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This post is more than 5 years old


January 22nd, 2006 22:00


Hi, i've been having many problems with my computer lately. Trojan.Vundo seems to be immune to anything i try.  I have NAV and i've used their removal tool. I've used VirtumundoBeGone and Hijackthis. None of these seem to be working. Maybe it is something  I am not doing right. Help appreciated.

47 Posts

January 23rd, 2006 11:00

You may try these Vundo removal instructions as it might be a possible fix to your problem.

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

January 23rd, 2006 13:00

if you have an active trojan vundo infection (which will result in WinFixer popups), then VirutumundoBeGone  should have been  effective against it.   Since you say you've run both VBG and HJT, it would be helpful to us if you posted both of their log files [not here, but] in the HJT forum:

note:  if you had multiple WinFixer infections, some vundo-based but others not, then VBG could remove only the vundo-based version, leaving you with the other type, which would still "appear" to you as WinFixer.

4 Posts

January 23rd, 2006 21:00

yea i've gotten rid of the winfixer popups now but norton keeps saying that the virus is there and it either automatically deletes it or it is unable to access the file. so now half my problem is gone, ( i hope.)

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

January 23rd, 2006 21:00

if you had, and have stopped, vundo-based winfixer popups... and norton is still finding more vundo problems that it can't remove....
did it tell you the file name and location?   based on your description, i wouldn't be surprised that it's finding a "back-up" copy created by System Restore...

4 Posts

January 23rd, 2006 23:00

Yes, i checked this even before and i turned it off and have deleted all the restore points. I did this at the very beginning when i got the removal tool and info about the virus. very confusing!!

4 Posts

January 23rd, 2006 23:00

yes, by the way the files from where norton says its locating the virus are from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Norton Antivirus\Quarantine\Portal\797F2452.tmp ..... so it's saying the virus is still able to work even though i deleted it because it made a backup in my quarantine file?????? It also will not allow me to acces my quarantine file/ repair file

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

January 24th, 2006 13:00

there's a difference between a virus simply "existing" [or being "dormant"], and it actually "working"/running.   I'm not familiar enough with Norton, to say whether its scans its own "quarantine" area.   If so, it may simply be acknowledging the fact that infected files "exist" within the quarantine area...  such files will not "run", and cannot hurt your system any further.
perhaps someone else, with first-hand experience with Norton, can tell you more.
depending on where the file came from, and how badly it was infected, norton may be able to "repair" it, delete it, or "permanently" quarantine it.... as long as it's "locked" in quarantine, you should be safe, even if it refuses to let you delete it from there.
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