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April 26th, 2011 13:00

Downgrading Windows 7 to Windows XP SP2!



Well recently I got my new Dell computer from a friend and it's great, but the person we bought it off installed Windows7 onto it. Because I game Windows 7 is heavy for the CPU, as XP is great for the gaming. But I try to install XP through the disk but it's saying 'Setup cannot continue because the version of Windows on your computer is newer than the version of the CD'. I've spoke to my friend who is good with computers, he said the CD looks fine(I'm not exacly sure if he's right) and he says I need to remove Windows 7 to install windows XP because W7 isn't allowing to install XP. I trust him but I want to make sure.

Thanks, Rasheed Saeed!

I have TeamViewer if people want to make sure if the disk is working, that's fine.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

April 26th, 2011 13:00

You cannot install XP over Windows 7 from Windows 7 ... you must boot to the XP CD in order to install it over Windows 7.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

April 26th, 2011 14:00

If you boot to the XP CD, it doesn't matter what is on the hard drive (in fact, you can boot to your XP CD with NO hard drive installed at all) ... you can simply delete the partitions that Windows 7 is installed on from the XP setup, then install XP on a new, empty partition. 

When you say "I can't" ... can't do what?  What is the problem or error message?

April 26th, 2011 14:00

When restarting the PC, it doesn't show XP  cd I tried pressing F8,F2 to get it started from CD/DVD but it keeps boosting windows 7.

April 26th, 2011 14:00

I can't. That's what I'm saying. My friend has said I would need to delete windows7 all-together to run the CD for XP.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

April 26th, 2011 14:00

The screenshots are all what happen when you try to install XP from Windows 7 ... you can't do that.  You MUST boot to the XP CD.

April 26th, 2011 14:00

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

April 26th, 2011 14:00

Then you will need to make sure of a few things:

  • The CD is in fact bootable (and actually boots) ... try this on another machine.  (Where did the CD come from ... did you or your friend burn it yourself?  How?)
  • Ensure CD/DVD and/or SATA/IDE is on in your system's BIOS (whichever your CD drive is connected to should be set to ON).
  • Ensure that the CD/DVD drive is listed in your BIOS boot order.  On some systems, it is not enough to simply be in the boot order, on some systems you must also enable it in the boot order (enabled devices have a checkmark or star next to it).

On most Dell's, F12 give you a boot menu, giving you a one-time, manually-selected boot device.  Try this and select CD/DVD/Optical drive.

April 26th, 2011 15:00

Hi, well I've tested it out.

  • The CD I've tested on my old laptop. The files started to run and was working, but 15+ seconds later writing came up saying 'Something something, HARDWARE ON THE COMPUTER, VIRUSES, INPUTS' So I'm guessing it was my old Laptop and not the CD. I then ran it on my new computer(the one I'm currently on). 10- Later an error comes up saying' File \i386\KDCOM.dll could not be loaded. The error code is 7'.
  • My friend told BIOS is the brain of computer, so if I mess something up my PC won't work, so I haven't even attempted to try.

That's all I can give out sorry.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

April 26th, 2011 20:00

I'm sorry, but I think you should listen to your "friend" less whe it comes to computers.  I'm not suggesting updating the BIOS (which if it goes bad can mess up your computer - however this is extremely rare).  I was suggesting booting to the BIOS Setup (F2) to check the boot settings to make sure you system is set up to boot to your CD drive.

There seems to be something wrong with your XP CD (assuming you did as I suggested and entered BIOS to check boot settings and/or tried F12 to boot to CD).  It doesn't boot on this computer or on your old laptop.  Did you create/burn this CD youself, or is this a branded (Microsoft/Dell) CD?


April 27th, 2011 07:00

The branded Dell CD. 

I'll look @ F2 and see if I can work around it.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

April 27th, 2011 11:00

Windows 7 DOES not and CAN not prevent the system from booting to bootable media (CD, USB, etc.).  This is only one of three things:

  • Bad CD disk
  • Bad CD drive
  • System not configured properly to boot from CD

April 27th, 2011 11:00

I looked at the BOIS when pressing F2. It seems it can run from the CD/DVD, but still hasn't continued to work. I'm not sure if it's the CD itself or Windows 7 preventing this.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

April 27th, 2011 13:00

Answer: Because of how 7 installs, you need to wipe the drive. The Xp installer will not do it.

2 options I would see here: Get/ borrow a Win7 disk, start the installer, get to the partition part, delete existing partition, do NOT create a new one. Restart with XP media, run your install.

If you do not have Win7 media, download a copy of a simple 'Nix distro like Ubuntu and use the Gparted utility. You can boot from the CD to a RAM disk version "Live mode" of the OS.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

April 27th, 2011 14:00

I'm sorry xan, but there is nothing about how Windows 7 installs that could possibly prevent the system from booting an XP CD and prevent it from deleting the partition(s).  To the author ... go ahead and try it in case that is the portion of your XP disk that is bad, but whether it works or not has nothing to do with the fact that Windows 7 is currently installed.


1 Message

April 27th, 2011 15:00

I'm that friend.

Even @xandraius says the same thing I said



Windows 7 doesn't allow downgrading simple as that

But I made parition for my friend there now he should be ably to install XP on the second partition and than dual boot it!

But now it seems like the CD is maybe damaged he gets a error 7(ironicaly the number 7) or something like that when trying to copy files so ya I'm gone try and help him get a Windows XP version that is working and burn to a CD


P.s I'm trying to help by using teamviewer since I live in a different country it's kinda hard but the only way!

And another thing you shouldn't tell people to play around in there bois settings if the have no experence

Even if the are not flashing there bois people that have no experence with the bois can change a couple of settings with out noticing it them self

and the could getting hardware troubles and stuff like that! I want to do it for him but like I said again I can only help him by using teamviewer


Anyway excuse me for my Bad English, I'm Dutch.


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