaps even cookies??) from IE or FF.

PaleMoon also offers a Profile Migration Tool, to copy your default FF profile --- including all extensions --- to PaleMoon.   I've never tried to use it... but if you need to, see

Most FF extensions work just fine in PaleMoon.   And for those that don't, there are generally great alternatives.   For example, if you use HTTPS Everywhere in FF, you can replace it with Encrypted Web in PaleMoon.   And if you used AdBlock Plus in FF, there are several alternatives for PaleMoon --- my current choice being uBlock Origin.   [If you were not using these, or other, add-ons in FF, I'm not saying you necessarily need them now.]

The tools/options in PaleMoon very closely follow those in FF.   Like any other browser, PaleMoon will offer to make itself your default browser.   If that's what you decide, fine... if not, be sure to tell it NO... and furthermore, NOT to ask you about it again.    You can safely run IE, FF, PaleMoon, Opera, and/or Chrome on the same PC... just set one as your default.

2 Intern


2.2K Posts

January 10th, 2016 06:00

Thanks David, that's all I need to know.


Well actually, I might need to know more. It appears to have imported only some of my Favorites, which Pale Moon lists alphabetically. The site list ends at the letter "F", then it stops with "unsorted bookmarks".. And I elected to have it bring over my MSN home page, which is just a tad too wide to fit the screen. Have no idea if that migration tools will fix these minor quibbles, but will keep studying the info available.

Was able to go to You Tube without being scolded about my old tired browser, IE9. That site and few others that I go to regularly not being happy with IE9 is the reason I am changing browsers. Perhaps the stuttering and stopping on You Tube was due to the old browser, since things seems to be much faster there. Still haven't received a registration confirmation email form Pale Moon, but the site said something about upgrading the forum, so will try again tomorrow.

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