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This post is more than 5 years old



October 7th, 2008 02:00

C++ runtime error on panasonic videocam suite

When I try and start Panasonic video cam suite I get a C++ runtime error on videocam suite.exe. I have reloaded Windows XP SP3 and the abovementioned program and the problem remains. The program runs on my old computer with the same operating sytem (XP SP3)


System- Dimension E520 with 2GB RAM and GeForce 7300LE video card.


Any help would be greatly appreciated

1.7K Posts

October 8th, 2008 15:00

What error are you getting?


Also, have you checked the Panasonic site for an update or patch already?

2 Posts

October 8th, 2008 21:00

Thanks Larry, but yes and I've contacted their support people but they couldn't help, what puzzlws me is that the program works on my other computer with the same operating sytem but isn't a Dell. I've also always had problems with Javascript on this computer as well. Some i've fixed and some I conyinue to tolerate.
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