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This post is more than 5 years old


October 18th, 2004 16:00

Backing up and restoring W2K Server

I have a Dell PE 6650 with an AR5 add-in Raid card that I want to run 5 on.
I am installing W2K Server (spk 4) and Exchange 5.5. Is it possible to use the built in backup software in W2K to properly do a complete Offline and Online backup of the system? And if so, what are the particular steps that I need to follow for backing up and restoring to a spare 6650 server?

Message Edited by geedeb1 on 10-18-2004 12:44 PM

115 Posts

October 20th, 2004 14:00

One thing I forgot to mention, you can also set your backup to run at a certain time of the day as well. Or use multiple times of the day, with that backed up information sent to the primary server, and also the backup server. Should one server go down, your spare server would keep your network active.

115 Posts

October 20th, 2004 14:00

Depending on the space your server allows for backing up of data, you can set it up to perform backups on a daily basis, bi-daily ( every other day) basis, weekly, which ever you feel the importance of your data should be backed up schedule wise, and moved to removable media once it is backed up, and should the server crash, your backup server should be able to mirror the image of the primary server, and kick in should the primary server fail. This would eliminate down time, and data loss to a minimum. The removable media after your back up is complete, is an important image, should you update/ upgrade your server application and does not function, provides an emergency backup to the previous configuration ( once again less down time).
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