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This post is more than 5 years old


March 22nd, 2007 10:00

Dimension C521 Vista Image - Send Email Blocked -SMTP - McAfee

THis Vista image supplied by Dell has a bug, I believe to be with the McAfee suite, which  I did not want installed anyway.
Upon setting up mail, I find windows mail, and outlook both unable to send mail to any of my 3 pop3/smtp mail services.  I get the usuall error messages about can't reach outgoing server.
Quite experienced with computers and networks, I see no SMTP request (TCP port 25) leaving this computer.  I can not telnet from this computer to any SMTP port 25, on any mail server.   Everything else works well by the way.
2 days have gone by.  Troubleshooting / web research / etc....I have deinstalled McAfee and still have the problem.  McAfee cleanout utility found at their web site did not zap this bug either.  I believed that McAfee / scan outgoing email intercepts destination tcp port 25 to do its scan.  
  • What else could it be?
Dell has provided me with the Vista restore on a disk partition, but no original MicroSoft Vista OS disk. 
  • I have an email into them asking for the disk.  I will post the results.
The Dell image has the "Free" 30 McAfee trial, so I have the bug.   I have never liked the McAfee stuff.
You can only guess how much fun working with Dell support online was, and how much time I lost.  Their conclusion is that I have an ISP problem.   How do you explain in their language that the problem does not exist on any other machine on this network.  The ISP is fine.  It is only this machine.
Next I did the email support thing.  The reply was sort of generic; that the warranty is only for harware, I have a software problem and can pay for support.  Oh well.
  • Let me know if you find the answer. 
  • Am I the only one with this problem?
This is a c521 AMD processor,  Vista Ultimate, delivered about 28 February.

Message Edited by Buckshaw on 03-22-2007 06:54 AM

3 Posts

March 22nd, 2007 13:00

I am having the exact same problem.  Both Outlook and Window Mail.  My wife only uses e-mail and Word.  So not being able to send e-mail is a BIG problem.
I am using a DELL E1505 laptop with I got at the beginning of March 2007.
Please post any solution.

124 Posts

March 22nd, 2007 13:00

Check the firewall settings. if all still fails, get ride of that Mcafee! :smileyvery-happy: 
 I lasted 20 days with the Norton dell gave me. It is a memory pig and a pain in da booty!!!!
there are better options out there then Mcafee or Norton as you probably well know.
It sounds like it is a firewall/network settings issue tho.

Message Edited by VMBieg on 03-22-2007 09:08 AM

124 Posts

March 22nd, 2007 13:00

Hackers!!! to make money off the fun and games!!!!        :smileyvery-happy:
it might be in Mcafee, if you have windows firewall going and Mcafee has a firewall too Mcafee could be blocking it.
i have seen some people have 2 firewall's working at the same time. That is a big no-no. in your network settings the SMTP port might be turned off also. if that is so you will not be able to use it. Also look for port redirection, if you redirect the SMTP port a lot of times it will not work. Some antivirus installs do this to protect against hackers.

5 Posts

March 22nd, 2007 13:00

Thanks again VMBieg,
McAfee has been deinstalled and a clean with their removal tool attempted.
I disabled Windows firewall, reset it to default, re-enabled, etc ....
You mentioned port redirect or disable in network settings.  I have never found where this would be accomplished in Windows.   Linux and Cisco equipment yes, but not Windows.   Please advise if you have an idea.
I have checked the files in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\    - hosts - network - services - protocol   and nothing unusual threre.
Dell has just sent an email to me.   Gladly sending me an original Vista OS disk.  I expected they would.   Just have to ask the right way.
I have never had any issue with Dell that has not been resolved fairly to satisfaction, I have done a lot of business with them.    Ever try HP?   I have and the whole experience is difficult, although the hardware is very good.
k0bx  - I would love to give you the answer....

5 Posts

March 22nd, 2007 13:00

Thanks for the advice.
I agree, it does sound like a firewall issue.    I looked there.   Set logging on and no hits on incoming or outgoing.  Turned off the firewall, rebooteded etc.  No change.  
I have had better luck with Symantec.  Its just too bad we have to go to these lengths..  Who started this security software industry anyway?

124 Posts

March 23rd, 2007 00:00

Now ya want me to think dang it! i have used tools, a software applet, to enable and disable ports in windows, i think it is done in the registry. i need to do some looking on this. i have not had to do it since Win2K, LOL

5 Posts

March 23rd, 2007 12:00

k0bx - Thanks

Valid point, but I have been there and tried that setting.  After none of the obvious and basics settings worked, I got out the "Network Sniffer", Ethereal.   This is a software app that runs on an external computer on the network.  You set it up to capture all the communication packets between points.  

Set up to look at all traffic entering and leaving the new Dell Vista machine.

I can see and analyze the traffic, there is no tcp port 25 (smtp connection request) traffic leaving the computer. 

I wish my solution would be that easy.  I think McAfee left burried treasure in the registry.  Unless I get a tip before hand, I will do a clean Vista install when the disk arrives from Dell.  This will keep McAfee out and prove or disprove my theory.


3 Posts

March 23rd, 2007 12:00

Message for the Day - Read the Manual!(RTM).
Or should I say Read and understand the error message.  McAfee e-mail error message told me to look at a error log.  The error log told me to go to a SBCGlobal help page on setting-up Outlook.
The problem turned out to be that Outlook needs to have a UserID/password setup for the outgoing SMTP mail in addition to the POP UserID/Password for the incomming POP Mail.  This is the same UserID/Pasword you use for your e-mail and need to be in both places.  Once done, both MS Mail and Outlook worked fine.
  1. Click on the Tools menu in Outlook Express.
  2. Click on Accounts.
  3. Click on the Mail tab.
  4. Select your AT&T Yahoo! email account and click on the Properties button.
  5. Click on the Servers tab.
    1. Verify these settings:
    2. For "My incoming mail server is a ____ server," the field contains POP3.
    • The Incoming mail (POP3) and Outgoing mail (SMTP) fields contain the correct mail server settings.
    • The Account name field contains your full AT&T Yahoo! email address (e.g.,
    • The box next to Log on using Secure Password Authentication is NOT checked.
    • The My server requires authentication box is checked.
    1. Click on the Advanced tab.
    2. Verify these settings:

    I hope this helps someone.  But I have been somewhat disappointed with my new Dell laptop as either the preinstalled software has a problem or it just wants you to buy it.



    3 Posts

    March 23rd, 2007 13:00

    Well I am sorry you are having the problem.  There is always something...another thing that I had to check that was buried in McAfee.
    I had to go to the McAfee firewall and make sure that it allowed full access for Outlook and Mail to go in and out.  That was very hard to find that screen.
    I was ready to uninstall McAfee and install an earlier version that I have on the computer the laptop is replacing.  But I will leave it for now.
    Please let us (the forum) know if you find a solution.

    1 Message

    April 16th, 2007 14:00

    i have same problem...can not send outgoing on all my other computers and blackberry...but does not work on shipped dell w Vista and all this other pre-installed software
    The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Re: Donnys #: , Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
    No Events found!
