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This post is more than 5 years old



February 14th, 2008 00:00

How to remove McAfee process mcinfo.exe?

I uninstalled free McAfee as per their website's instructions, yet a process remains "mcinfo.exe" (with some #'s in front of mcinfo.exe.

I don't know how to remove this, it keeps showing up in my firewall as wanting to access the internet.


12.7K Posts

February 14th, 2008 01:00

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

February 14th, 2008 23:00

Run msconfig, click Startup tab and uncheck mcinfo.exe. Reboot and put check in "Don't show this again" box that appears on rebooting.

Now find the folder containing msinfo.exe and delete the file. If the folder only has mcafee stuff in it, you can probably delete the whole folder.


Message Edited by RoHe on 02-14-2008 05:11 PM

16 Posts

February 14th, 2008 23:00

I neglected to mention in my first post that I had already ran McAfee's removal program twice to no avail; the program showed that it "successfully" completed, yet mcinfo.exe remains in task manager. 
Message Edited by ccud on 02-14-2008 08:04 PM

12.7K Posts

February 14th, 2008 23:00

I would look in msconfig Start Up Tab for an entry that is loading that file and un-tick the box by it.

Message Edited by mombodog on 02-14-2008 07:13 PM

16 Posts

February 15th, 2008 00:00

Mcinfo.exe doesn't appear in MSCONFIG Startup Tab.  But it's definitely running in Task Manager Processes. 


On the McAfee Forum someone with this problem was able to remove mcinfo.exe via examining and modifying the REGISTRY.    Something about deleting the msci key from the registry:


Help! 20069120291_mcinfo.exe remains after uninstall - McAfee Support Forums


I've no experience with the REGISTRY at all, and there is a disclaimer wherever instructions are given on how to use it.


McAfee came bundled with my DELL puter when it was new, therefore running PC restore won't remove McAfee.


I would appreciate any help -thanks.


Message Edited by ccud on 02-14-2008 09:48 PM
Message Edited by ccud on 02-14-2008 09:49 PM
Message Edited by ccud on 02-14-2008 09:50 PM

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

February 15th, 2008 01:00

I also found on another forum, there is a NASTY called mcinfo.exe It seems to be a product of a possible BHO. If the solutions below don't work, you make have to ask for help here.


One person suggested running this program


Please download TheKillbox from here:

Unzip the file , Find and open the killbox folder, then double-click on Killbox.exe to run it. In the "Paste Full Path of File to Delete" box


The person finally removed it this way


- start in Runsafe mode
- open HijackThis.exe (good to still know some DOS)
- scan, inspect log, trace Applinit and BHO
- close HijackThis.exe
- open Killbox.exe
- insert the *.DLL file from the BHO and the Applinit
- Delete upon reboot
And then they were gone. I hope it stays like that

1.7K Posts

February 15th, 2008 12:00

Your problem is you need to stop the process from running first. CTRL-ALT-DEL and under processes, close the McAfee processes. Unistall the program Then if needed, do the removal tool.  Then delete the folders.
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